Transporting children safely
Please read and follow the child seat man-
When fitting a child seat on the front pas-
Therefore we strongly recommend you to
transport children on the rear seats. This is
the safest location in the vehicle. Alternative-
ly, the front passenger airbag can be disa-
ufacturer's operating instructions.
senger seat, the seat must be moved back-
wards as far as possible and placed in the
highest position. The backrest must also be
put in a vertical position1).
The child seat should preferably be fitted to
the rear seat behind the front passenger seat
so that the child can exit the vehicle on the
pavement side.
bled with a key-operated switch page 25.
When transporting children, use a child seat
suitable for the age and size of each child
Important information about the front pas-
senger front airbag
Set the height of the seat belt such that it
adapts to the child seat naturally, without
twisting. The lowest position of the seat belt
height regulator must be used with rear-fac-
ing child seats.
A sticker with important information about the
passenger airbag is located on the passeng-
er's sun visor and/or on the passenger side
If a child seat is secured to the front pas-
senger seat, the risk to the child of sustain-
ing critical or fatal injuries in the event of an
accident increases.
To correctly use a child seat in the back,
the front backrest must be adjusted so that
there is no contact with the child seat in the
back in the case that it goes opposite to the
direction of the car. In the case of front facing
restraint systems, the front backrest must be
adjusted so that there is no contact with the
child's feet.
Read and always observe the safety informa-
tion included in the following chapters:
An inflating front passenger airbag can
strike the rear-facing child seat and project
it with great force against the door, the roof
or the backrest.
Safety distance with respect to the passen-
ger airbag page 21.
Objects between the passenger and the
Never install a child seat facing back-
passenger side airbag
on page 24.
in Front airbags
wards on the front passenger seat unless
the front passenger front airbag has been
disabled. Risk of potentially fatal injuries to
the child! However, if necessary, the front
passenger front airbag must be deactiva-
If a semi-universal type chair is to be instal-
led, in which the method of attachment to the
car is through the seat belt and support
bracket, it should never be installed in the
central rear seat as the ground clearance is
lower than in other places and the support
bracket will not allow the seat to remain suffi-
ciently stable.
The passenger side front airbag, when ena-
bled, is a serious risk for a child that is facing
backward since the airbag can strike the seat
with such force that it can cause serious or
fatal injuries. Children up to 12 years old
should always travel on the rear seat.
ted page 25. If the passenger seat has a
height adjustment option, move it to the
highest, most upright position. If you have a
fixed seat, do not install any child restraint
system in this location.
Compliance with current national legislation
and the manufacturer's instructions is required
when using or installing child seats.