TRANSMISSION: 4-wheel drive (4WD) (2/4)
Note: If the vehicle speed exceeds
This problem may be resolved by
changing the tyres. Always use four
identical tyres (same brand, profile,
etc.) and with similar wear.
“4WD Lock" mode
To activate this mode, turn selector 1 to
the “4WD Lock” position. The selector
the returns to the “AUTO” position. The
approximately 24.8 mph (40 km/h) in
“4WD Lock” mode, the system auto-
matically switches back to “AUTO”
In the event of excessive wheelspin, the
mechanical components may overheat.
indicator light will light up on the
instrument panel.
tThheewarning light comes on.
warning light goes out and
If this happens:
Operating principle
– at first, the
warning light
“4WD Lock” mode distributes the
engine torque between the front and
rear axles in order to optimise the per-
formance capacity of the vehicle in off-
road situations. This mode should only
be used in extreme driving conditions
(mud, steep slopes, sand).
To deactivate this mode, turn selector 1
to the “4WD Lock” position again. The
warning light goes out on the instru-
ment panel.
comes on. “4WD Lock” mode is still
active – however, we recommend
that you stop as soon as possible to
allow the system to cool down (until
the warning light goes out);
Special features of the
4-wheel drive transmission
The vehicle may make more noise when
the “AUTO" or "4WD Lock" modes are
activated. This is normal. If the system
detects a difference in the dimensions
of the front and rear wheels (eg. un-
derinflation, severe wear on an axle),
the system automatically switches to
"2WD" mode.
– if the wheels still spin, the system au-
tomatically switches to “2WD” mode
to protect the mechanical compo-
The message “4WD overheating” is
displayed on the instrument panel.
The mode cannot be changed while
the message is displayed.
The message “4WD unavailable unsuit-
able tyres” is displayed on the instru-
ment panel. Drive as soon as possible
at a moderate speed to an approved