Precautions for use
In extreme cold weather conditions
Fill the reagent tank as soon as pos-
When filling, handle the reagent care-
sible when the warning light
and the message “Top up AdBlue
before 1200 km” are displayed.
They can damage clothes, shoes,
bodywork components etc.
After filling the reagent tank, check
that the cap and cover are closed,
start the engine and WAIT 10 sec-
onds with the vehicle stationary,
engine running before setting off
If this operation is not carried out,
the filling of the tank will not be
taken into account automatically
until after several dozens of minutes
of driving.
If the reagent overflows, or contami-
nates any paintwork, clean the affected
area quickly with plenty of cold water
and a soft cloth.
The reagent fluid freezes below about
In these conditions, do not attempt fill-
ing when the fluid is frozen. In the event
Note: If the reagent crystallises, use a
soft sponge.
wofithnereedaignegntto(top upono)r, pfiallrkthtehetavnek-
hicle in a hotter location if possible so
that the reagent becomes liquid again.
Otherwise, have a qualified profes-
sional top up or fill up with reagent fluid.
The message “--- Top up AdBlue”
and/or the warning lights will con-
tinue to appear until the filling has
been registered by the system.
No work whatsoever is
permitted on any part of
the system. To prevent
damage, only qualified per-
sonnel from our network may work
on the system.
The reagent must not come
into contact with eyes or
skin. If it does, wash the af-
fected area with plenty of
cold water. If necessary, consult a