PEUGEOT Connect Nav -> Voice commands for Your Peugeot 3008 SUV 2020

PEUGEOT Connect Nav  
Example of a "voice command" for the radio and  
"Play artist Madonna"  
Example of a "voice command" for the  
Voice commands  
Steering wheel-mounted  
"Call David Miller"  
Voice commands:  
Voice commands can be issued from any  
screen page after a short press on the "Voice  
commands" button located on the steering  
wheel or at the end of the lighting control stalk  
(depending on equipment), as long as there is no  
telephone call in progress.  
The voice commands, with a choice of 17  
languages (Arabic, Brazilian, Czech,  
Danish, Dutch, English, Farsi, French,  
German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish,  
Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish,  
Turkish), are made using the language  
previously chosen and set in the system.  
For some voice commands, there are  
alternative synonyms.  
A number of commands are available when a  
menu is selected.  
To ensure that voice commands are  
always recognised by the system, please  
follow these recommendations:  
Example: Guide to / Navigate to / Go to / ...  
The voice commands in Arabic for: "Navigate  
to address" and "Display POI in the city", are  
not available.  
use natural language in a normal tone  
without breaking up words or raising your  
– always wait for the "beep" (audible signal)  
before speaking.  
– for best results, closing the windows and  
sunroof is recommended, to avoid extraneous  
interference (depending on version).  
– before issuing a voice command, ask any  
other passengers to refrain from speaking.  
Information - Using the  
Press the Push To Talk button and tell me  
what you'd like after the tone. Remember  
When voice commands are activated, by  
briefly pressing the button, help is  
you can interrupt me at any time by pressing this  
button. If you press it again while I'm waiting for  
you to speak, it'll end the conversation. If you  
need to start over, say "cancel". If you want to  
undo something, say "undo". And to get  
information and tips at any time, just say "help".  
If you ask to me do something and there's some  
information missing that I need, I'll give you  
some examples or take you through it step by  
displayed on the touch screen, offering various  
menus and enabling voice-based interaction with  
the system.  
First steps  
Example of a "voice command" for  
"Navigate to address 11 regent street,  
PEUGEOT Connect Nav  
step. There's more information available in  
"novice" mode. You can set the dialogue mode to  
"expert" when you feel comfortable.  
To plan a route, say "navigate to" followed by the  
address, the contact name or an intersection. For  
example, "navigate to address 11 Regent Street,  
London", "navigate to contact, John Miller",  
or "navigate to intersection of Regent Street,  
London". You can specify if it's a preferred  
address, or a Point of Interest. For example, say  
"navigate to preferred address, Tennis club", or  
"navigate to POI Heathrow Airport in London".  
Or, you can just say, "navigate home". To see  
Points of Interest on a map, you can say things  
like "show POI hotels in Banbury". For more  
information say "help with points of interest" or  
"help with route guidance".  
To choose a destination, say something like  
"navigate to line three" or "select line two". If you  
can't find the destination but the street's right,  
say for example "select the street in line three".  
To move around a displayed list, you can say  
"next page" or "previous page". You can undo  
your last action and start over by saying "undo",  
or say "cancel" to cancel the current action.  
Voice commands  
distance" or "arrival time". To learn more  
commands, try saying "help with navigation".  
Voice commands  
Global voice commands  
Show POI ''hotel'' at the destination  
Show nearby POI petrol station  
Navigate to POI Heathrow Airport in London  
Navigate to POI petrol station along the route  
Help messages  
Voice commands  
Set dialogue mode as novice - expert  
Select user 1 / Select profile John  
Increase temperature  
To see points of interest on a map, you can  
say things like "show hotels in Banbury", "show  
nearby parking", "show hotel at the destination"  
or "show petrol station along the route". If you  
prefer to navigate directly to a point of interest,  
you can say "navigate to nearby petrol station".  
If you feel you are not being well understood,  
try to say the word "POI" in front of the point  
of interest. For example say "navigate to POI  
restaurant at the destination".  
To choose a POI, say something like "select  
line 2". If you've searched for a Point of Interest  
and don't see the one you're after, you can filter  
further by saying something like "select POI in  
line 2", or "select the city in line 3". You can also  
scroll through the list by saying "next page" or  
"previous page".  
Decrease temperature  
Help messages  
There are lots of topics I can help you with.  
You can say: "help with phone", "help with  
navigation", "help with media" or "help with  
radio". For an overview on how to use voice  
controls, you can say "help with voice controls".  
Say "yes" if I got that right. Otherwise, say "no"  
and we'll start that again.  
"Navigation" voice  
Voice commands  
Tell me the remaining distance  
Tell me the remaining time  
Tell me the arrival time  
Stop route guidance  
Navigate home  
Navigate to work  
Navigate to preferred address, Tennis club  
Navigate to contact, John Miller  
Navigate to address 11 regent street, London  
Help messages  
Depending on the country, give  
destination (address) instructions in the  
language configured for the system.  
Help messages  
You can say "stop" or "resume route guidance".  
To get information about your current route, you  
can say "tell me the remaining time", "remaining  
PEUGEOT Connect Nav  
Voice commands  
Media voice commands are available  
only with a USB connection.  
"Radio Media" voice  
What's playing?  
Help messages  
Voice commands  
"Telephone" voice  
Turn on source radio - Streaming Bluetooth  
- …  
To choose what you'd like to play, start by saying commands  
"play" and then the item. For example, say "play  
If there is no telephone connected by  
Help messages  
song Hey Jude", "play line 3" or "select line 2".  
You can undo your last action and start over  
by saying "undo", or say "cancel" to cancel the  
current action.  
Bluetooth, a voice message announces:  
"Please first connect a telephone", and the  
voice session is closed.  
You can select an audio source by saying "turn  
on source" followed by the device name. For  
example, "turn on source, Streaming Bluetooth",  
or "turn on source, radio". Use the command  
"play" to specify the type of music you'd like to  
hear. You can choose between "song", "artist",  
or "album". Just say something like "play artist,  
Madonna", "play song, Hey Jude", or "play  
album, Thriller".  
Voice commands  
Voice commands  
Play song Hey Jude  
Play artist Madonna  
Play album Thriller  
Help messages  
Call David Miller*  
Call voicemail*  
Display calls*  
Help messages  
Voice commands  
I'm not sure what you'd like to play. Please say  
"play" and then a song title, an album title, or  
an artist name. For example, say "play song  
Hey Jude", "play artist Madonna" or "play  
album Thriller". To select a line number from the  
display, say "select line two". To move around  
a displayed list, you can say "next page" or  
"previous page". You can undo your last action  
and start over by saying "undo", or say "cancel"  
to cancel the current action.  
To make a phone call, say "call" followed by  
the contact name, for example: "Call David  
Miller". You can also include the phone type, for  
example: "Call David Miller at home". To make  
a call by number, say "dial" followed by the  
phone number, for example, "Dial 107776 835  
417". You can check your voicemail by saying  
"call voicemail". To send a text, say "send quick  
message to", followed by the contact, and then  
the name of the quick message you'd like to  
send. For example, "send quick message to  
Tune to channel BBC Radio 2  
Tune to 98.5 FM  
Tune to preset number five  
Help messages  
You can pick a radio station by saying "tune to"  
and the station name or frequency. For example  
"tune to channel Talksport" or "tune to 98.5  
FM". To listen to a preset radio station, say for  
example "tune to preset number five".  
* This function is available only if the telephone connected to the system supports downloading of contacts and recent calls and the corresponding  
download has been performed.  
PEUGEOT Connect Nav  
David Miller, I'll be late". To display the list of  
calls, say "display calls". For more information on  
SMS, you can say "help with texting".  
To choose a contact, say something like "select  
line three". To move around the list say "next  
page" or "previous page". You can undo your last  
action and start over by saying "undo", or say  
"cancel" to cancel the current action.  
From the list of quick messages, say the name of  
the one you'd like to send. To move around the  
list you can say "go to start", "go to end", "next  
page" or "previous page". You can undo your last  
action and start over by saying "undo", or say  
"cancel" to cancel the current action.  
Bill Carter, I'll be late". Check the phone menu  
for the names of the supported messages.  
The system only sends pre-recorded  
"Quick messages".  
Voice commands  
Send SMS to John Miller, I'm just arriving  
Send SMS to David Miller at the office, don't  
wait for me  
"Text message" voice  
Choice of a destination  
Help messages  
To a new destination  
If there is no telephone connected by  
Bluetooth, a voice message announces:  
"Please first connect a telephone", and the  
voice session is closed.  
Intuitive method:  
Press Navigation to display the main  
Please say "call" or "send quick message to",  
and then select a line from the list. To move  
around a list shown on the display, you can  
say "go to start", "go to end", "next page" or  
"previous page". You can undo your last action  
and start over by saying "undo", or say "cancel"  
to cancel the current action.  
Press "Search…".  
The "Text messages" voice commands  
function allows you to dictate and send  
an SMS.  
Enter an address or the key words for the  
Press "OK" to select the "Guidance  
Voice commands  
Dictate the text, taking care to pause briefly  
between each word.  
Listen to most recent message*  
When you have finished, the voice recognition  
system will automatically generate an SMS.  
Guided method:  
Help messages  
In order to be able to use the navigation,  
you must enter the "City", the "Street"  
(suggestions are displayed automatically  
when you begin typing), then enter the  
"Number" using the virtual keypad, or select  
Voice commands  
To hear your last message, you can say "listen to  
most recent message". When you want to send  
a text, there's a set of quick messages ready for  
you to use. Just use the quick message name  
and say something like "send quick message to  
Send quick message to Bill Carter, I'll be late  
Help messages  
* This function is available only if the telephone connected to the system supports downloading of contacts and recent calls and the corresponding  
download has been performed.