Practical information -> Refuelling for Your Peugeot 3008 SUV 2020

Practical information  
fuels could prevent the engine from operating  
correctly. In these temperature conditions, use  
winter-type Diesel fuel and keep the fuel tank  
more than 50 % full.  
At temperatures below -15 °C (+5 °F) to avoid  
problems starting, it is best to park the vehicle  
under shelter (heated garage).  
panel, accompanied by the display of a message  
and an audible signal. When it first comes on,  
about 6 litres of fuel remain.  
Until sufficient fuel is added, this warning lamp  
appears every time the ignition is switched on,  
accompanied by the message and the audible  
signal. When driving, this message and audible  
signal are repeated with increasing frequency as  
the fuel level drops towards 0.  
You must refuel as soon as possible to avoid  
running out of fuel.  
For more information on Running out of fuel  
(Diesel), refer to the corresponding section.  
Compatibility of fuels  
Petrol fuels conforming to the EN228 standard  
containing up to 5% and 10% ethanol  
Travelling abroad  
Certain fuels could damage your vehicle’s  
In certain countries, the use of a particular  
fuel may be required (specific octane rating,  
specific trade name, etc.) to ensure correct  
operation of the engine.  
Diesel fuels conforming to the EN590, EN16734  
and EN16709 standards and containing up to  
7%, 10%, 20% and 30% fatty acid methyl ester  
respectively. The use of B20 or B30 fuels, even  
occasionally, imposes special maintenance  
conditions referred to as "Arduous conditions".  
A small arrow by the warning lamp  
indicates on which side of the vehicle the  
fuel filler flap is located.  
For all additional information, consult a dealer.  
Paraffinic Diesel fuel conforming to the EN15940  
Stop & Start  
Never refuel with the engine in STOP  
mode; you must switch off the ignition.  
The use of any other type of (bio)fuel  
(e.g. pure or diluted vegetable or animal  
oils, domestic fuel) is strictly prohibited - risk  
of damaging the engine and fuel system!  
Fuel tank capacity:  
approximately 53 litres  
(Petrol or Diesel) or 43 litres  
(Rechargeable hybrid).  
Any addition of fuel must be in quantities of at  
least 10 litres, in order to be registered by the  
fuel gauge.  
Opening the filler flap may create a noise caused  
by an inrush of air. This vacuum is entirely  
normal, resulting from the sealing of the fuel  
The filler cap is built into the filler flap or must be  
unscrewed (depending on version).  
Fuel tank capacity:  
approximately 56 litres.  
The only fuel additives authorised for use  
are those that meet the B715001 (petrol)  
or B715000 (Diesel) standards.  
Reserve level: approximately 6 litres.  
Diesel at low temperature  
At temperatures below 0 °C (+32 °F), the  
formation of paraffins in summer-type Diesel  
Low fuel level  
When the low fuel level is reached, this  
warning lamp lights up on the instrument  
Practical information  
To refuel in complete safety:  
You must switch off the engine.  
► Insert the filler nozzle and push it in as far as  
possible before starting to refuel (to minimise the  
risk of splashing).  
This mechanical device prevents filling the tank  
of a Diesel vehicle with petrol.  
Located in the filler neck, the misfuel prevention  
device is visible when the filler cap is removed.  
► Fill the tank.  
Do not continue past the 3rd cut-off of the  
nozzle; as this may cause malfunctions.  
► Put the filler cap back in place and turn it to  
the right (depending on version).  
► Push the filler flap to close it.  
The vehicle is fitted with a catalytic converter,  
which helps to reduce the level of harmful  
emissions in the exhaust gases.  
For petrol engines, you must use unleaded  
To open the filler flap, press the flap opening  
button or press the rear edge of the filler flap  
(depending on version).  
Rechargeable hybrid vehicles  
After pressing the button, it may take a  
few minutes for the filler flap to open.  
If the flap becomes stuck, press and hold the  
button for more than 3 seconds.  
The filler neck is narrower, allowing only  
unleaded petrol nozzles to be inserted.  
If you have put in the wrong fuel for  
the vehicle, you must have the fuel  
tank drained and filled with the correct fuel  
before starting the engine.  
When a petrol filler nozzle is introduced into the  
fuel filler neck of a Diesel vehicle, it comes into  
contact with the flap. The system remains closed  
and prevents filling.  
Take care to select the pump that delivers the  
correct fuel type for the vehicle's engine (see a  
reminder label on the inside of the filler flap).  
Rechargeable hybrid vehicles  
If the filler flap is accidentally closed  
before refuelling, it cannot be opened  
manually. Restart the engine and move the  
vehicle a few metres before pressing the  
filler flap opening button again.  
Do not persist but introduce a Diesel type  
filler nozzle.  
The use of a fuel jerrycan to fill the tank  
remains possible.  
Travelling abroad  
As Diesel fuel pump nozzles may be  
different in other countries, the presence  
of the misfuel prevention device may make  
refuelling impossible.  
Misfuel prevention (Diesel)  
(Depending on country of sale.)  
► Turn the filler cap to the left, remove it  
and place it on its support on the filler flap  
(depending on version).