Starting and driving -> Tyre Pressure Monitoring System for Your Nissan Juke SUV 2020

b will also appear in the vehicle information display  
to identify the tyre or tyres with low pressure.  
7 inch display  
Tyre valve with sensor  
The tyre pressure monitoring system monitors the  
tyre pressure of the four wheels while the vehicle is  
in motion. Following a loss in pressure, the system  
will warn the driver using a visual warning. Each  
If you now press the <OK> switch on the steering  
wheel, a further screen is displayed to tell you the  
tyre pressure of all four tyres.  
TPMS sensor A has a registered wheel location and  
sends pressure and temperature data via radio to a  
receiver inside the vehicle.  
Each tyre, including the spare (where fitted), should  
be checked monthly when cold and inflated to the  
inflation pressure recommended by the vehicle  
manufacturer on the vehicle placard or tyre infla-  
tion pressure label. (If your vehicle has tyres of a dif-  
ferent size than the size indicated on the vehicle  
placard or tyre inflation pressure label, you should  
determine the proper tyre inflation pressure for  
those tyres.)  
4.2 inch display  
TPMS indicator light  
TPMS tyre location indicator  
Accordingly, when the TPMS indicator light illumi-  
nates, safely stop the vehicle to check the tyres as  
soon as possible and inflate the tyres to the proper  
pressure. Driving on a significantly under-inflated  
tyre causes the tyre to overheat and can lead to  
The Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) con-  
trols the TPMS indicator light a , which will illumi-  
nate when one or more tyres are significantly un-  
der-inflated. A warning and tyre location indicator  
Starting and driving 187  
tyre failure. Under-inflation also reduces fuel effi-  
ciency and tyre tread life which may affect the vehi-  
cle’s handling and stopping ability.  
The TPMS indicator light may not automatically  
turn off when the tyre pressure is adjusted. Af-  
ter the tyre is inflated to the recommended  
COLD tyre pressure, drive the vehicle at speeds  
above 25 km/h (16 MPH) to activate the TPMS.  
See “New and repositioned TPMS sensors (in-  
cluding fitment of alternative wheels)” later in  
this section  
Check the tyre pressure for all four tyres. Ad-  
just the tyre pressure to the recommended  
COLD tyre pressure shown on the tyre placard  
to turn the TPMS indicator light “OFF”. In case  
of a flat tyre, replace it with a spare tyre as  
soon as possible. (See “Flat tyre” in the “6. In  
case of emergency” section for changing a flat  
The TPMS is not a substitute for proper tyre main-  
tenance. It is the driver’s responsibility to main-  
tain correct tyre pressure, even if under-inflation  
has not reached the level to trigger the illumina-  
Following a change in the outside temperature,  
the TPMS indicator light may illuminate even if  
the tyre pressure has been adjusted properly.  
Adjust the tyre pressure to the recommended  
COLD tyre pressure again when the tyres are  
cold, and reset the TPMS.  
When a spare tyre is mounted or a wheel is  
replaced, the TPMS will not function and the  
TPMS indicator light will flash for approxi-  
mately 1 minute. The light will remain on after  
1 minute. Be sure to follow all instructions for  
wheel replacement and mount the TPMS sys-  
tem correctly.  
tion of the TPMS indicator light a .  
The TPMS indicator light flashes for a short period  
and then turns on continuously if the system is not  
operating properly. This sequence will continue  
upon subsequent vehicle start-ups as long as the  
malfunction exists (missing or faulty TPMS sensor  
or TPMS system malfunction). When the malfunc-  
tion warning light is illuminated, the system may  
not be able to detect or signal low tyre pressure as  
intended. TPMS malfunctions may occur for a vari-  
ety of reasons including the installation of replace-  
ment or alternate tyres or wheels on the vehicle  
that prevent the TPMS from functioning properly.  
Always check the TPMS indicator light after replac-  
ing one or more tyres or wheels on your vehicle to  
ensure that the replacement or alternate tyres and  
wheels allow theTPMS to continue to function prop-  
For additional information, see “[Check cold tyre]  
message” later in this section.  
Replacing tyres with those not originally  
specified by NISSAN could affect the proper  
operation of the TPMS.  
If the TPMS indicator light illuminates while  
The Genuine NISSAN Emergency Tyre Repair  
Sealant or equivalent can be used for tempo-  
rarily repairing a tyre. Do not inject any other  
tyre liquid or aerosol tyre sealant into the ty-  
res, as this may cause a malfunction of the tyre  
pressure sensors.  
avoid sudden steering manoeuvres  
avoid abrupt braking  
reduce vehicle speed  
pull off the road to a safe location  
stop the vehicle as soon as possible  
NISSAN recommends using only Genuine  
NISSAN EmergencyTyre Sealant provided with  
your vehicle. Other tyre sealants may damage  
the valve stem seal which can cause the tyre  
to lose air pressure. Visit a NISSAN dealer or  
qualified workshop as soon as possible after  
using tyre repair sealant (for models equipped  
with the emergency tyre puncture repair kit).  
The TPMS does not monitor the tyre pressure of  
the spare tyre.  
Driving with under-inflated tyres may perma-  
nently damage the tyres and increase the like-  
lihood of tyre failure. Serious vehicle damage  
could occur which may lead to an accident and  
could result in serious personal injury.  
The TPMS will activate only when the vehicle is  
driven at speeds above 25 km/h (16 MPH). Also,  
this system may not detect a sudden drop in  
tyre pressure (for example a flat tyre while driv-  
188 Starting and driving  
Fit the valve caps properly. Without the valve  
caps the valve and tyre pressure monitor sen-  
sors could be damaged.  
The TPMS may not function properly when the  
wheels are equipped with tyre chains or the  
wheels are buried in snow.  
Do not damage the valves and sensors when  
storing the wheels or fitting different tyres.  
Do not place metallised film or any metal parts  
(antenna, etc.) on the windows. This may  
cause poor reception of the signals from the  
tyre pressure sensors, and the TPMS will not  
function properly.  
Replace the TPMS sensor valve stem (includ-  
ing valve core and cap) and screw (where fit-  
ted) when the tyres are replaced due to wear  
or age. The screw (where fitted) must be fitted  
correctly with a torque setting of 1.4 0.1 N.m.  
The TPMS sensors can be used again.  
Some devices and transmitters may tempo-  
rarily interfere with the operation of the TPMS  
and cause the TPMS indicator light to illumi-  
nate. Some examples are:  
Use caution when using tyre inflation equip-  
ment with a rigid air supply tube, as leverage  
applied by the long nozzle can damage the  
valve stem.  
Facilities or electric devices using similar  
radio frequencies are near the vehicle.  
If a transmitter set to similar frequencies is  
being used in or near the vehicle.  
If a computer (or similar equipment) or a  
DC/AC converter is being used in or near  
the vehicle.  
If devices which transmit electrical noise  
are connected to the vehicle's 12V power  
When inflating the tyres and checking the tyre  
pressure, never bend the valves.  
Use Genuine NISSAN valve caps that comply  
with the factory-fitted valve cap specifica-  
Do not use metal valve caps.  
Starting and driving 189  
At ignition ON. Once the vehicle starts moving the  
tyre pressure is monitored.  
TPMS indicator light(s)  
Possible cause  
Recommended action  
SENSORS (including fitment of  
alternative wheels)  
Inflate tyre(s) to the correct pres-  
Low tyre pressure  
It is recommended that a NISSAN dealer performs  
the registration of a new TPMS sensor or sensor  
Check if the TPMS sensors are  
Genuine NISSAN TPMS sensor is not present.  
It is also possible to register the sensor yourself fol-  
lowing the procedure below:  
detected at one or more wheels  
If no sensor is present add a  
genuine NISSAN TPMS sensor  
TPMS radio communication interfer-  
ence between TPMS wheel sensor  
and TPMS receiver due to external  
Drive away from the area of  
1. Change tyre position or have a new TPMS sensor  
2. Confirm pressure of COLD tyre and perform Tem-  
perature Calibration. See “TPMS temperature  
calibration” later in this section.  
If the problem persists contact a  
NISSAN dealer or qualified  
TPMS parts malfunction  
3. Drive the vehicle for several minutes between 25  
km/h (16 MPH) and 100 km/h (64 MPH). The TPMS  
sensor ID and position will automatically be de-  
The TPMS might not synchronise if one or more  
of the following conditions apply:  
Bad road conditions  
The TPMS unit does not receive correct data  
from tyre pressure sensors  
Driving below 25 km/h (16 MPH)  
Driving above 100 km/h (64 MPH)  
High acceleration  
190 Starting and driving  
High deceleration  
If you are using your vehicle in a heavily laden con-  
dition, the tyre pressures should be inflated to the  
‘Laden Pressure’ shown on the tyre placard.  
warning means that the tyre pressure is actually  
too low. Tyre pressure is increasing during driv-  
ing. Check the tyre pressure when the tyre is cold.  
In stop and go traffic or traffic waves  
The TPMS system can be adjusted in the vehicle in-  
formation display to set the target pressure to the  
‘Laden Pressure’ shown on the tyre placard. See  
“Settings” in the “2. Instruments and controls” sec-  
tion. To adjust the target pressure use the steering  
wheel switches to select the [Settings] menu, fol-  
lowed by [Tyre Pressures]. Select [Target front] and  
[Target rear] and set the desired tyre pressure.  
The tyre pressure is affected by the temperature of  
the tyre; the tyre temperature increases when the  
car is driven. To be able to accurately monitor the  
tyre air leakage and to prevent false TPMS warnings  
due to reductions in temperature, the TPMS system  
uses temperature sensors in the tyres to perform  
temperature compensation calculations.  
The TPMS target pressures will be displayed in the  
centre of the front and rear axle on the TPMS screen  
of the vehicle information display.  
On rare occasions it may be necessary to recalibrate  
the TPMS system reference temperature using the  
vehicle information display. See “Settings” in the  
“2. Instruments and controls” section. This opera-  
tion should only be performed when the actual tyre  
pressure has been adjusted, whilst the current am-  
bient temperature is significantly different to the  
current calibration temperature.  
7 inch display  
The units displayed by the TPMS system can be se-  
lected using the vehicle information display. Select  
the [Settings] menu, followed by [Tyre Pressures].  
Select [Tyre pressure unit] and choose the unit that  
you want.  
To initiate TPMS temperature calibration use the  
steering wheel switches to select the [Settings]  
menu, followed by [Tyre Pressures]. Select  
[Calibrate]. While the calibration process is active,  
the message: [Resetting tyre pressure system] will  
be displayed in the vehicle information display.  
If the tyre pressure becomes higher than the target  
pressure during a low tyre pressure condition, the  
[Check Cold Tyre] message will be displayed in the  
vehicle information display.  
See “Settings” in the “2. Instruments and controls”  
4.2 inch display  
Tyre pressure  
Even if the pressure is above the preset target  
pressure, the yellow colour in the tyre pressure  
Tyre pressure units  
Front target pressure  
Rear target pressure  
Starting and driving 191