Customer information -> Vehicle data recording and privacy for Your Vauxhall Corsa 4 Door 2020

Customer information  
App Store® and iTunes Store® are  
registered trademarks of Apple Inc.  
iPhone®, iPod®, iPod touch®, iPod  
nano®, iPad® and Siri® are registered  
trademarks of Apple Inc.  
Operating data in the vehicle  
Control units process data for  
operation of the vehicle.  
Vehicle data recording  
and privacy  
Event data recorders  
Electronic control units are installed in  
your vehicle. Control units process  
data which is received by vehicle  
sensors, for example, or which they  
generate themselves or exchange  
amongst themselves. Some control  
units are necessary for the safe  
functioning of your vehicle, others  
assist you while you drive (driver  
assistance systems), while others  
provide comfort or infotainment  
This data includes, for example:  
vehicle status information (e.g.  
Bluetooth SIG, Inc.  
speed, movement delay, lateral  
acceleration, wheel rotation rate,  
"seat belts fastened" display)  
Bluetooth® is a registered trademark  
of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.  
DivX, LLC  
ambient conditions (e.g.  
temperature, rain sensor,  
distance sensor)  
DivX® and DivX Certified® are  
registered trademarks of DivX, LLC.  
Google Inc.  
Android™ and Google Play™ Store  
are trademarks of Google Inc.  
As a rule such data is transient and is  
not stored for longer than an  
operational cycle, and only processed  
on board the vehicle itself. Often  
control units include data storage  
(including the vehicle key). This is  
used to allow information to be  
documented temporarily or  
permanently on vehicle condition,  
component stress, maintenance  
requirements and technical events  
and errors.  
Velcro Companies  
Velcro® is a registered trademark of  
Velcro Companies.  
The following contains general  
information about data processing in  
the vehicle. You will find additional  
information as to which specific data  
is uploaded, stored and passed on to  
third parties and for what purpose in  
your vehicle under the key word Data  
Protection closely linked to the  
Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V.  
AdBlue® is a registered trademark of  
the VDA.  
references for the affected functional  
characteristics in the relevant owner's  
manual or in the general terms of  
sale. These are also available online.  
Customer information  
Depending on technical equipment  
levels, the data stored is as follows:  
breakdown services) can read the  
data from the vehicle. The same  
applies to warranty work and quality  
assurance measures.  
Data is generally read via the OBD  
(On-Board Diagnostics) port  
Comfort and infotainment  
Comfort settings and custom settings  
can be stored in the vehicle and  
changed or reset at any time.  
system component operating  
states (e.g. fill level, tyre  
pressure, battery status)  
faults and defects in important  
system components (e.g. lights,  
system reactions in special  
driving situations (e.g. triggering  
of an airbag, actuation of the  
stability control systems)  
Depending on the equipment level in  
question, these include  
prescribed by law in the vehicle. The  
operating data read documents the  
technical condition of the vehicle or  
individual components and assists  
with fault diagnosis, compliance with  
warranty obligations and quality  
improvement. This data, in particular  
information on component stress,  
technical events, operator errors and  
other faults, is transmitted to the  
manufacturer where appropriate,  
together with the vehicle identification  
number. The manufacturer is also  
subject to product liability. The  
manufacturer potentially also uses  
operating data from vehicles for  
product recalls. This data can also be  
used to check customer warranty and  
guarantee claims.  
Fault memories in the vehicle can be  
reset by a service company when  
carrying out servicing or repairs or at  
your request.  
seat and steering wheel position  
chassis and air conditioning  
custom settings such as interior  
information on events damaging  
the vehicle  
You can input your own data in the  
infotainment functions for your  
vehicle as part of the selected  
Depending on the equipment level in  
question, these include  
for electric vehicles the amount of  
charge in the high-voltage  
battery, estimated range  
In special cases (e.g. if the vehicle  
has detected a malfunction), it may be  
necessary to save data that would  
otherwise just be volatile.  
When you use services (e.g. repairs,  
maintenance), the operating data  
saved can be read together with the  
vehicle identification number and  
used where necessary. Staff working  
for the service network (e.g. garages,  
manufacturers) or third parties (e.g.  
multimedia data such as music,  
videos or photos for playback in  
an integrated multimedia system  
address book data for use with an  
integrated hands-free system or  
an integrated navigation system  
Customer information  
Online services  
input destinations  
data on the use of online services  
this includes data such as position  
data, day / night mode and other  
general vehicle information. For more  
information, please see the operating  
instructions for the vehicle /  
If your vehicle has a radio network  
connection, this allows data to be  
exchanged between your vehicle and  
other systems. The radio network  
connection is made possible by  
means of a transmitter device in your  
vehicle or a mobile device provided  
by you (e.g. a smartphone). Online  
functions can be used via this radio  
network connection. These include  
online services and applications /  
apps provided to you by the  
This data for comfort and  
infotainment functions can be stored  
locally in the vehicle or be kept on a  
device that you have connected to the  
vehicle (e.g. a smartphone, USB stick  
or MP3 player). Data that you have  
input yourself can be deleted at any  
infotainment system.  
Integration allows selected  
smartphone apps to be used, such as  
navigation or music playback. No  
further integration is possible  
between smartphone and vehicle, in  
particular active access to vehicle  
data. The nature of further data  
processing is determined by the  
provider of the app used. Whether  
you can define settings, and if so  
which ones, is dependent on the app  
in question and your smartphone's  
operating system.  
This data can only be transmitted out  
of the vehicle at your request,  
particularly when using online  
services in accordance with the  
settings selected by you.  
manufacturer or other providers.  
Proprietary services  
Smartphone integration, e.g.  
Android Auto or Apple CarPlay  
If your vehicle is equipped  
In the case of the manufacturer's  
online services, the relevant functions  
are described by the manufacturer in  
an appropriate location (e.g. Owner's  
Manual, the manufacturer's website)  
and the associated data protection  
information is provided. Personal  
data may be used to provide online  
services. Data exchange for this  
purpose takes place via a protected  
connection, e.g. using the  
accordingly, you can connect your  
smartphone or another mobile device  
to the vehicle so that you can control  
it via the controls integrated in the  
vehicle. The smartphone image and  
sound can be output via the  
multimedia system in this case. At the  
same time, specific information is  
transmitted to your smartphone.  
Depending on the type of integration,  
manufacturer's IT systems provided  
for the purpose. Collection,  
Customer information  
processing and use of personal data  
for the purposes of preparation of  
services take place solely on the  
basis of legal permission, e.g. in the  
case of a legally prescribed  
Therefore, please note the nature,  
scope and purpose of the collection  
and use of personal data within the  
scope of third party services provided  
by the service provider in question.  
emergency communication system or  
a contractual agreement, or by virtue  
of consent.  
Radio Frequency  
Identification (RFID)  
You can activate or deactivate the  
services and functions (which are  
subject to charges to some extent)  
and, in some cases, the vehicle's  
entire radio network connection. This  
does not include statutory functions  
and services such as an emergency  
communication system.  
RFID technology is used in some  
vehicles for functions such as tyre  
pressure monitoring and immobiliser.  
It is also used in connection with  
conveniences such as radio remote  
controls for door locking / unlocking  
and starting. RFID technology in  
Vauxhall vehicles does not use or  
record personal information or link  
with any other Vauxhall system  
containing personal information.  
Third party services  
If you make use of online services  
from other providers (third parties),  
these services are subject to the  
liability and data protection and usage  
conditions of the provider in question.  
The manufacturer frequently has no  
influence over the content exchanged  
in this regard.