7-2. Steps to take in an emergency
If you lose your keys
If the electronic key
does not operate prop-
erly (vehicles with a
smart key system)
New genuine keys can be
made by your Toyota dealer
using the other key (vehi-
cles without a smart key
system) or mechanical key
(vehicles with a smart key
system) and the key number
stamped on your key num-
ber plate.
If communication between
the electronic key and vehi-
cle is interrupted (P.121)
or the electronic key cannot
be used because the battery
is depleted, the smart key
system and wireless remote
control cannot be used. In
such cases, the doors can
be opened and the engine
can be started by following
the procedure below.
Keep the plate in a safe
place such as your wallet,
not in the vehicle.
■When an electronic key is lost
(vehicles with a smart key
■When the electronic key does
not work properly
If the electronic key remains lost,
the risk of vehicle theft increases
significantly. Visit your Toyota
dealer immediately with all
remaining electronic keys that
were provided with your vehicle.
●Make sure that the smart key sys-
tem has not been deactivated in
the customization setting. If it is
off, turn the function on. (Custom-
izable features: P.412)
●Check if battery-saving mode is
set. If it is set, cancel the function.
●The electronic key function may
be suspended. (P.107)
■In case of a smart key system
malfunction or other
key-related problems
Take your vehicle with all the elec-
tronic keys provided with your
vehicle to your Toyota dealer.