Safety ? Seats, Seat belts and Supplemental Restraint System -> Seat belts for Your Nissan Juke SUV 2020

belt adjusting devices from operating to re-  
move slack, or prevent the seat belt assembly  
from being adjusted to remove slack.  
Be sure to observe the following warnings when  
using seat belts. Failure to do so could increase  
the chance and/or severity of injury in an acci-  
If you are wearing your seat belt properly adjusted,  
and you are sitting upright and well back in your  
seat, your chances of being injured or killed in an  
accident and/or the severity of injury may be greatly  
reduced. NISSAN strongly encourages you and all of  
your passengers to buckle up every time you drive,  
regardless of whether or not your seating position  
includes a supplemental air bag.  
Seat belts should be adjusted as firmly as pos-  
sible, consistent with comfort, to provide the  
protection for which they have been designed.  
A slack belt will greatly reduce the protection  
afforded to the wearer.  
Every person who drives or rides in this ve-  
hicle should use a seat belt at all times. Chil-  
dren should be in the rear seats and in an ap-  
propriate restraint.  
Be sure the seat belt tongue is securely fas-  
tened to the proper buckle.  
The seat belt should be properly adjusted to a  
Do not wear the seat belt inside out or twisted.  
Doing so may reduce its effectiveness.  
snug fit. Failure to do so may reduce the effec-  
tiveness of the entire restraint system and in-  
crease the chance or severity of injury in an  
accident. Serious injury or death can occur if  
the seat belt is not worn properly.  
Do not allow more than one person to use the  
same seat belt.  
Never carry more people in the vehicle than  
there are seat belts.  
Always route the shoulder belt over your  
shoulder and across your chest. Never put the  
belt behind your back, under your arm or  
across your neck. The belt should be away  
from your face and neck, but not falling off  
your shoulder.  
Each belt assembly must only be used by one  
occupant; it is dangerous to put a belt around  
a child being carried on the occupant's lap.  
If the seat belt warning light illuminates con-  
tinuously while the ignition switch is in the ON  
position, with all doors closed, and all seat  
belts fastened, it may indicate a malfunction  
in the system. Have the system checked by a  
NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop.  
Sit upright and well back  
Position the lap belt as low and snug as pos-  
belt worn too high could increase the risk of  
internal injuries in an accident.  
Seat belts are designed to bear upon the bony  
No changes should be made to the seat belt  
system. For example, do not modify the seat  
belt, add material, or install devices that may  
change the seat belt routing or tension. Doing  
so may affect the operation of the seat belt  
system. Modifying or tampering with the seat  
belt system may result in serious personal in-  
structure of the body, and should be worn low  
across the front of the pelvis or the pelvis,  
chest and shoulders, as applicable; wearing  
the lap section of the belt across the abdomi-  
nal area must be avoided.  
No modifications or additions should be made  
by the user which will either prevent the seat  
Sit upright and well back  
22 Safety — seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system  
Once a seat belt pre-tensioner has been acti-  
vated, it cannot be reused and must be re-  
placed together with the retractor. See  
NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop.  
low on the hips. The booster seat should fit the ve-  
hicle's seat. Once the child has grown so the shoul-  
der belt is no longer on or near the face and neck,  
use the shoulder belt without the booster seat.  
Removal and installation of the pre-tensioner  
seat belt system components should be done  
by a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop.  
Never let a child stand or kneel on any seat and  
do not allow a child in the cargo areas while the  
vehicle is moving.  
All seat belt assemblies, including retractors  
and attaching hardware, should be inspected  
by a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop af-  
ter any collision. NISSAN recommends that all  
seat belt assemblies in use during a collision  
be replaced unless the collision was minor and  
the belts show no damage and continue to op-  
erate properly. Seat belt assemblies not in use  
duringa collisionshouldalso be inspected and  
replaced if either damage or improper opera-  
tion is noted.  
NISSAN recommends that pregnant women use  
seat belts. The seat belt should be worn snug, and  
always position the lap belt as low as possible  
around the hips, not the waist. Place the shoulder  
belt over your shoulder and across your chest.Never  
put the lap/shoulder belt over your abdominal area.  
Contact your doctor for specific recommendations.  
Infants or small children  
NISSAN recommends that infants or small children  
should be seated in a child restraint on the rear  
seats. According to accident statistics, children are  
safer when properly restrained in the rear seat than  
in the front seat. See “Child restraints” later in this  
section. You should choose a child restraint system  
which fits your vehicle and always follow the manu-  
facturer's instructions for installation and use.  
All child restraints and attaching hardware  
shouldbe inspected afteranycollision.Always  
follow the restraint manufacturer’s inspection  
instructions and replacement recommenda-  
tions. The child restraints should be replaced  
if they are damaged.  
NISSAN recommends that injured persons use seat  
belts, depending on the injury. Check with your doc-  
tor for specific recommendations.  
It is essential to replace the entire assembly  
after it has been worn in a severe impact even  
if damage to the assembly is not obvious.  
Children who are too large for child restraints  
should be seated and restrained by the seat belts  
that are provided.  
Care should be taken to avoid contamination  
of the webbing with polishes, oils and chemi-  
cals, and particularly battery acid. Cleaning  
may safely be carried out using mild soap and  
water. The belt should be replaced if webbing  
becomes frayed, contaminated or damaged.  
The use of a booster seat (commercially available)  
may help to avoid the shoulder belt coming across  
the face or neck area of a child's seating position.  
The booster seat should raise the child so that the  
shoulder belt is properly positioned across the top,  
middle portion of the shoulder and the lap belt is  
Safety — seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 23  
The display will remain until occupants have their  
seat belts securely fastened, or until acknowledged  
by the driver pushing the <OK> steering wheel  
Occupant status display  
The Seat Belt Reminders will alert the driver if any  
occupant in the vehicle does not have their seat  
belt securely fastened.  
If an occupant unfastens a seat belt or the vehicle  
speed exceeds 15 km/h (approximately 10 MPH)  
while a seat belt is not fastened, the Occupant Sta-  
tus Display will reappear.  
NISSAN strongly encourages you and all of your  
passengers to buckle up every time you drive.  
Failure to do so may reduce the effectiveness of  
the entire restraint system and greatly increase  
the chance or severity of being injured in an acci-  
dent. Serious injury or death can occur if the seat  
belt is not worn.  
The driver seat is always considered occupied.  
Red Seat with exclamation symbol: The  
corresponding seat is occupied and seat  
belt is not fastened.  
Green Seat with tick symbol: The cor-  
responding seat belt is fastened.  
Some infants and children may not require use of  
the vehicle’s seat belt when using an appropriate  
ISOFIX Child Restraint System with integrated re-  
straints. See “Child restraints” later in this section.  
Grey Seat: The corresponding seat is unoc-  
Seat belt warning light  
The Seat Belt Warning Light located in the instru-  
ment panel will immediately illuminate whenever  
the ignition switch is placed in the ON or START po-  
sition and any vehicle occupant’s seat belt is not  
fastened. See “Warning lights, indicator lights and  
audible reminders” in the “2. Instruments and  
controls” section for further details.  
Lighter passengers, including children, may  
not be detected by the Seat Belt Reminder  
When heavy cargo is placed on the seat, the  
Seat Belt Reminder may be triggered. Such  
cargo should be secured in the boot as in a  
sudden stop or collision, unsecured cargo  
could cause injury. Only use the seat belts to  
restrain people or universal Child Restraint  
Systems (See “Child restraints” later in this  
section). Never use them to secure cargo, as  
In addition to the Seat Belt Warning Light, the Occu-  
pant Status Display will be shown in the Vehicle In-  
formation Display (See “Vehicle information display”  
in the “2. Instruments and controls” section) when  
any vehicle occupant’s seat belt is not fastened.  
If the vehicle speed exceeds 15 km/h (approximately  
10 MPH) the light will flash and a chime will sound.  
The chime will continue for at least 95 seconds or  
until all occupants have their seat belts securely fas-  
The light will continue to flash until all occupants  
have their seat belts securely fastened.  
24 Safety — seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system  
this may cause damage, reducing their effec-  
tiveness during an accident when subse-  
quently worn by people.  
Fastening the seat belts  
1. Adjust the seat. (See “Seats” earlier in this sec-  
If the Seat Belt Warning Light illuminates con-  
tinuously while the ignition switch is in the ON  
position, with all doors closed, and all seat  
belts fastened, it may indicate a malfunction  
in the system. Have the system checked by a  
NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop.  
2. Slowly pull the seat belt out of the retractor and  
insert the tongue into the buckle until you hear  
and feel the latch engage.  
No changes should be made to the Seat Belt  
Reminder system.  
4. Pull the shoulder belt portion toward the retrac-  
tor to take up extra slack. Be sure the shoulder  
belt is routed over your shoulder and across your  
Do not ride in a moving vehicle when the seat-  
Unfastening the seat belts  
back is reclined. This can be dangerous. The  
shoulder belt will not be against your body. In  
an accident, you could be thrown into it and  
receive neck or other serious injuries. You  
could also slide under the lap belt and receive  
serious internal injuries.  
The retractor is designed to lock during a  
sudden stop or on impact. A slow pulling  
motion permits the belt to move and allows  
you some freedom of movement in the  
For the most effective protection when the ve-  
hicle is in motion, the seat should be upright.  
Always sit well back and upright in the seat  
with both feet on the floor and adjust the seat  
belt properly.  
retracted position, firmly pull the belt and  
release it. Then smoothly pull the belt out of  
the retractor.  
3. Position the lap belt portion low and snug on  
the hips as shown.  
To unfasten the seat belt, push the button on the  
buckle. The seat belt automatically retracts.  
Safety — seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 25  
To adjust, pull the adjustment button , and then  
move the shoulder belt anchor to the preferred po-  
Checking seat belt operation  
Seat belt retractors are designed to lock seat belt  
movement by two separate methods:  
Centre of rear seat  
so that the belt passes over the centre of  
the shoulder. The belt should be away from your  
face and neck, but not falling off of your shoulder.  
Release the adjustment button to lock the shoulder  
belt anchor into position.  
When the belt is pulled quickly from the retrac-  
When the vehicle slows down rapidly.  
To increase your confidence in the seat belts, check  
the operation as follows:  
After adjustment, release the adjustment but-  
Grasp the shoulder belt and pull forward quickly.  
The retractor should lock and restrict further  
belt movement.  
ton and then try to move the shoulder belt an-  
chor up and down to make sure that it is se-  
curely fixed in position.  
If the retractor does not lock during this check or if  
you have any questions about seat belt operation,  
see a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop.  
The shoulder belt anchor height should be ad-  
justed to the position that is best for you. Fail-  
ure to do so may reduce the effectiveness of  
the entire restraint system and increase the  
chance or severity of injury in an accident.  
Shoulder belt height adjustment  
Selecting the correct seat buckle:  
The centre seat belt tongue is longer than outer  
seat belt tongues, and can only be fastened into the  
centre seat belt buckle. The outer seat belt tongues  
can only be fastened into the outer buckles.  
The shoulder belt anchor height should be adjusted  
to the position that is best for you. (See “Precau-  
tions on seat belt usage” earlier in this section.)  
26 Safety — seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system