Climate -> Preconditionin for Your Volvo XC40 SUV 2020

Parking climate*  
Parking climate control is a generic term for  
various functions that improve the passenger  
compartment climate when the car is parked,  
e.g. preconditioning.  
Preconditioning is a climate function which, if  
possible, attempts to reach comfort tempera-  
ture in the passenger compartment before  
It is not possible to activate the air condi-  
tioning when the fan control is in Off posi-  
Functions belonging to the parking  
climate control are controlled from  
the Parking climate in climate view  
in the centre display. Open climate  
view by pressing the symbol in the middle of  
the climate row.  
Preconditioning can use direct start or be set  
via the timer.  
Related information  
Climate controls (p. 193)  
The function utilises several systems in differ-  
ent cases:  
In a cold climate, the parking heater*  
warms up the passenger compartment to  
a comfortable temperature.  
Related information  
Climate (p. 182)  
When it is warm, the climate control venti-  
lates the passenger compartment by  
blowing in air from outside the car.  
Climate comfort when parking* (p. 210)  
Symbols and messages for parking cli-  
mate control* (p. 212)  
During preconditioning of the passenger  
compartment, the car works to reach com-  
fort temperature and not the temperature  
set in the climate control system.  
Related information  
* Option/accessory. 205  
Start and switch off  
(Engine Remote Start - ERS)15 via the Volvo  
On Call* app.  
Do not use preconditioning if the car is  
equipped with a heater*:  
Preconditioning heats* or ventilates the pas-  
senger compartment, if possible, prior to  
driving. The function can use direct start from  
the centre display or a mobile phone.  
Related information  
In unventilated spaces indoors.  
Exhaust gases are emitted if the heater  
In locations with combustible or flam-  
mable material nearby. Fuel, gas, long  
grass, sawdust, etc. may ignite.  
Start and switch off from car  
When there is a risk that the heater’s  
exhaust line may be blocked. For  
example, deep snow under the front  
part of the car can obstruct the heat-  
er’s ventilation.  
1. Open climate view in the centre display by  
pressing the symbol in the middle of the  
climate row.  
Remember that the preconditioning can be  
started by a timer that has been set for a  
long time in advance.  
Select the Parking climate tab.  
Press Preconditioning.  
> Preconditioning is started/switched off  
and the button is illuminated/extin-  
Starting from the app*  
Start of preconditioning and information about  
the selected settings can be managed from a  
device that has the Volvo On Call* app. Pre-  
conditioning heats* the passenger compart-  
ment to a comfortable temperature or venti-  
lates the passenger compartment by blowing  
in air from outside.  
The car's doors and windows should be  
closed during the preconditioning of the  
passenger compartment.  
The passenger compartment can also be pre-  
conditioned with the car remote start function  
Certain markets.  
* Option/accessory.  
Press Add timer.  
Preconditioning time setting*  
The timer can be set so that the precondition-  
Adding and editing time setting for  
> A pop-up window is shown.  
ing is finished at a predetermined time.  
The timer for preconditioning can manage up  
to 8 time settings.  
The timer can handle up to 8 different settings  
It is not possible to add a time setting if  
there already are 8 settings entered for the  
timer. Delete a time setting in order to be  
able to add a new one.  
Adding a time setting  
A time on a single date  
A time on one or more days of the week,  
with or without repetition.  
Related information  
Tap on Date to set the time for a single  
Tap on Days to set the time for one or  
more days of the week.  
With Days: Activate/deactivate repetition  
by ticking/unticking the box for Repeat  
Removing time setting for precondition-  
ing* (p. 209)  
The button to add a time setting in the Parking  
climate tab in the climate view.  
With Date: Select the date for precondi-  
tioning by scrolling the date list with the  
1. Open the climate view in the centre dis-  
With Days: Select the days of the week  
for preconditioning by tapping on the but-  
tons for the days of the week.  
Select the Parking climate tab.  
6. Set the time when the preconditioning  
should be finished by scrolling with the  
* Option/accessory. 207  
|| 7. Tap on Confirm in order to add the time  
3. Press the time setting that is to be  
Activating and deactivating time  
setting for preconditioning*  
> A pop-up window is shown.  
> The time setting is added to the list and  
is activated.  
A time setting in the timer for preconditioning  
can be activated or deactivated based on  
4. Edit the time setting in the same way as  
described in "Adding a time setting"  
Do not use preconditioning if the car is  
Related information  
equipped with a heater*:  
In unventilated spaces indoors.  
Exhaust gases are emitted if the heater  
In locations with combustible or flam-  
mable material nearby. Fuel, gas, long  
grass, sawdust, etc. may ignite.  
Removing time setting for precondition-  
ing* (p. 209)  
When there is a risk that the heater’s  
exhaust line may be blocked. For  
example, deep snow under the front  
part of the car can obstruct the heat-  
er’s ventilation.  
The timer buttons in the Parking climate tab in the  
climate view.  
1. Open the climate view in the centre dis-  
Remember that the preconditioning can be  
started by a timer that has been set for a  
long time in advance.  
Select the Parking climate tab.  
3. Activate/deactivate a time setting by tap-  
ping on the timer button to the right of the  
Editing a time setting  
1. Open the climate view in the centre dis-  
> The time setting is activated/deacti-  
vated and the button illuminates/extin-  
Select the Parking climate tab.  
* Option/accessory.