Ease of use and comfort -> Rear seats for Your Peugeot 3008 SUV 2020

Ease of use and comfort  
Folding from the boot  
► Put the backrest 3 in the upright position and  
push it firmly to latch it home.  
► Check that the red indicator is no longer  
visible in the release grip 1.  
► Ensure that the outer seat belts were not  
trapped during the operation.  
Please note: an incorrectly latched  
backrest compromises the safety of  
passengers in the event of sudden braking or  
an accident.  
The contents of the boot may be thrown  
forward - risk of serious injury!  
► Pull the backrest release lever 2 towards you.  
The backrest 3 folds fully onto the cushion.  
Second row seats  
Repositioning the backrests  
First check that the outer seat belts are  
lying vertically flat alongside the backrest  
latching rings.  
A. Longitudinal adjustment  
B. Seat backrest angle adjustment and folding  
C. Folding the backrest from behind and  
emergency exit for third row passengers  
D. Access to third row seats  
Seat adjustment  
The three second row seats are independent  
and of the same width. Their backrests can be  
folded to adapt the boot load space.  
Ease of use and comfort  
Before and while performing the  
operation on the seats, check that the  
passengers, children in particular, keep their  
hands and their feet far from the moving parts  
of the seats (hinges, slides, etc.) - risk of  
serious injury!  
Longitudinal adjustment  
► Lift control handle B1 and guide the backrest  
backwards or forwards, raising yourself slightly  
if needed.  
► Release the handle and ensure the backrest  
is properly locked on one of the positions offered.  
Central seat  
► Lift control strap B2 and guide the backrest  
backwards or forwards, raising yourself slightly  
if needed.  
Folding from the outside  
► Release the strap and ensure the backrest is  
properly locked on one of the positions offered.  
Flat floor  
► Raise control bar A and slide the seat  
forwards or backwards.  
► Release the bar to lock the seat in position in  
one of the notches.  
Seat backrest angle adjustment  
► Pull handle B1 or strap B2 until the backrest  
is fully folded.  
► Release the control.  
► Gently push the backrest forwards so that  
the backrest tilts until it is folded onto the seat  
Folding the backrests  
► Check that the "aircraft" type tables of the  
front seats are properly folded.  
► Place the second row seats in the maximum  
rear position.  
Side seats  
Ease of use and comfort  
Folding from the boot  
► Straighten the backrest until it locks.  
Before unfolding the continuity panels,  
check that the 2nd row seats are pulled as  
far back as possible.  
Before performing any operations on the  
rear seats, to avoid damage to the seat  
belts, check that the outer seat belts are  
properly tensioned. The central seat belt must  
be stored in the headlining.  
Accessing third row seats  
The third row seats are accessed via the second  
row side seats.  
Continuity panels  
When loading, for example, or from the third row  
► Pull strap C to unlock the desired seat and  
give the backrest a slight push forwards.  
Repositioning the seat  
From the outside or from the third row seats:  
► Check that the "aircraft" type tables of the  
front seats are properly folded up.  
► Pull paddle D and guide the backrest  
forwards to tilt it and move the seat forwards.  
To put the seat back in place:  
► Straighten the backrest until the seat locks.  
Whatever the initial position of the seat, it is  
placed automatically a third of the way along  
the longitudinal adjustment range in order to  
preserve enough space for passengers in the  
third row seats.  
Each seat has a continuity panel at the bottom of  
the backrest, which, once unfolded:  
– allows for a continuous loading surface in the  
boot, whatever the position of the seats,  
– prevents objects from sliding beneath the 2nd  
row seats.  
The continuity panels are held against the  
backrests with a magnetic fixing element.  
These continuity panels are not designed  
to support a weight greater than 30 kg.  
► Place the continuity panels of the 2nd row  
seats back up against the backrests.  
Ease of use and comfort  
If this system fails (paddle D), the third  
row passengers can also get out after  
having folded the backrest of the second row  
seats using strap C.  
Do not let children operate the seats  
► Pull one of the straps; the 3 sections of the  
corresponding panel fold into concertina form.  
When the 3rd row seats are straightened, these  
folded concertina panels can be left upright or  
flat behind the seats (freeing up the seat well as  
a storage space).  
Positioning the seats  
These operations are carried out from the boot  
Third row seats  
When there is a seat at the back of the boot, the  
removable support is fixed against the front wall  
of its housing.  
If the seat is removed from the back of the boot  
for extra storage space, the removable support  
must be installed on the two lugs on the central  
The two third row seats are stored in a retracted  
position in the bottom of the boot. Each one is  
covered with rigid concertina panels, secured to  
the vehicle.  
Folding the concertina  
Do not let children operate the seats  
Each concertina panel can support a  
maximum load of 100 kg with the third  
row seats folded away.  
With the third row seats removed and the  
removable concertina panels supports  
installed, the maximum load is limited to  
50 kg.  
► Remove the load space cover roller.  
► Straighten the continuity panels of the 2nd row  
► Fold back the concertina panel and straighten  
it vertically.  
► Pull the black strap E, located behind the  
The backrest tilts backwards bringing the seat  
cushion with it; the seat locks in the open  
Ease of use and comfort  
The load space cover roller can be stored behind  
the backrests of the 3rd row seats.  
► Reposition the concertina panels above the  
retracted seats.  
For more information on the Boot fittings, and  
in particular the load space cover roller, refer to  
the corresponding section.  
Before doing anything to the 3rd row  
seats, straighten the continuity panels of  
the 2nd row seats.  
Do not try to fold back a seat in the 3rd row  
without having opened it until the backrest is  
fully locked.  
Do not leave anything on or underneath the  
cushions of the 3rd row seats when they are  
being folded.  
Storing the seats  
► Lift the yellow lever G, located on the right-  
hand side, as far upwards as possible to unlock  
the seat.  
Do not guide strap F when storing the seat -  
your fingers may get trapped!  
Removing the seats  
Removing the right-hand seat first is  
recommended in order to facilitate access to the  
left-hand seat unlocking control.  
► Straighten the continuity panels of the 2nd row  
► Place the head restraints in the low position.  
► Check that the seat belts in the 3rd row are  
properly stored along the side trims without  
being folded or twisted.  
► Pull red strap F, located at the bottom of the  
► While keeping the yellow lever held up as far  
as possible, raise the rear part of the seat using  
the red strap F.  
The seat is unlocked.  
► Push the backrest slightly forwards.  
The backrest tilts and folds onto the cushion; the  
folded seat is stored at the back of its storage  
The seat must be in the folded-away position.  
These operations must be performed from the  
boot sill.  
► Fold back the concertina panel.  
Ease of use and comfort  
► While holding it by the sides at the plastic  
covers, tilt the seat forwards.  
► Simultaneously place both hooks located at  
the front of the seat onto the coloured securing  
lugs on the right and left at the bottom of the seat  
Seat modularity  
Configuration examples  
Check that the front hooks of the seat are  
positioned correctly on the two lugs.  
If they are not, you must remove the seat and  
start the procedure again.  
► Once the rear part of the seat has been  
raised, take hold of each side of the seat  
cushion, at the plastic covers, then bring the seat  
towards you, keeping it at the same angle.  
Repositioning the seats  
These operations must be performed from the  
boot sill.  
7 seats  
5 seats  
Transport of  
As long as the seat is not in the correct  
position, it must be held with both hands  
by the sides, keeping it folded.  
► Release the rear part of the seat which will  
lock in place under its own weight.  
The yellow lever G folds back automatically.  
► Check in advance that the seat storage well  
is empty and that the removable support is  
properly secured against the front wall.  
If the seat is not perfectly horizontal, do  
not press on the backrest and do not try  
to unfold it - risk of damaging the mechanism!  
Take out the seat and start the operation  
6 seats  
4 seats  
By folding the second row seats and  
retracting the third row seats, you obtain