Instruments and controls -> Warning lights, indicator lights and audible reminders for Your Nissan Juke SUV 2020

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) warning  
Seat belt (driver and front passenger)  
warning light  
Hill Start Assist (HSA) indicator light*  
High beam indicator light  
Rear fog light indicator light*  
Side light indicator light  
Brake warning light  
Non-electric parking brake system  
warning light  
Supplemental Restraint System (SRS)  
air bag warning light  
Charge warning light  
Automatic brake hold indicator light*  
Dipped beam indicator light  
Door lock indicator light**  
Electric Parking brake warning light*  
Electric Power Steering warning light  
Engine oil pressure light  
Slip indicator light*  
Electronic Stability Programme (ESP)  
OFF indicator light  
Stop/Start System indicator light*  
Intelligent Emergency Braking (IEB)  
system* warning light*  
Front fog light indicator light  
Turn signal/hazard indicator lights  
Low tyre pressure warning light*  
Malfunction indicator light (orange)  
Master warning light  
Front passenger air bag status  
lights*, **  
High beam assist indicator light*  
*: where fitted  
**: located below heater and air conditioner controls  
54 Instruments and controls  
checked at  
a NISSAN dealer or qualified  
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)  
warning light  
When the ignition is placed in the ON position, the  
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) warning light illumi-  
nates and then turns off. This indicates the ABS is  
With all doors closed, apply the parking brake, fas-  
ten the seat belts and place the ignition in the ON  
position without starting the engine. The following  
lights (where fitted) will illuminate:  
When the ignition is placed in the ON position, the  
light remains illuminated for a few seconds. If the  
light illuminates at any other time, it may indicate  
that the brake system is not functioning properly. If  
the BRAKE warning light illuminates, stop the ve-  
hicle immediately and contact a NISSAN dealer or  
qualified workshop.  
If the ABS warning light illuminates while the engine  
is running, or while driving, it may indicate the ABS  
is not functioning properly. Have the system  
checked by a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop.  
The following lights (where fitted) come on briefly  
and then go off:  
If any light fails to come on, it may indicate a burned-  
out bulb or an open circuit in the electrical system.  
Have the system checked, and repaired promptly  
by a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop.  
If an ABS malfunction occurs, the anti-lock function  
is turned off. The brake system then operates nor-  
mally, but without anti-lock assistance (see “Brake  
system” in the “5. Starting and driving” section).  
Low brake fluid warning light:  
When the ignition is in the ON position, the light  
warns of a low brake fluid level. If the light illumi-  
nates while the ignition is in the ON position with  
the parking brake not applied, stop the vehicle and  
perform the following steps:  
Some indicators and warnings are also displayed in  
the vehicle information display between the speed-  
ometer and tachometer see “Vehicle information  
display” later in this section.  
BRAKE warning light (red)  
1. Check the brake fluid level. If brake fluid level is  
low, add fluid and have the system checked by a  
NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop. See “Brake  
and clutch fluid” in the “8. Maintenance and  
do-it-yourself” section.  
Your brake system may not be working prop-  
erly if the warning light is on. Driving could be  
dangerous. Even if you judge the brake sys-  
tem to be safe, drive carefully to the nearest  
service station for repairs. Otherwise, have  
your vehicle towed because driving it could be  
light (where fitted), located on  
the centre console below the heater and air con-  
ditioner controls, comes on and stays on depend-  
ing on the front passenger air bag switch posi-  
2. If the brake fluid level is correct, have the warning  
system checked by a NISSAN dealer or qualified  
Pressing the brake pedal when the ignition is  
Also see “Vehicle information display” later in this  
not in the ON position and/or when the brake  
fluid level is low may increase the stopping  
distance, and braking will require greater  
pedal effort as well as pedal travel.  
If the brake fluid level is below the minimum  
or <MIN> mark on the brake fluid reservoir, do  
not drive until the brake system has been  
Instruments and controls 55  
Charge warning light  
Electric Parking brake warning  
light (where fitted)  
The electronic parking brake warning light indicates  
that the electronic parking brake system is operat-  
When the ignition is in the ON position, the charge  
warning light illuminates. After starting the engine,  
the charge warning light turns off. This indicates  
that the charging system is operational.  
When the ignition is placed in the ON position, the  
electronic parking brake warning light illuminates.  
When the engine is started and the parking brake is  
released, the warning light turns off.  
If the charge warning light illuminates while the en-  
gine is running, or while driving, it may indicate that  
the charging system is not functioning properly and  
may need servicing.  
If the parking brake is not fully released, the elec-  
tronic parking brake warning light remains on. Be  
sure that the electronic parking brake warning light  
has turned off before driving.  
When the charge warning light illuminates while  
driving, stop the vehicle safely as soon as possible.  
Stop the engine and check the alternator belt. If the  
alternator belt is loose, broken or missing, the  
charging system needs repair (see “Drive belts” in  
the “8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section).  
If the electronic parking brake warning light illumi-  
nates or flashes while the electronic parking brake  
system warning light (yellow) illuminates, it may in-  
dicate that the electronic parking brake system is  
not functioning properly. Have the brake system  
checked, and if necessary repaired, by a NISSAN  
dealer or qualified workshop promptly.  
If the alternator belt appears to be functioning cor-  
rectly but the charge warning light remains illumi-  
nated, have the charging system checked by a  
NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop promptly.  
Do not continue driving if the alternator belt is  
loose, broken or missing.  
56 Instruments and controls  
Master warn-  
Your brake system may not be working prop-  
erly if the warning light is on. Driving could be  
dangerous. Even if you judge the brake sys-  
tem to be safe, drive carefully to the nearest  
service station for repairs. Otherwise, have  
your vehicle towed because driving it could be  
Display text  
ing light  
Parking brake  
Dynamic parking  
Pressing the brake pedal when the ignition is  
not in the ON position and/or when the brake  
fluid level is low may increase the stopping  
distance andbraking willrequire greater pedal  
effort as well as pedal travel.  
Depends on  
light ON  
Depends on  
System failure  
Parking brake  
switch pressed  
without brake  
pedal pressed  
If the brake fluid level is below the minimum  
or <MIN> mark on the brake fluid reservoir, do  
not drive until the brake system has been  
Press brake  
checked at  
a NISSAN dealer or qualified  
Parking brake can-  
not be released  
For further parking brake operation information see  
“Non-electric parking brake (where fitted)” in the  
“3. Pre-driving checks and adjustments” section.  
Parking brake  
light ON  
Instruments and controls 57  
telligent Emergency Braking (IEB) system (where  
fitted)” in the “5. Starting and driving” section for  
more details.  
Electric Power Steering  
warning light  
Engine oil pressure warning  
When the ignition switch is in the ON position, the  
engine oil pressure warning light illuminates. After  
starting the engine, the engine oil pressure warning  
light turns off. This indicates that the oil pressure  
sensors in the engine are operational.  
Disabling the ESP system with the vehicle informa-  
tion display causes the IEB system to become un-  
available. This is not a malfunction.  
If the engine is not running or is turned off  
while driving, the power assist for the steering  
will not work. Steering will be harder to oper-  
Low tyre pressure warning  
light (where fitted)  
Your vehicle is equipped with a Tyre Pressure Moni-  
toring System (TPMS) (where fitted) that monitors  
the tyre pressure of all tyres except the spare.  
If the engine oil pressure warning light illuminates  
or blinks while the engine is running, it may indicate  
that the engine oil pressure is low.  
When the Electric Power Steering warning  
light illuminates with the engine running,  
there will be no power assist for the steering.  
You will still have control of the vehicle but the  
steering will be harder to operate. Have the  
Electric Power Steering system checked by a  
NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop.  
Stop the vehicle safely as soon as possible. Stop the  
engine immediately and call a NISSAN dealer or  
qualified workshop.  
The low tyre pressure warning light warns of low  
tyre pressure or indicates that the TPMS is not func-  
tioning properly.  
Running the engine with the engine oil pres-  
sure warning light illuminated could cause se-  
rious damage to the engine.  
After the ignition is placed in the ON position, this  
light illuminates for about 1 second and turns off.  
When the ignition is placed in the ON position, the  
Electric Power Steering warning light illuminates.  
After starting the engine, the Electric Power Steer-  
ing warning light turns off. This indicates that the  
electric power steering system is operational.  
Low tyre pressure warning:  
If the vehicle is being driven with low tyre pressure,  
the warning light will illuminate. A low tyre pressure  
warning (e.g., [Low tyre pressure Add Air]) also ap-  
pears in the vehicle information display.  
The engine oil pressure warning light is not  
designed to indicate a low oil level. The oil level  
should be checked using the dipstick. (See  
“Engine oil” in the “8. Maintenance and  
do-it-yourself” section.)  
If the Electric Power Steering warning light illumi-  
nates while the engine is running, it may indicate  
the Electric Power Steering system is not function-  
ing properly and may need servicing. Have the Elec-  
tric Power Steering system checked by a NISSAN  
dealer or qualified workshop. See “Power steering”  
in the “5. Starting and driving” section.  
When the low tyre pressure warning light illumi-  
nates, you should stop and adjust the tyre pressure  
of all 4 tyres to the recommended COLD tyre pres-  
sure shown on the tyre placard located on the driver  
side centre pillar see “Tyre placard” in the “9. Techni-  
cal information” section. The low tyre pressure  
warning light does not automatically turn off when  
the tyre pressure is adjusted. After the tyre is in-  
flated to the recommended pressure, the vehicle  
must be driven at speeds above 25 km/h (16 MPH)  
Intelligent Emergency Braking  
(IEB) system warning light  
(where fitted)  
This light illuminates when the Intelligent  
Emergency Braking (IEB) system is set to OFF in the  
vehicle information display.  
If the light illuminates when the IEB system is ON, it  
may indicate that the system is unavailable. See “In-  
58 Instruments and controls  
to activate the TPMS and turn off the low tyre pres-  
sure warning light. Use a tyre pressure gauge to  
check the tyre pressure.  
the system checked by a NISSAN dealer or qualified  
workshop. The low tyre pressure warning does not  
appear if the low tyre pressure warning light illumi-  
nates to indicate a TPMS malfunction.  
tyre, repair it with the emergency tyre punc-  
ture repair kit (where fitted) or replace it with a  
spare tyre (where fitted) as soon as possible.  
The low tyre pressure (e.g., [Low tyre pressure Add  
Air]) warning appears each time the ignition is  
placed in the ON position as long as the low tyre  
pressure warning light remains illuminated.  
After adjusting the tyre pressure, be sure to  
reset the TPMS. Unless the resetting is per-  
formed, the TPMS will not warn of the low tyre  
pressure correctly.  
For additional information, see “Tyre Pressure Moni-  
toring System (TPMS) (where fitted)” in the “5. Start-  
ing and driving” section.  
For additional information, see “Vehicle information  
display” later in this section and “Tyre Pressure Moni-  
toring System (TPMS) (where fitted)” later in this sec-  
When a spare tyre is mounted or a wheel is  
replaced, the TPMS will not function and the  
low tyre pressure warning light will flash for  
approximately 1 minute. The light will remain  
on after 1 minute. Contact a NISSAN dealer or  
qualified workshop as soon as possible for  
tyre replacement and/or system resetting.  
Radio waves could adversely affect electric  
medical equipment. Those who use a pace-  
maker should contact the electric medical  
equipment manufacturer for the possible in-  
fluences before use.  
TPMS resetting must also be performed after a tyre  
or a wheel is replaced, or the tyres are rotated.  
Depending on a change in the outside temperature,  
the low tyre pressure warning light may illuminate  
even if the tyre pressure has been adjusted prop-  
erly. Adjust the tyre pressure to the recommended  
COLD tyre pressure again when the tyres are cold,  
and reset the TPMS.  
If the light does not illuminate with the igni-  
Replacing tyres with those not originally  
specified by NISSAN could affect the proper  
operation of the TPMS.  
tion placed in the ON position, have the ve-  
hicle checked by a NISSAN dealer or qualified  
workshop as soon as possible.  
If the low tyre pressure warning light illumi-  
The TPMS is not a substitute for regular tyre  
pressure checking. Be sure to check the tyre  
pressure regularly.  
nates while driving, avoid sudden steering  
manoeuvres or abrupt braking, reduce vehicle  
speed, pull off the road to a safe location and  
stop the vehicle as soon as possible. Driving  
with under-inflated tyres may permanently  
damage the tyres and increase the likelihood  
of tyre failure. Serious vehicle damage could  
occur and may lead to an accident and could  
result in serious personal injury. Check the tyre  
pressure for all four tyres. Adjust the tyre pres-  
sure to the recommended COLD tyre pressure  
shown on the tyre placard, located on the  
driver side centre pillar, to turn the low tyre  
pressure warning light off. If the light still illu-  
minates while driving after adjusting the tyre  
pressure, a tyre may be flat. If you have a flat  
If the low tyre pressure warning light still continues  
to illuminate after the resetting operation, it may  
indicate that the TPMS is not functioning properly.  
Have the system checked by a NISSAN dealer or  
qualified workshop.  
If the vehicle is being driven at speeds of less  
than 25 km/h (16 MPH), the TPMS may not op-  
erate correctly.  
For additional information, see “Tyre Pressure Moni-  
toring System (TPMS) (where fitted)” in the “5. Start-  
ing and driving” section and “Vehicle information  
display” later in this section.  
Be sure to install the specified size of tyres to  
all four wheels correctly.  
TPMS malfunction:  
If the TPMS is not functioning properly, the low tyre  
pressure warning light will flash for approximately 1  
minute when the ignition is placed in the ON posi-  
tion. The light will remain on after 1 minute. Have  
Instruments and controls 59  
The chime will continue for at least 95 seconds or  
until all occupants have their seat belts securely fas-  
The supplemental air bag warning light does not  
come on at all.  
Master warning light  
When the ignition is in the ON position, the master  
warning light illuminates if any of the following are  
displayed in the vehicle information display (see “Ve-  
hicle information display” later in this section):  
Unless checked and repaired, the SRS air bag sys-  
tem and/or the pre-tensioner seat belt system may  
not function properly.  
The light will continue to flash until all occupants  
have their seat belts securely fastened. “Seat belt  
reminder chime” later in this section. See “Seat belts”  
in the “1. Safety — Seats, Seat belts and Supplemen-  
tal Restraint System” section for precautions on seat  
belt usage.  
For additional details see “SRS air bag warning light”  
in the “1. Safety — Seats, Seat belts and Supplemen-  
tal Restraint System” section.  
Door/Boot Open Warning  
Parking Brake release warning  
Low tyre pressure warning (where fitted)  
Supplemental Restraint System  
(SRS) air bag warning light  
System Fault Display  
Automatic brake hold indicator  
No key warning (where fitted)  
light (where fitted)  
Key ID incorrect warning (where fitted)  
The automatic brake hold indicator illuminates in  
white when the automatic brake hold system is in  
If the supplemental air bag warning light is on, it  
could mean that the front air bag, side air bag  
(where fitted), curtain air bag (where fitted) and/  
or pre-tensioner systems will not operate in an  
accident. To help avoid injury to yourself or oth-  
ers, have your vehicle checked by a NISSAN dealer  
or qualified workshop as soon as possible.  
Intelligent Key system warning (where fitted)  
Chassis Control System fault warning (where fit-  
The automatic brake hold indicator illuminates in  
green while the automatic brake hold system is op-  
If the driver assist system warnings (where fitted)  
appear in the vehicle information display, the mas-  
ter warning light also illuminates. See “Lane Depar-  
ture Warning (LDW) system (where fitted)” in the  
“5. Starting and driving” section, and/or “Intelligent  
Emergency Braking (IEB) system (where fitted)” in  
the “5. Starting and driving” section.  
Dipped beam indicator light  
This light comes on when the switch is turned to  
When the ignition is in the ON or START position, the  
Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) air bag warn-  
ing light illuminates for approximately 7 seconds  
and then turns off this indicates the system is op-  
the position:  
The headlights will come on and  
front side, tail, number plate and instrument lights  
remain on.  
Seat belt warning light  
Door lock indicator light  
(where fitted)  
The door lock indicator light located on the instru-  
ment panel illuminates when all the doors are  
locked while the ignition is in the ON position.  
The seat belt warning light reminds you to fasten  
your seat belts. The light illuminates whenever the  
ignition is placed in the ON or START position and  
any vehicle occupant’s seat belt is not fastened. It  
remains illuminated until the seat belts are  
If any of the following conditions occur, the air bag  
systems and pre-tensioner systems need servicing  
and the vehicle must be taken to a NISSAN dealer or  
qualified workshop:  
The supplemental air bag warning light remains  
on after approximately 7 seconds.  
When the doors are locked with the power door  
lock switch, the door lock indicator light will illu-  
minate for 30 minutes.  
If the vehicle speed exceeds 15 km/h (approximately  
10 MPH) the light will flash and a chime will sound.  
The supplemental air bag warning light flashes  
60 Instruments and controls  
When the doors are locked by pushing the LOCK  
button on the Intelligent Key or any request  
switch (where fitted), the door lock indicator  
light will illuminate for 1 minute.  
If an abnormality occurs in the system, the ESP sys-  
tem function will be cancelled, but the vehicle is still  
driveable. For additional information, see “Electronic  
Stability Programme (ESP) system (where fitted)” in  
the “5. Starting and driving” section.  
For additional information,see “Hill Start Assist (HSA)  
(where fitted)” in the “5. Starting and driving” sec-  
High beam assist indicator light  
(where fitted)  
The indicator light illuminates when the headlights  
come on while the headlight switch is in the AUTO  
position with the high beam selected. This indicates  
that the high beam assist system is operational.  
(See “Headlight and turn signal switch” later in this  
The door lock indicator light turns off when any  
door is unlocked.  
Front fog light indicator light  
For locking or unlocking doors, see “Doors” in the  
“3. Pre-driving checks and adjustments” section.  
The light comes on when the front fog lights are  
switched on (see “Fog light switch” later in this sec-  
Electronic Stability Programme  
(ESP) OFF indicator light  
(where fitted)  
Front passenger air  
bag status light  
(where fitted)  
High beam indicator light  
The light comes on when the Electronic Stability  
Programme (ESP) is switched OFF in the vehicle in-  
formation display. This indicates that the ESP sys-  
tem is not operating.  
This light comes on when the headlight high beam  
is on and goes out when the low beam is selected.  
The front passenger air bag status light (  
) lo-  
cated on the centre console above the shift lever  
will illuminate when the front passenger air bag is  
turned OFF with the front passenger air bag switch.  
When the front passenger air bag is turned on, the  
Malfunction Indicator light (MIL)  
When the ignition is placed in the ON position, the  
orange Malfunction Indicator light illuminates. This  
means that the system is operational.  
Disabling the ESP system causes the Intelligent  
Emergency Braking (IEB) system to become unavail-  
able. See “Intelligent Emergency Braking (IEB) sys-  
tem (where fitted)” in the “5. Starting and driving”  
section for more details.  
front passenger air bag status light ON (  
) will  
For more details, see “Front passenger air bag sta-  
tus light (where fitted)” in the “1. Safety — Seats, Seat  
belts and Supplemental Restraint System” section.  
This light also comes on briefly when the ignition is  
placed in the ON position. The light will turn off after  
approximately 1 second if the ESP system is opera-  
If the orange Malfunction Indicator light comes on  
steady or blinks (where fitted) while the engine is  
running, it may indicate an engine control system  
malfunction or misfire.  
Hill Start Assist (HSA) on  
indicator light (where fitted)  
When the ESP OFF indicator light and SLIP indicator  
light (see “SLIP indicator light (where fitted)” later in  
this section) come on with the ESP system turned  
on, it alerts the driver to the fact that the system's  
fail-safe mode is operating. This means that the sys-  
tem may not be functioning properly. Have the sys-  
tem checked by your NISSAN dealer or qualified  
On steady:  
The light illuminates when the conditions of the Hill  
Start Assist (HSA) system are satisfied when the ve-  
hicle is stopped on a hill.  
An engine malfunction has been detected. Have the  
vehicle inspected by a NISSAN dealer or qualified  
workshop. You do not need to have your vehicle  
towed to the dealer.  
Then, the light blinks when the brake pedal is re-  
leased, which indicates that the Hill Start Assist  
(HSA) system is activated.  
Instruments and controls 61  
Blinking (where fitted):  
An engine misfire has been detected which may  
damage the engine control system.  
The Stop/Start System indicator light blinks  
slowly (approximately once per second) when  
the Stop/Start System is malfunctioning.  
Have the system checked and if necessary re-  
paired, by a NISSAN dealer or qualified work-  
Side light indicator light  
This light comes on when the side light position is  
selected, see “Headlight and turn signal switch” later  
in this section for further details.  
To reduce or avoid engine control system dam-  
SLIP indicator light  
(where fitted)  
The SLIP indicator blinks when the Electronic Stabil-  
ity Programme (ESP) system is operating, thus alert-  
ing the driver to the fact that the road surface is  
slippery and the vehicle is nearing its traction limits.  
Do not drive at speeds above 70 km/h (43  
For details, see “Stop/Start System (where fitted)” in  
the “5. Starting and driving” section.  
Avoid hard acceleration or deceleration.  
Turn signal/hazard indicator  
The direction indicator lights will flash when the  
turn signal switch or hazard warning flasher switch  
is turned on. See “Headlight and turn signal switch”  
later in this section and see “Hazard warning flasher  
switch” in the “6. In case of emergency” section for  
further details.  
Avoid steep uphill grades.  
If possible, reduce the load being carried or  
You may feel or hear the system working, this is nor-  
The Malfunction Indicator light may stop blinking  
and come on steady.  
The light will continue to blink for a few seconds  
after the ESP system stops limiting wheel spin.  
Have the vehicle inspected by a NISSAN dealer or  
qualified workshop. You do not need to have your  
vehicle towed to the dealer.  
For additional information see “Electronic Stability  
Programme (ESP) OFF indicator light (where fitted)”  
earlier in this section and “Electronic Stability Pro-  
gramme (ESP) system (where fitted)” in the “5. Start-  
ing and driving” section.  
In addition to the audible reminders described in  
this section, a number of other vehicle systems also  
provide audible warnings or reminders. These in-  
Continued vehicle operation without having the  
engine control system checked and repaired as  
necessary could lead to poor driveability, reduced  
fuel economy and possible damage to the engine  
control system, which may affect your warranty  
Stop/Start System indicator  
light (where fitted)  
The light comes on when the engine is stopped un-  
der Stop/Start System control, or blinks to indicate  
a malfunction.  
Moving Object Detection (MOD) (where fitted)  
Blind Spot Warning (BSW) (where fitted)  
Intelligent Blind Spot Intervention (where fitted)  
Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) (where fitted)  
Rear fog light indicator light  
(where fitted)  
The light comes on when the rear fog light is  
switched on (see “Rear fog light (where fitted)” later  
in this section).  
Lane Departure Warning (LDW) (where fitted)  
The Stop/Start System will deactivate and the  
Intelligent Lane Intervention (ILI) (where fitted)  
Stop/Start System buzzer will sound if the ve-  
hicle engine bonnet is opened while the Stop/  
Start System is activated. Use the ignition  
switch to turn the engine off.  
Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) (where fitted)  
Steering Assist (where fitted)  
62 Instruments and controls  
Door open reminder chime  
The chime will sound if any door other than the driv-  
er's door is left open and the power door lock switch  
is held down.  
Seat belt reminder chime  
A chime will sound for approximately 95 seconds if  
the vehicle's speed exceeds 15 km/h (9 MPH) and an  
occupant's seat belt is not securely fastened. See  
“Seat belt reminders” in the “1. Safety — Seats, Seat  
belts and Supplemental Restraint System” section.  
Intelligent Key models: The external buzzer will  
sound if the vehicle is being locked remotely or us-  
ing an outside door lock switch and any door is  
Key reminder buzzer (Intelligent Key  
The external buzzer will beep 3 times if:  
Parking brake reminder buzzer  
A buzzer will sound when driving away if the park-  
ing brake has not been released. Stop the vehicle  
and release the parking brake.  
The Intelligent Key is removed from the vehicle  
7 inch display  
while the ignition is not in the LOCK position.  
The vehicle is being locked remotely or using an  
outside door lock switch and the Intelligent Key  
has been left inside the vehicle.  
Light reminder chime  
A chime will sound for 10 seconds if the driver's door  
is opened while the external lights are turned on  
and the ignition is in the OFF or LOCK position.  
Park reminder chime (where fitted)  
A chime will sound if the ignition is placed in the  
LOCK position and the shift lever is not in the P (Park)  
See “Headlight and turn signal switch” later in this  
section for further details on the headlight opera-  
Stop/Start System reminder buzzer  
(where fitted)  
The Stop/Start System will deactivate and the Stop/  
Start System buzzer will sound if the vehicle engine  
bonnet is opened while the Stop/Start System is  
activated. Use the ignition switch to turn the engine  
Fog light reminder chime  
A chime will sound if the ignition is in the OFF or  
LOCK position and the headlight switch is in the  
<AUTO> position (where fitted) and the fog lights  
are left on.  
4.2 inch display  
The Vehicle Information Display  
is located be-  
tween the tachometer and the speedometer, and it  
displays such items as:  
See “Fog light switch” later in this section for further  
Vehicle settings  
Trip computer information  
Drive system warnings and settings (where fit-  
ProPILOT (where fitted) system information  
Instruments and controls 63