Climate -> Activating and deactivating air conditioning for Your Volvo XC40 SUV 2020

Synchronising temperature14  
The temperature in the car's different climate  
zones can be synchronised with the tempera-  
ture set on the driver's side.  
by means of changing the temperature set-  
tings for a climate zone other than the driver's.  
Activating and deactivating air  
The air conditioning cools and dehumidifies  
Related information  
incoming air as required.  
Climate controls (p. 193)  
When the air conditioning is activated, the cli-  
mate control system automatically controls  
starting and switching off as required.  
1. Open climate view in the centre display by  
pressing the symbol in the middle of the  
climate row.  
Synchronisation button on the driver's side tempera-  
ture controls.  
1. Press the driver's side temperature button  
in the centre display's climate row in order  
to open the controls.  
Press AC.  
> The air conditioning is activated/deacti-  
vated and the button illuminates/extin-  
Press Synchronise temperature.  
> The temperature for all zones in the car  
is synchronised with the temperature  
set for the driver's side and the syn-  
chronisation symbol is shown adjacent  
to the temperature button.  
Close all side windows and the panoramic  
roof* so that the air conditioning should  
work as well as possible.  
The synchronisation is stopped by means of a  
further press on Synchronise temperature or  
Not available with 1-zone climate.  
* Option/accessory.  
Parking climate*  
Parking climate control is a generic term for  
various functions that improve the passenger  
compartment climate when the car is parked,  
e.g. preconditioning.  
Preconditioning is a climate function which, if  
possible, attempts to reach comfort tempera-  
ture in the passenger compartment before  
It is not possible to activate the air condi-  
tioning when the fan control is in Off posi-  
Functions belonging to the parking  
climate control are controlled from  
the Parking climate in climate view  
in the centre display. Open climate  
view by pressing the symbol in the middle of  
the climate row.  
Preconditioning can use direct start or be set  
via the timer.  
Related information  
Climate controls (p. 193)  
The function utilises several systems in differ-  
ent cases:  
In a cold climate, the parking heater*  
warms up the passenger compartment to  
a comfortable temperature.  
Related information  
Climate (p. 182)  
When it is warm, the climate control venti-  
lates the passenger compartment by  
blowing in air from outside the car.  
Climate comfort when parking* (p. 210)  
Symbols and messages for parking cli-  
mate control* (p. 212)  
During preconditioning of the passenger  
compartment, the car works to reach com-  
fort temperature and not the temperature  
set in the climate control system.  
Related information  
Start and switch off preconditioning*  
(p. 206)  
Preconditioning time setting* (p. 207)  
* Option/accessory. 205