Maintenance and do-it-yourself -> Wheels and tyres for Your Nissan Juke SUV 2020

In case of a flat tyre, see “Flat tyre” in the “6. In case  
of emergency” section.  
Snow tyres  
If snow tyres are needed, it is necessary to select  
tyres equivalent in size and load rating to the origi-  
nal equipment tyres. If you do not, it can adversely  
affect the safety and handling of your vehicle.  
When changing or replacing tyres, be sure all  
four tyres are of the same type (i.e., summer,  
all season or snow) and construction.  
Periodically check the tyre pressure (including the  
spare tyre).An incorrect tyre pressure may adversely  
affect tyre life and vehicle handling. After adjusting  
the tyre pressure, perform a TPMS temperature cali-  
bration (see “TPMS temperature calibration” in the  
“5. Starting and driving” section).  
Generally, snow tyres will have lower speed ratings  
than factory equipped tyres and may not match the  
potential maximum vehicle speed. Never exceed the  
maximum speed rating of the tyre.  
A NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop may be  
able to help you with information about tyre  
type, size, speed rating and availability.  
For additional traction on icy roads, studded tyres  
may be used. However, some provinces and states  
prohibit their use. Check local, state and provincial  
laws before installing studded tyres. Skid and trac-  
tion capabilities of studded snow tyres, on wet or  
dry surfaces, may be poorer than that of non-stud-  
ded snow tyres.  
Replacement tyres may have a lower speed  
rating than the factory equipped tyres, and  
may not match the potential maximum ve-  
hicle speed. Never exceed the maximum  
speed rating of the tyre.  
Incorrectly inflated tyres can also lead to poor  
steering ability and make the driver suspect a  
steering problem: keep the vehicle's tyres  
inflated to the correct pressure at all times.  
The tyre pressure should be checked when tyres  
are COLD. Tyres are considered COLD after the ve-  
hicle has been parked for three or more hours, or  
driven less than 1.6 km (1 mile). COLD tyre pressures  
are shown on the tyre placard affixed to the driver's  
side centre pillar.  
All season tyres  
NISSAN specifies all season tyres on some models  
to provide good performance for use all year  
around, including snowy and icy road conditions. All  
season tyres are identified by ALL SEASON and/or  
M&S on the tyre sidewall. Snow tyres have better  
snow traction than all season tyres and may be  
more appropriate in some areas.  
Use of snow chains may be prohibited in some ar-  
eas. Check the local laws before installing snow  
chains. When installing snow chains, make sure they  
are of proper size for the tyres on your vehicle and  
are installed according to the chain manufacturer's  
suggestions. Use chain tensioners when recom-  
mended by the snow chain manufacturer to ensure  
a tight fit. Loose end links of the snow chain must  
be secured or removed to prevent the possibility of  
whipping action damage to the fenders or under-  
Insufficient pressure can lead to an overheating of  
the tyre and subsequent internal damage. At high  
speeds, this could result in tread separation and  
even bursting of the tyre.  
Summer tyres  
NISSAN specifies summer tyres as standard fit.  
These tyres provide superior performance under  
typical mild weather conditions.  
If you plan to operate your vehicle in snowy or icy  
conditions, NISSAN recommends the use of SNOW  
or ALL SEASON tyres on all four wheels.  
In addition, drive at a reduced speed. Otherwise,  
your vehicle can be damaged and/or vehicle han-  
dling and performance may be adversely affected.  
Snow chains must be installed only on the front  
wheels and not on the rear wheels.  
372 Maintenance and do-it-yourself  
Never install snow chains on a temporary-use  
or small size spare tyre.  
After rotating the tyres, adjust the tyre pres-  
Do not drive with snow chains on paved roads  
which are clear of snow. Driving with chains in  
such conditions can cause damage to the vari-  
ous mechanisms of the vehicle due to some  
Retighten the wheel nuts when the vehicle has  
been driven for the first 1,000 km (600 miles)  
(also in cases of a flat tyre, etc.).  
Do not include the temporary-use spare tyre  
in the tyre rotation.  
Incorrect tyre selection, fitting, care or main-  
tenance can affect vehicle safety with risk of  
accident and injury. If in doubt, consult  
NISSAN dealer or the tyre manufacturer.  
Tyres should be periodically inspected for wear,  
cracking, bulging or objects caught in the tread. If  
excessive wear, cracks, bulging or deep cuts are  
found, the tyre should be replaced.  
Models with Tyre Pressure Monitoring System  
The original tyres have a built-in tread wear indica-  
After rotating the tyres, the TPMS must be reini-  
tailised. For details, see “Activation” in the  
“5. Starting and driving” section.  
. When the wear indicator is visible, the tyre  
should be replaced.  
The wear indicator locations are indicated by the  
location marks  
NISSAN recommends that tyres be rotated every  
10,000 km (6,000 miles) for Two-Wheel Drive (2WD)  
vehicles and 5,000 km (3,000 miles) for Four-Wheel  
Drive (4WD) vehicles.  
Remember tyre age. Never use a tyre over six years  
old, regardless of whether they have been used or  
However, the timing for tyre rotation may vary ac-  
cording to your driving habits and the road surface  
conditions. See “Flat tyre” in the “6. In case of  
emergency” section for tyre replacing procedures.  
Tyres degrade with age as well as the use they are  
subjected to. Have the tyres checked and balanced  
frequently by a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop.  
Report all accidents where the tyre is knocked even  
if it is minor.  
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 373  
Unbalanced wheels may affect vehicle handling and  
tyre life. Even with regular use, wheels can get out of  
balance. Therefore, they should be balanced as re-  
Do not use the emergency tyre puncture repair  
kit under the following conditions. Contact  
NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop or profes-  
sional road assistance.  
Do not install a deformed wheel or tyre even if it  
has been repaired. Such wheels or tyres could  
have structural damage and could fail without  
Wheel balance service should be performed with  
the wheels off the vehicle. Spin balancing the front  
wheels on the vehicle could lead to transmission  
when the sealant has passed its expiration  
date (shown on the label attached to the seal-  
ant bottle)  
When replacing a tyre, use the same size, speed rat-  
ing and load carrying capacity as originally  
equipped. Recommended types and sizes are men-  
tioned in “Wheels and Tyres” in the “9. Technical  
information” section.  
when the cut or the puncture is approximately  
4 mm (0.16 in) or longer  
when the side of the tyre is damaged  
Conventional spare wheel/tyre  
when the vehicle has been driven with a con-  
siderable loss of air from the tyre  
(where fitted)  
The use of tyres other than those recommended or  
the mixed use of tyres of different brands, construc-  
tion (bias, bias-belted or radial), or tread patterns  
can adversely affect the ride, braking, handling,  
ground clearance, body-to-tyre clearance, snow  
chain clearance, speedometer calibration, headlight  
aim and bumper height.  
A standard wheel/tyre is supplied with your vehicle.  
when the tyre is completely displaced inside  
or outside the rim  
Temporary-use spare wheel/tyre  
(where fitted)  
The temporary-use spare wheel/tyre can be identi-  
fied by the temporary-use spare tyre label which  
contrasts to the standard road wheels. If in doubt,  
contact a NISSAN dealer, qualified workshop or see  
“Spare tyre” in the “6. In case of emergency” section.  
when the tyre rim is damaged  
when two or more tyres are flat  
See “Spare tyre” in the “6. In case of emergency” sec-  
tion for more details.  
Some of these effects may lead to accidents and  
could result in serious personal injury.  
For details, see “Care of wheels” in the “7. Appear-  
ance and care” section.  
Emergency tyre puncture repair kit  
(where fitted)  
The emergency tyre puncture repair kit is supplied  
to the vehicle instead of a spare tyre. The repair kit  
must be used for temporarily fixing a minor tyre  
puncture. After using the repair kit, see a NISSAN  
dealer or qualified workshop as soon as possible for  
tyre inspection and repair/replacement.  
374 Maintenance and do-it-yourself