Starting and driving -> Rear Cross Traffic Alert for Your Nissan Juke SUV 2020

(RCTA) SYSTEM (where fitted)  
The blocked condition may also be caused by  
objects such as ice, frost, or dirt obstructing the  
radar sensors. Check for and remove objects ob-  
structing the area around the radar sensors.  
Do not attach a sticker (including transparent  
material) or install an accessory near the cam-  
era unit.  
Failure to follow the warnings and instructions for  
proper use of the RCTA system could result in se-  
rious injury or death.  
Do not place reflective materials, such as white  
paper or a mirror, on the instrument panel. The  
reflection of sunlight may adversely affect the  
camera unit's detection capability.  
Do not attach stickers (including transparent  
material), install accessories, or apply additional  
paint near the radar sensors  
The RCTA system is not a replacement for  
proper driving procedures and is not designed  
to prevent contact with vehicles or objects.  
When reversing out of a parking space, always  
use the side and rear mirrors and turn and look  
in the direction your vehicle will move. Never  
rely solely on the RCTA system.  
Do not attach metallic objects near the sensor  
area (brush guard, etc.). This could cause failure  
or malfunction.  
Do not strike or damage the areas around the  
camera unit. Do not touch the camera lens or  
remove the screw located on the camera unit. If  
the camera unit is damaged due to an accident,  
contact a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop.  
Do not strike or damage the area around the  
radar sensors. If the area around the radar sen-  
sors is damaged due to an accident, it is recom-  
mended that you visit a NISSAN dealer or quali-  
fied workshop.  
The RCTA system will assist you when reversing out  
of a parking space. When the vehicle is in reverse,  
the system is designed to detect other vehicles ap-  
proaching from the right or left of the vehicle. If the  
system detects cross traffic, it will alert you.  
The lane camera unit for the Intelligent Blind Spot  
Intervention system is located above the interior  
rear view mirror. To maintain the proper operation  
of the Intelligent Blind Spot Intervention system and  
prevent a system malfunction, be sure to observe  
the following:  
Always keep the windscreen clean.  
Starting and driving 219  
The RCTA system uses radar sensors A installed on  
both sides near the rear bumper to detect an ap-  
proaching vehicle.  
When the shift position is in R (Reverse) and the ve-  
hicle speed is less than approximately  
(5 MPH), the RCTA system is operational.  
BSW LED indicator light  
8 km/h  
Vehicle Information Display  
The radar sensors A can detect an approaching  
vehicle from up to approximately 20 m (66 ft) away.  
Steering-wheel-mounted controls (left side)  
If the radar detects an approaching vehicle from  
either side, the system chimes (once) and the BSW  
LED indicator light flashes on the side the vehicle is  
approaching from.  
The RCTA system can help alert the driver of an ap-  
proaching vehicle when the driver is reversing out  
of a parking space.  
220 Starting and driving  
Perform the following steps to enable or disable the  
RCTA system.  
1. Press the  
plays in the Vehicle Information Display and then  
press the <OK> button. Use the and  
button until [Settings] dis-  
buttons to select [Driver Assistance]. Then press  
the <OK> button.  
2. To set the RCTA system to on or off, use the  
buttons to navigate the menu and use  
the <OK> button to select or change an item.  
When enabling/disabling the system, the system  
setting will be retained even if the engine is re-  
Vehicle Information Display  
Steering-wheel-mounted controls (left side)  
Starting and driving 221  
A vehicle that is passing at speeds greater  
than approximately 30 km/h (19 MPH).  
A vehicle that is passing at speeds lower  
than approximately 8 km/h (5 MPH).  
The radar sensors may not detect approach-  
ing vehicles in certain situations:  
Illustration a : When a vehicle parked next  
to you obstructs the beam of the radar sen-  
Illustration b : When the vehicle is parked  
in an angled parking space.  
Illustration c : When the vehicle is parked  
on inclined ground.  
Illustration d : When an approaching ve-  
hicle turns into your vehicle’s parking lot  
Illustration e : When the angle formed by  
your vehicle and the approaching vehicle  
is small  
The following conditions may reduce the abil-  
ity of the radar to detect other vehicles:  
Severe weather  
Road spray  
Always check surroundings and turn to check  
what is behind you before reversing. The radar  
sensors detect approaching (moving) ve-  
hicles. The radar sensors cannot detect every  
object such as:  
Ice/frost/dirt build-up on the vehicle  
Do not attach stickers (including transparent  
material), install accessories or apply addi-  
tional paint near the radar sensors.These con-  
ditions may reduce the ability of the radar to  
detect other vehicles.  
Listed below are the system limitations for the  
RCTA system. Failure to operate the vehicle in ac-  
cordance with these system limitations could re-  
sult in serious injury or death.  
Pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, ani-  
mals or child-operated toy vehicles.  
222 Starting and driving  
Excessive noise (e.g. audio system volume,  
open vehicle window) will interfere with the  
chime sound, and it may not be heard.  
When the RCTA system malfunctions, it will turn off  
automatically. The [System fault] warning message  
will appear in the Vehicle Information Display.  
If the BSW system stops working, the RCTA sys-  
tem will also stop working.  
Action to take:  
Stop the vehicle in a safe location, turn the engine  
off and restart the engine. If the message continues  
to appear, have the system checked by a NISSAN  
dealer or qualified workshop.  
Illustration 1  
When radar blockage is detected, the system will be  
deactivated automatically. The [Not available Side  
Radar Obstructed] warning message will appear in  
the Vehicle Information Display.  
The systems are not available until the conditions  
no longer exist.  
The radar sensors may be blocked by temporary  
ambient conditions such as splashing water, mist  
or fog.  
The blocked condition may also be caused by ob-  
jects such as ice, frost or dirt obstructing the radar  
Illustration 2  
The two radar sensors A for the RCTA systems are  
located near the rear bumper. Always keep the area  
near the radar sensors clean.  
If the BSW system stops working, the RCTA sys-  
tem will also stop working.  
In the case of several vehicles approaching in a  
row (Illustration 1) or in the opposite direction (Il-  
lustration 2), a chime may not be sounded by the  
RCTA system after the first vehicle passes the  
The radar sensors may be blocked by temporary  
ambient conditions such as splashing water, mist  
or fog.  
Action to take:  
When the above conditions no longer exist, the  
system will resume automatically.  
Starting and driving 223  
(LDW) SYSTEM (where fitted)  
The blocked condition may also be caused by ob-  
jects such as ice, frost or dirt obstructing the radar  
If your vehicle is fitted with ICC or ProPILOT, refer  
to the dedicated section later in this manual for  
information on the Lane Departure Warning Sys-  
Check for and remove objects obstructing the area  
around the radar sensors.  
Do not attach stickers (including transparent mate-  
rial), install accessories or apply additional paint  
near the radar sensors.  
ICC: See “Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) and  
Steering Assist (where fitted) (on Manual  
Transmission vehicles)” later in this section.  
Do not attach metallic objects near the sensor area  
(brush guard, etc.). This could cause failure or mal-  
ProPILOT: See “ProPILOT (where fitted)” later in  
this section.  
The LDW system will operate when the vehicle is  
driven at the following speeds and above, and only  
when the lane markings are clearly visible on the  
Do not strike or damage the area around the radar  
sensors. It is recommended that you visit a NISSAN  
dealer or qualified workshop if the area around the  
radar sensors is damaged due to a collision.  
Listed below are the system limitations for the  
Lane Departure Warning system. Failure to oper-  
ate the vehicle in accordance with these system  
limitations could result in serious injury or death.  
For Europe:  
For the radio approval numbers and information,  
see “Radio frequency approval” in the “9. Technical  
information” section.  
approximately 60 km/h (37 MPH)  
Except for Europe:  
The LDW system is only a warning device to  
approximately 70 km/h (45 MPH)  
help inform the driver of  
The LDW system monitors the lane markers on the  
unintended lane departure. It will not steer the  
vehicle or prevent loss of control. It is the driv-  
er’s responsibility to stay alert, drive safely,  
keep the vehicle in the travelling lane, and be  
in control of the vehicle at all times.  
travelling lane using the camera unit  
above the inside mirror.  
The LDW system warns the driver with a LDW indi-  
cator on the Vehicle Information Display and steer-  
ing wheel vibration that the vehicle is beginning to  
leave the driving lane.  
224 Starting and driving