Driving -> Tyre under-inflation detection for Your Peugeot 3008 SUV 2020

– The electric parking brake is being applied.  
In these cases, this indicator lamp flashes  
for a few seconds, then goes off.  
It compares the information given by the wheel  
speed sensors with reference values, which  
must be reinitialised every time the tyre  
pressures are adjusted or a wheel changed.  
It takes the last values stored during  
the reinitialisation request into account. It is  
therefore essential that the tyre pressure is  
correct during the operation. This operation is  
the driver’s responsibility.  
Checking tyre pressures  
This check should be done monthly  
when the tyres are "cold" (vehicle stopped for  
1 hour or after a journey of less than 6 miles  
(10 km) at moderate speeds).  
Otherwise, add 0.3 bar to the pressures  
shown on the label.  
In the event of a fault with the system, this  
warning lamp flashes for a few moments  
on the instrument panel, then remains on,  
accompanied by the display of a message.  
Have it checked by a PEUGEOT dealer or a  
qualified workshop.  
Snow chains  
The system does not have to be  
reinitialised after fitting or removing snow  
The tyre under-inflation detection cannot,  
in any circumstances, replace the need  
for vigilance on the part of the driver.  
This system does not avoid the need to  
regularly check the tyre pressures (including  
the spare wheel), especially before a long  
Driving with under-inflated tyres, particularly  
in adverse conditions (heavy load, high  
speed, long journey):  
The vehicle stalls in STOP mode  
All of the instrument panel warning lamps come  
on if there is a fault.  
► Switch off the ignition then start the engine  
again with the key or the "START/STOP" button.  
Under-inflation alert  
This is signalled by the fixed illumination  
of this warning lamp, accompanied by an  
audible signal and, depending on equipment, the  
display of a message.  
12 V battery  
The Stop & Start system requires a  
12 V battery of specific technology and  
All work must be carried out only by a  
PEUGEOT dealer or a qualified workshop.  
► Reduce speed immediately, avoid excessive  
steering movements and avoid sudden braking.  
► Stop the vehicle as soon as it is safe to do  
– worsens road-holding.  
– lengthens braking distances.  
– causes premature wear of the tyres.  
– increases energy consumption.  
The loss of pressure detected may not  
always cause visible deformation of the  
The inflation pressures defined for the  
vehicle can be found on the tyre pressure  
For more information on the Identification  
markings, refer to the corresponding section.  
Tyre under-inflation  
This system alerts the driver when one or more  
tyres have a drop in pressure.  
Do not rely on just a visual check.  
► Using a compressor, such as the one in  
the temporary puncture repair kit, check the  
pressures of all four tyres when cold.  
► If it is not possible to carry out this check  
immediately, drive carefully at reduced speed.  
The alert is raised when the vehicle is moving,  
not when stationary.  
► In the event of a puncture, use the  
temporary puncture repair kit or the spare wheel  
(depending on equipment).  
The system does not advise if a pressure is  
incorrect at the time of reinitialisation.  
replaced with one of the same size as the  
others, tyre pressures have been adjusted  
and the system reinitialised.  
Driving too slowly may not ensure  
optimum monitoring.  
Driving and manoeuvring  
aids - General  
The alert is not immediately triggered in the  
event of a sudden loss of pressure or tyre  
blow-out. This is because analysis of the  
values read by the wheel's speed sensors  
can take several minutes.  
The alert may be delayed at speeds below  
25 mph (40 km/h), or when adopting a sporty  
driving mode.  
With the vehicle stationary, the system is  
reinitialised via the Driving/Vehicle touch  
screen menu.  
► In this menu, select the “Vehicle settings”  
► On this page, select the "Under-inflation  
initialisation" function.  
► Select "Yes" to confirm.  
Driving and manoeuvring aids cannot, in  
any circumstances, replace the need for  
vigilance on the part of the driver.  
The driver must comply with the Highway  
Code, must remain in control of the vehicle in  
all circumstances and must be able to retake  
control of it at all times. The driver must adapt  
the speed to climatic conditions, traffic and  
the state of the road.  
It is the driver's responsibility to constantly  
monitor traffic conditions, assess the distance  
and relative speed of other vehicles, and  
anticipate their manoeuvres before using the  
direction indicator and changing lanes.  
These systems do not make it possible to  
exceed the laws of physics.  
The reinitialisation is confirmed by the display of  
a message and an audible signal.  
The alert is kept active until the system is  
In the event of a malfunction, these  
warning lamps light up on the  
► The system must be reinitialised after any  
adjustment to the pressure of one or more tyres,  
and after changing one or more wheels.  
instrument panel.  
A message appears, accompanied by an audible  
In this case, the tyre under-inflation monitoring  
function is no longer performed.  
Have it checked by a PEUGEOT dealer or a  
qualified workshop.  
Before reinitialising the system, make  
sure that the pressures of the four tyres  
are correct for the conditions of use of the  
vehicle and conform to the values written on  
the tyre pressure label.  
Driving aids  
"Space-saver" type spare wheel  
The use of this type of spare wheel may  
suspend tyre pressure monitoring.  
In this case, the fault warning lamp comes on  
and goes off again once the wheel has been  
Check the pressures of the four tyres before  
performing the reinitialisation.  
You should hold the steering wheel with  
both hands, always use the door and interior  
mirrors, always leave your feet close to the  
pedals and take a break every 2 hours.