Displays and voice control -> Driver profiles for Your Volvo XC40 SUV 2020

files. They remain the same regardless of  
which driver profile is active.  
Driver profiles  
Many of the settings made in the car can be  
adapted according to the driver's personal  
preferences and can be saved in one or more  
driver profiles.  
The personal settings are automatically saved  
in the active driver profile. Each key can be  
linked to a driver profile. When the linked key  
is used, the car is adapted to the settings of  
that specific driver profile.  
Keyboard layout settings are an example of  
global settings. If driver profile X is used to  
add additional languages to the keyboard,  
these remain available for use even if driver  
profile Y is used. The keyboard layout settings  
are not saved to a specific driver profile - the  
settings are global.  
Driver Profile  
Date and Time  
System Languages and Units  
Privacy and Data  
Keyboard Layouts  
Voice Control*  
Personal preferences  
If driver profile X was used to e.g. set centre  
display brightness, driver profile Y is not affec-  
ted by this setting. It has been saved to driver  
profile X - the brightness setting is a personal  
What settings are saved in the driver  
Factory reset  
Many of the settings defined in the car will be  
saved automatically in the active driver profile  
unless the profile is protected. In the car, the  
settings defined are either personal or global.  
Only personal settings are saved in driver pro-  
System Information  
Related information  
Related information  
Overview of centre display (p. 97)  
Other settings in the centre display's top  
Settings that can be saved in a driver profile  
include, amongst other things, screens, mir-  
rors, front seats, navigation*, audio and media  
system, language and voice control.  
view (p. 120)  
Resetting settings in the centre display  
(p. 122)  
Some settings, referred to as global settings,  
can be changed but are not saved to a specific  
driver profile. Changes to global settings affect  
all profiles.  
Table showing centre display settings  
(p. 123)  
Global settings  
The global settings and parameters are not  
changed when changing between driver pro-  
* Option/accessory.  
3. Select the driver profile required.  
Selecting driver profile  
Renaming a driver profile  
When the centre display has been started,  
the selected driver profile is shown at the top  
of the screen. The driver profile last used is  
the one that will be active next time the car is  
unlocked. It is possible to change to another  
driver profile after the car has been unlocked.  
However, if the remote control key has been  
linked to a driver profile then this is what is  
selected when the car is started.  
It is possible to change the name of the dif-  
ferent driver profiles used in the car.  
Press Confirm.  
> The driver profile is selected and the  
system loads the settings for the new  
driver profile.  
Press Settings in the top view in the cen-  
tre display.  
2. Press System Driver Profiles.  
Option 3:  
Select Edit Profile.  
1. Drag down the top view in the centre dis-  
> A menu opens, where the profile can be  
Press Settings in the top view in the cen-  
tre display.  
There are two options for changing to another  
driver profile.  
Tap in the box Profile Name.  
> A keyboard appears, and it is possible  
3. Press System Driver Profiles.  
Option 1:  
to change the name. Tap on  
close the keyboard.  
> A list of selectable driver profiles is  
1. Tap on the name of the driver profile  
shown in the top of the centre display  
when the display has been started.  
Save the name change by pressing Back  
or Close.  
4. Select the driver profile required.  
> A list of selectable driver profiles is  
> The driver profile is selected and the  
system loads the settings for the new  
driver profile.  
> The name has now been changed.  
2. Select the driver profile required.  
Press Confirm.  
Related information  
A profile name cannot start with a space,  
as the profile name will not then be saved.  
> The driver profile is selected and the  
system loads the settings for the new  
driver profile.  
Navigating in the centre display's views  
(p. 103)  
Related information  
Option 2:  
1. Drag down the top view in the centre dis-  
Keyboard in centre display (p. 114)  
Press Profile.  
> The same list as for Option 1 is shown.  
5. Save your profile protection option by  
Protect driver profile  
Linking remote control key to  
driver profile  
It is possible to link your key to a driver pro-  
file. The driver profile along with all of its set-  
tings will then be automatically selected  
every time the car is used with that specific  
remote control key.  
The first time the remote control key is used, it  
is not linked to any specific driver profile.  
When the car is started, the Guest profile will  
automatically be activated.  
pressing Back/Close.  
In some cases it is preferable not to save vari-  
ous settings defined in the car to the active  
driver profile. In this case, it is possible to  
protect the driver profile.  
> When the profile is protected, settings  
defined in the car will not be saved  
automatically to the profile. Instead,  
your changes must be saved manually  
under Settings System Driver  
Protecting a driver profile is only possible  
when the car is stationary.  
Profiles Edit Profile by pressing  
Save current settings to the profile.  
When the profile is unprotected, on the  
other hand, your settings will be saved  
automatically to the profile.  
To protect a driver profile:  
A driver profile can be selected manually with-  
out linking it to the key. When the car is  
unlocked, the last active driver profile is acti-  
vated. Once the key has been linked to a driver  
profile, a driver profile does not need to be  
selected when that specific key is used.  
Press Settings in the top view in the cen-  
tre display.  
Related information  
2. Press System Driver Profiles.  
Select Edit Profile.  
> A menu opens, where the profile can be  
Linking a remote control key to a  
driver profile  
Select Protect Profile to protect the pro-  
Connecting a remote control key to a driver  
profile is only possible when the car is sta-  
First select the profile to be linked to the key,  
if the profile to be linked is not already active.  
The active profile can then be linked to the  
Select Connect key to link the profile with  
the key. It is not possible to link a driver  
profile to a different key than the one cur-  
rently being used in the car. If there are  
multiple keys in the car, the message  
More than one key is found, put the key  
you want to connect on backup reader  
will be displayed.  
Related information  
Remote control key (p. 219)  
Press Settings in the top view in the cen-  
tre display.  
2. Press System Driver Profiles.  
3. Select the desired profile. The display  
returns to the home view. The Guest pro-  
file cannot be linked to a key.  
4. Drag down the top view again and tap on  
Settings System Driver Profiles  
Edit Profile.  
The backup reader's location in the storage compart-  
When the message Profile connected  
to key is shown, the key and the driver  
profile are linked.  
Press OK.  
> This key is now linked to the driver pro-  
file and will remain linked as long as the  
Connect key box is not unticked.  
Pop-up messages  
Resetting settings in the driver  
Settings that have been saved to one or more  
driver profiles can be reset if the car is sta-  
Message in centre display  
In some cases, a message is shown in the  
form of a pop-up window. Pop-up messages  
have higher priority than messages shown in  
the status bar and require acknowledgement/  
action before they disappear.  
The centre display can show messages to  
inform or assist the driver in the event of dif-  
ferent events.  
Related information  
Factory reset is only possible when the  
car is stationary.  
Press Settings in the top view.  
2. Press System Factory reset Reset  
Personal Settings.  
Messages in the driver display (p. 93)  
Select one of the options Reset for the  
active profile, Reset for all profiles or  
Example of a message in the centre display's top  
Related information  
The centre display shows messages that are  
of lower priority for the driver.  
Resetting settings in the centre display  
(p. 122)  
Most messages are shown above the centre  
display's status bar. After a while, or when any  
required action related to the message has  
been taken, the message disappears from the  
status bar. If a message needs to be saved, it  
is positioned in the top view in the centre dis-  
Message composition may vary and they can  
be shown together with graphics, symbols or  
a button for activating/deactivating a function  
linked to the message.  
For messages without buttons:  
Managing messages in the centre  
Messages in the centre display are handled in  
Handling a message saved from  
the centre display  
Whether saved from the driver display or the  
centre display, messages are managed in the  
centre display.  
Close the message by tapping on it, or  
allow the message to close automatically  
after a while.  
centre display views.  
> The message disappears from the sta-  
tus bar.  
If a message needs to be saved, it is posi-  
tioned in the top view in the centre display.  
Related information  
Messages in the driver display (p. 93)  
Example of a message in the centre display's top  
Examples of saved messages and possible options in  
the top view.  
Some messages in the centre display have a  
button (or several buttons in pop-up mes-  
sages) for e.g. activating/deactivating a func-  
tion linked to the message.  
Messages that are shown in the centre display  
that need to be saved are added in the top  
view of the centre display.  
Managing a new message  
For messages with buttons:  
Press the button to perform the action or  
allow the message to close automatically  
after a while.  
> The message disappears from the sta-  
tus bar.  
Reading a saved message  
1. Open the top view in the centre display.  
Voice recognition  
Voice control16 allows you to control func-  
tions in the car, e.g. climate system, radio or  
a Bluetooth-connected phone with spoken  
commands. In cars equipped with Sensus  
Navigation*, the navigation system can also  
be controlled with voice recognition.  
The driver always holds overall responsibil-  
ity for driving the vehicle in a safe manner  
and complying with all applicable rules of  
the road.  
> A list of saved messages is shown.  
Messages with an arrow to the right  
can be maximised.  
2. Tap on a message to expand/minimise.  
> More information on the message is  
shown in the list and the image to the  
left in the app shows information about  
the message graphically.  
What is voice control?  
Voice control is an aid that can facilitate the  
use of different commands in your car. In prin-  
ciple, it works like a normal application in  
which you enter information in a fixed  
sequence in order to perform a task, but  
instead of typing on a keyboard you use voice  
commands. It may therefore be a good idea to  
learn how, and in what order, a voice com-  
mand should be spoken in order to achieve the  
desired result.  
Managing a saved message  
Some messages have a button for e.g. activat-  
ing/deactivating a function linked to the mes-  
Press the button to perform the action.  
Saved messages in the top view are deleted  
automatically when the car is switched off.  
Voice control system microphone  
The voice control system allows you to control  
certain infotainment and climate functions  
using voice commands. The system can  
respond with speech and by showing informa-  
tion in the driver display.  
Related information  
System updating  
The voice recognition system is continuously  
improved. It is recommended to always have  
the latest version installed.  
Messages in the driver display (p. 93)  
Applies to certain markets.  
* Option/accessory.