Sort station list: - Sort types of radio stations in the station list
Import contactsTelephone menu settings
Group - Sort by transmitted program type
Alphabetically - Alphabetical sorting according to station name
In the Telephone main menu, tap on the function surface .
Hands-free - Switch a call to the telephone/back to Infotainment (the menu
item is displayed during a call)
Select mobile phone - Search for available telephones/list of paired tele-
phones/select telephone
Advanced settings (DAB)
In the Radio main menu, select the DAB range and tap on the function sur-
face → Advanced settings
Find - search for available Telephones
User profile - User profile settings
DAB traffic announcements - Turn the DAB channels on / off
Other DAB announcements - Switch on/off other announcements (e.g., warnings,
regional weather, sports reports, financial news)
DAB - DAB station tracking - Activate/deactivate automatic DAB station tracking
on another frequency or in other station groups
Manage favourites - Set the function surfaces for your favourite contacts
Sort by: - Arrange the telephone contact list
Surname - Sort by contact name
1st name - Sort by contact's first name
Automatic DAB - FM switching - Enable/disable auto-switching from DAB to the
FM frequency band if the DAB signal is lost
Import contacts - Import phone contacts
Select ring tone - Select the ring tone (depending on the connected phone)
DAB program tracking
Reminder: Remember your mobile - Turn on/off the warning mode before forget-
ting the phone in the vehicle (if the phone was connected to the device)
Simultaneous calls - Enable/disable the option to hold two concurrent calls
When a DAB transmitter is a part of several broadcast stations and if the cur-
rent station group is not available on any other frequency, then when the signal
is poor, the same station will be searched in another station group.
Automatic change from DAB to FM
If DAB reception is poor, the device tries to find an FM station.
SmartLink+ menu settings
In the main SmartLink menu, tap on function surface .
The station name is followed by () while the station is being received on the
FM band. When the corresponding DAB station is can be received again, the
system automatically switches from FM to DAB.
Activate data transfer for ŠKODA apps- Activate/deactivate data transfer for
ŠKODA applications
■ MirrorLink® - Settings of the system MirrorLink®
If a DAB station is also not available in the FM band due to poor reception, In-
fotainment will be switched to mute.
Connect automatically via Bluetooth - Activate/deactivate the option of pairing
and connecting the external device via Bluetooth®
Allow MirrorLink® notification to be shown - Activate/deactivate the display of
Media menu settings
Mirror link® application messages on the Infotainment screen
Tap on the function surface in the Media main menu .
Sound - sound settings
Mix/repeat including subfolders - Switching the title display including subfolders
Bluetooth - Settings for the Bluetooth® function
Traffic programme (TP) - Switches traffic programme on/off
Remove safely: - Safe removal of the external device
Infotainment settings - Swing