Starting and driving -> Ultrasonic Parking Sensors for Your Nissan Juke SUV 2020

(where fitted)  
from green over yellow to red. If the text [STOP] is  
shown,stop the vehicle before actually touching the  
The system will not detect small objects be-  
low the bumper, and may not detect objects  
close to the bumper or on the ground.  
The system is deactivated at speeds above 10  
km/h (6 MPH). It is reactivated at lower speeds.  
If there is any doubt the surroundings in the  
This system is intended as an aid to parking,  
to be used in conjunction with your rear view  
path of the parking area and/or the parking  
area itself are not free from obstacles imme-  
diately stop the vehicle and check.  
The system may not detect the following ob-  
The parking sensor system is a convenience  
but it is not a substitute for proper parking.  
The driver is always responsible for safety dur-  
ing parking and other manoeuvres. Always  
look around and check that it is safe to do so  
before parking.  
Where fitted  
Fluffy objects such as snow, cloth, cotton,  
glass-wool, etc.  
Thin objects such as rope, wire and chain,  
Wedge-shaped objects.  
Read and understand the limitations of the  
parking sensor system as contained in this  
section. The colours of the corner sensor indi-  
cator and the distance guide lines in the front  
(where fitted)/rear view indicate different dis-  
tances to the object. Inclement weather or ul-  
trasonic sources such as an automatic car  
wash, a truck's compressed-air brakes, horn  
sound, or a pneumatic drill may affect the  
function of the system; this may include re-  
duced performance or a false activation.  
If your vehicle sustains damage to the bumper  
fascia, leaving it misaligned or bent, the sens-  
ing zone may be altered causing inaccurate  
measurement of obstacles or false alarms.  
Excessive noise (such as audio system volume  
or an open vehicle window) will interfere with  
the tone and it may not be heard.  
Where fitted  
Ultrasonic sensors  
(where fitted) in the vehicle’s  
front and rear bumpers (or rear bumper only), mea-  
sure the distances between the vehicle and an ob-  
stacle when reversing. When reverse gear is  
engaged, a top view of the vehicle is shown in the  
vehicle information display. On the display the dis-  
tances (1 meter and less) to objects are shown. If the  
object(s) get(s) closer to the vehicle, colours change  
Some types of kerb may also be detected.  
In some conditions (i.e. after car wash, or rain)  
water can accumulate around the sonar sen-  
sors reducing performance or cause false ac-  
tivation of the system. This water will drain  
away automatically while driving, bringing  
system performance back to normal.  
in detecting large stationary objects to help  
avoid damaging the vehicle. The system is not  
designed to prevent contact with small or  
moving objects. Always move slowly.  
310 Starting and driving