PEUGEOT Connect Nav -> Frequently asked questions for Your Peugeot 3008 SUV 2020

PEUGEOT Connect Nav  
Select "Setting the time-date".  
Select "Date".  
Press "OK" to confirm.  
I cannot enter the navigation address.  
The address is not recognised.  
► Use the "intuitive method" by pressing  
the "Search…" button at the bottom of the  
"Navigation” page.  
The system may not automatically  
manage the change between winter and  
summer time (depending on the country of  
Press this button to set the date.  
Press "OK" to confirm.  
The route calculation is not successful.  
The route settings may conflict with the current  
location (for example, if toll roads are excluded  
but the vehicle is on a toll road).  
► Check the route settings in the "Navigation"  
I do not receive "Danger zone” alerts.  
You have not subscribed to the online services  
Select the display format for the date.  
Colour schemes  
Depending on equipment/Depending on version.  
Time and date setting is only available if  
"GPS synchronisation" is deactivated.  
As a safety measure, the procedure for  
changing the colour scheme is only  
possible when the vehicle is stationary.  
Setting the time  
Press Settings to display the main page.  
Press Settings to display the main page.  
Select "Color schemes".  
► If you have subscribed to the option:  
- a few days may elapse before the service is  
Press the "OPTIONS" button to access the  
secondary page.  
Select "Setting the time-date".  
- services may not be selected in the system  
Select a colour scheme in the list then  
press "OK" to confirm.  
Select "Time".  
- online services are not active ("TOMTOM  
TRAFFIC" not shown on the map).  
The POIs do not appear.  
The POIs have not been selected.  
► Set the zoom level to 600 ft (200 m) or select  
POIs in the POI list.  
Whenever the colour scheme is  
changed, the system restarts, temporarily  
displaying a black screen.  
Press this button to set the time using the  
virtual keypad.  
Press "OK" to confirm.  
Press this button to set the time zone.  
Frequently asked  
The following information groups together the  
answers to the most frequently asked questions  
concerning the system.  
The "Danger zone" audible warning feature is  
not working.  
The audible warning is not active or the volume  
is too low.  
Select the display format for the time  
Activate or deactivate summer time (+1  
Activate or deactivate GPS  
synchronisation (UTC).  
PEUGEOT Connect Nav  
► Activate the audible warning in the  
"Navigation" menu and check the voice volume  
in the sound settings.  
The system does not suggest a detour  
around an incident on the route.  
The route settings do not take account of TMC  
The altitude is not displayed.  
The aerial is missing or has been damaged  
(for example while entering a car wash or  
underground car park).  
► Have the aerial checked by a dealer.  
The environment (hills, buildings, tunnels,  
basement car parks, etc.) is blocking reception,  
including in RDS mode.  
On starting, GPS initialisation may take up to  
3 minutes to receive more than 4 satellites  
► Wait until the system has started up  
completely so that there is GPS coverage by at  
least 4 satellites.  
► Configure the "Traffic info " function in  
the route settings list (Without, Manual or  
I receive a warning about a "Danger area"  
that is not on my route.  
As well as providing guided navigation, the  
system announces all "Danger areas" positioned  
in a cone located in front of the vehicle. It may  
provide an alert for "Danger areas" located on  
nearby or parallel roads.  
► Zoom the map to show the exact location  
of the "Danger area". You can select "On the  
route" to stop receiving warnings or decrease the  
warning duration.  
Depending on the geographical environment  
(tunnel, etc.) or the weather, the conditions of  
reception of the GPS signal may vary.  
This behaviour is normal. The system is  
dependent on the GPS signal reception  
My navigation is no longer connected.  
During start-up and in certain geographical  
areas, the connection may be unavailable.  
► Check that the online services are activated  
(settings, contract).  
This is a perfectly normal phenomenon, and is  
not indicative of an audio system malfunction.  
I cannot find some radio stations in the list of  
stations received.  
The name of the radio station changes.  
The station is no longer received or its name has  
changed in the list.  
Some radio stations send other information  
in place of their name (the title of the song for  
The system interprets these details as the station  
► Press the "Update list" button in the "Radio  
stations” secondary menu.  
The reception quality of the tuned radio  
station gradually deteriorates or the station  
presets are not working (no sound, 87.5 MHz  
is displayed, etc.).  
Certain traffic jams along the route are not  
indicated in real time.  
On starting, a few minutes may elapse before  
the system begins to receive traffic information.  
► Wait until traffic information is being received  
correctly (traffic information icons shown on the  
In certain countries, only major routes  
(motorways, etc.) are listed for the traffic  
Playback of my USB memory stick starts only  
after a very long wait (around 2 to 3 minutes).  
Some files supplied with the memory stick may  
greatly slow down access to reading the memory  
stick (multiplication by 10 of the cataloguing  
The vehicle is too far from the selected station’s  
transmitter, or no transmitter is present in the  
geographical area.  
► Activate the "RDS" function by means of the  
short-cut menu to enable the system to check  
whether there is a more powerful transmitter in  
the geographical area.  
► Delete the files supplied with the memory  
stick and limit the number of sub-folders in the  
file structure on the memory stick.  
This is perfectly normal. The system is  
dependent on the traffic information available.  
PEUGEOT Connect Nav  
There may be an extended pause after  
inserting a USB stick.  
The system reads a variety of data (folder, title,  
artist, etc.). This can take from a few seconds to  
a few minutes.  
The Bluetooth telephone is not compatible with  
the system.  
The contacts are not listed in alphabetical  
You can check the compatibility of the  
telephone on the Brand's website (services).  
Android Auto and/or CarPlay do not work.  
Android Auto and CarPlay may not activate if the  
USB cables are of poor quality.  
► Use genuine USB cables to ensure  
Android Auto and/or CarPlay do not work.  
Android Auto and CarPlay are not available in all  
Some telephones offer display options.  
Depending on the settings chosen, contacts can  
be transferred in a specific order.  
► Modify the telephone directory display  
The system does not receive SMS.  
Bluetooth mode does not allow SMS text  
messages to be sent to the system.  
This is perfectly normal.  
Some characters in information about the  
currently playing media may not be displayed  
The audio system is unable to process certain  
types of character.  
► Use standard characters to name tracks and  
Playback of streaming files does not start.  
The connected device does not automatically  
launch playback.  
► Check the Google Android Auto or Apple  
website to see which countries are supported.  
The volume of the telephone connected in  
Bluetooth mode is inaudible.  
When the treble and bass settings are  
changed, the ambience is deselected.  
When the ambience is changed, the treble  
and bass settings are reset.  
► Start playback from the device.  
Track names and playing times are not  
displayed on the audio streaming screen.  
The Bluetooth profile does not allow the transfer  
of this information.  
The volume depends on both the system and the  
► Increase the volume of the audio system, to  
maximum if required, and increase the volume of  
the telephone if necessary.  
Selecting an ambience imposes the treble and  
bass settings, and vice versa.  
► Modify the treble and bass or ambience  
settings to obtain the desired musical ambience.  
When the balance settings are changed, the  
distribution is deselected.  
When the distribution setting is changed, the  
balance settings are deselected.  
Selecting a distribution setting imposes the  
balance settings, and vice versa.  
► Modify the balance setting or the distribution  
setting to obtain the desired sound quality.  
There is a difference in sound quality  
between audio sources.  
To allow for optimal listening quality, the sound  
settings can be tailored to different audio  
Ambient noise affects the quality of the  
telephone call.  
► Reduce the ambient noise level (close  
windows, turn down ventilation, slow down, etc.).  
Some contacts are duplicated in the list.  
The options for synchronising contacts are:  
synchronise the contacts on the SIM card, the  
contacts on the telephone, or both. When both  
synchronisations are selected, some contacts  
may be duplicated.  
I cannot connect my Bluetooth telephone.  
The telephone's Bluetooth function may be  
switched off or the device may not be visible.  
► Check that the telephone has Bluetooth  
switched on.  
► Check in the telephone settings that it is  
"visible to all".  
► Deactivate then reactivate the telephone’s  
Bluetooth function.  
► Select "Display SIM card contacts" or  
"Display telephone contacts".  
PEUGEOT Connect Nav  
sources, which can generate audible differences  
when changing source.  
► Check that the sound settings are appropriate  
to the sources listened to. We recommend  
setting the sound functions (Bass:, Treble:,  
Balance) to the middle position, setting the  
musical ambience to "None", setting loudness  
correction to "Active" in USB mode and "Inactive"  
in Radio mode.  
► In all cases, after applying sound settings,  
adjust the volume level on the portable device (to  
a high level) first. Then adjust the volume level  
on the audio system.  
When the engine is off, the system switches  
off after several minutes of use.  
When the engine is switched off, the system's  
operating time depends on the state of charge of  
the battery.  
The switch-off is normal: the system  
automatically goes into energy economy mode  
and switches off to maintain an adequate charge  
in the battery.  
► Start the vehicle’s engine to increase the  
charge of the battery.  
The date and time cannot be set.  
Setting of the date and time is only available  
if the synchronisation with the satellites is  
► Settings menu / Options / Time-Date setting.  
Select the "Time" tab and deactivate the "GPS  
synchronisation" (UTC).