166 Online Services › Breakdown call
✓ The level of protection for personal data is not
Service schedules
set to
Maximum privacy .
To send information about the vehicle position,
the level of protection for personal data must be
If the vehicle detects that a service visit is necessary,
it will automatically send this information to the
service partner of your choice.
set to Share my location
The service partner will then contact you and sched-
ule the service visit with you.
Press the key.
The service and the coupled functions are available
depending on the following conditions.
✓ A service partner can be selected on the ŠKODA
Connect Portal website or in the ŠKODA Connect
✓ The vehicle type, vehicle equipment and Infotain-
ment type are supported.
✓ The level of protection of personal data is not set
Breakdown call
Maximum privacy .
✓ The ŠKODA Connect services are active.
✓ The ŠKODA Connect services are available.
The breakdown call can be used in the event of a
Vehicle status report
By pressing the key a connection is established
with the ŠKODABreakdown Service. At the same
time, the vehicle sends information about the vehicle
condition and the vehicle position.
The vehicle status report function allows you to have
online control over the condition of the vehicle.
The service is available in the ŠKODA Connect appli-
✓ The ŠKODA ConnectServices are active.
✓ The level of protection of personal data is not set
Available vehicle data include e.g. distance travelled,
selected warning messages or requirements for the
service inspection.
maximum privacy .
To send information about the vehicle position,
the level of protection of personal data must be
set to Share location
The service and the coupled functions are available
depending on the following conditions.
✓ The ŠKODA Connect services are active.
✓ Configured protection level of personal data.
✓ The ŠKODA Connect services are available.
Press the button.
Remote access to the vehicle
The service relating to remote access to the vehicle
offers the possibility of remotely controlling certain
vehicle functions and accessing vehicle information.
Available functions include, for example, the follow-