Safety ? Seats, Seat belts and Supplemental Restraint System -> Child safety for Your Nissan Juke SUV 2020

Unless checked and repaired, the Supplemental Re-  
straint System (SRS) and/or pre-tensioner seat belt  
may not function properly. It must be checked and  
Children need adults to help protect them.  
They need to be properly restrained.  
accident statistics, children are safer when prop-  
erly restrained in the rear seat than in the front  
In addition to the general information in this  
manual, child safety information is available from  
many other sources, including doctors, teachers,  
government traffic safety offices, and community  
organisations. Every child is different, so be sure to  
learn the best way to transport your child.  
This is especially important because your vehicle  
has a supplemental restraint system (air bag sys-  
tem) for the front passenger. (See “Supplemental  
Restraint System (SRS)” later in this section.)  
When selling your vehicle, we request that you in-  
form the buyer about the pre-tensioner seat belt  
system and guide the buyer to the appropriate sec-  
tions in this Owner's Manual.  
There are two basic types of child restraint system:  
Infants up to at least 1 year old should be placed in  
a rear-facing child restraint. You should choose a  
child restraint that fits your vehicle and always fol-  
low the manufacturer’s instructions for installation  
and use.  
Rear-facing child restraints  
Front-facing child restraints  
The proper restraint depends on the child’s size.  
Generally, infants (up to about 1 year and less than  
9 kg) should be placed in rear-facing child restraints.  
Front-facing child restraints are available for chil-  
dren who outgrow rear-facing child restraints and  
are at least 1 year old.  
Children that are over 1 year old and weigh at least  
9 kg can be placed in a front-facing child restraint.  
Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for mini-  
mum and maximum weight and height recommen-  
dations. You should choose a child restraint that fits  
your vehicle and always follow the manufacturer’s  
instructions for installation and use.  
Infants and children need special protection. The  
vehicle’s seat belts may not fit them properly. The  
shoulder belt may come too close to the face or  
neck. The lap belt may not fit over their small hip  
bones. In an accident, an improperly fitting seat  
belt could cause serious or fatal injury. Always use  
appropriate child restraints.  
Children who are too large for a child restraint sys-  
tem should be seated and restrained by the seat  
belts that are provided. If the child's seating posi-  
tion has a shoulder belt that fits close to the face or  
neck, the use of a booster seat (commercially avail-  
able) may help overcome this. The booster seat  
should raise the child so that the shoulder belt is  
properly positioned across the top, middle portion  
of the shoulder and the lap belt is low on the hips.  
The booster seat should also fit the vehicle seat.  
Once the child has grown so that the shoulder belt  
A child restraint may be secured in the vehicle by  
using either the ISOFIX child restraint system or with  
the vehicle seat belt, see “Child restraints” later in  
this section for more information.  
NISSAN recommends that all pre-teens and chil-  
dren be restrained in the rear seat. According to  
28 Safety — seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system  
is no longer on or near the face or neck of the child,  
use the shoulder belt without the booster seat. In  
addition, there are many types of child restraint sys-  
tem available for larger children that should be used  
for maximum protection.  
their small hip bones. In an accident, an im-  
properly fitting seat belt could cause serious  
or fatal injury.  
NISSAN recommends that the child restraint  
system be installed in the rear seat. According  
to accident statistics, children are safer when  
properly restrained in the rear seat rather than  
in the front seat.  
Check any legal requirements applicable in your lo-  
cation. For example, the U.K. has legal requirements  
to use child restraints based on height and age, see  
“Child restraints” later in this section for more infor-  
Child restraint systems specially designed for  
infants and small children are available from  
several manufacturers. When selecting any  
child restraint systems, place your child in the  
child restraint system and check the various  
adjustments to be sure that the child restraint  
system is compatible with your child. Always  
follow the manufacturer's instructions for in-  
stallation and use.  
Infants and small children should always be  
placed in an appropriate child restraint sys-  
tem while riding in the vehicle. Failure to use a  
child restraint system can result in serious in-  
jury or death.  
Follow all of the child restraint manufacturer's  
instructions for installation and use. When  
purchasing a child restraint, be sure to select  
one which will fit your child and vehicle. It may  
not be possible to properly install some types  
of child restraint in your vehicle.  
Infants and small children should never be  
carried on your lap. It is not possible for even  
the strongest adult to resist the forces of a se-  
vere accident. The child could be crushed be-  
tween the adult and parts of the vehicle. Also,  
do not put the same seat belt around a child  
and yourself.  
Check the child restraint system in your ve-  
hicle to be sure that it is compatible with the  
vehicle's seat belt system.  
to make sure the shoulder belt does not fit  
close to the child's face or neck.  
Infants and children need special protection.  
The vehicle's seat belts may not fit them prop-  
erly. The shoulder belt may come too close to  
the face or neck. The lap belt may not fit over  
Safety — seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 29