Displays and voice control -> Overview of centre display for Your Volvo XC40 SUV 2020

Overview of centre display  
Many of the car's functions are controlled  
from the centre display. Presented here is the  
centre display and its options.  
Three of the centre display's basic views. Swipe right or left to access the function or app view respectively6.  
Function view - car functions that are acti-  
vated or deactivated with a press. Certain  
functions are also so-called trigger func-  
tions, which means they open a window  
The views are reversed for right-hand drive cars.  
with setting options. Examples of these  
include Camera.  
Phone - the phone function can be  
reached from here. Tap on the subview to  
expand it.  
Climate controls (p. 193)  
Home view - the first view that is shown  
when the screen is started.  
Extra subview - recently used apps or car  
functions that do not belong in any of the  
other subviews. Tap on the subview to  
expand it.  
Application view (app view) - apps that  
have been downloaded (third-party apps)  
and apps for embedded functions, such as  
FM radio. Tap on an app icon to open the  
Changing system language (p. 120)  
Changing system units (p. 120)  
Cleaning the centre display (p. 608)  
Message in centre display (p. 128)  
Climate row - information and direct inter-  
action to set temperature and seat heating  
for example*. Tap on the symbol in the  
centre of the climate row in order to open  
the climate view with more setting  
Status bar - the activities in the car are  
shown right at the top of the screen. Net-  
work and connection information is shown  
on the left-hand side of the status bar,  
while media-related information, the clock  
and indication about on-going background  
activity are shown on the right.  
Related information  
Top view - drag the tab down in order to  
access the top view. Settings, Owner's  
manual, Profile and the car's saved mes-  
sages are accessed from here. In some  
cases contextual settings (e.g. Navigation  
Settings) and the contextual owner's  
manual (e.g. Navigation Manual) can also  
be accessed in the top view.  
Apps (p. 469)  
Other settings in the centre display's top  
view (p. 120)  
Navigation - leads to map navigation, with  
e.g. Sensus Navigation*. Tap on the sub-  
view to expand it.  
Open contextual setup in the centre dis-  
play (p. 121)  
Owner's manual in centre display (p. 17)  
Media player (p. 478)  
Media - recently used apps associated  
with media. Tap on the subview to expand  
Phone (p. 494)  
* Option/accessory. 99  
can be performed by touching the screen in  
different ways.  
Managing the centre display  
Many of the car's functions are controlled and  
regulated from the centre display. The centre  
display is a touch screen that reacts to touch.  
Do not use sharp objects on the screen as  
they may scratch it.  
An infrared light curtain just above the surface  
of the screen enables the screen to detect a  
finger that is just in front of the screen. This  
technology makes it possible to use the  
screen even with gloves on.  
Using the touch screen functionality in  
the centre display  
The screen reacts differently depending on  
whether you press, drag or swipe across it.  
Actions such as browsing between different  
views, marking objects and scrolling in a list  
The table below presents the different proce-  
dures for operating the screen:  
Two people can interact with the screen at the  
same time, e.g. to adjust the climate for the  
driver and passenger side respectively.  
Highlights an object, confirms a selection or activates a function.  
Press once.  
Press twice in quick suc- Zooms in on a digital object, such as the map.  
Press and hold.  
Grabs an object. Can be used to move apps or map points on the map. Press and hold your finger  
against the screen and at the same time drag the object to the desired location.  
Tap once with two fin-  
Zooms out from a digital object, such as the map.  
Changes between different views, scrolls a list, text or view. Hold depressed and drag in order to  
move apps or map points on the map. Drag horizontally or vertically across the screen.  
Swipe/drag quickly.  
Changes between different views, scrolls a list, text or view. Drag horizontally or vertically across the  
Note that touching the upper section of the screen may cause the top view to open.  
Drag apart.  
Zooms in.  
Drag together.  
Zooms out.  
The control is used for many of the car's func-  
tions. Regulate e.g. temperature by means of  
one of the following:  
Returning to home view from another  
1. Briefly press the home button below the  
centre display.  
drag the control to the desired tempera-  
> The last position of the home view is  
tap on + or in order to raise or lower the  
temperature gradually, or  
2. Briefly press again.  
> All subviews of the home view are set  
to their default mode.  
tap on the desired temperature on the  
Related information  
The scroll indicator appears in the centre display  
when it is possible to scroll in the view.  
In home view standard mode - briefly press  
the home button. An animation that  
describes access to the different views is  
shown on the screen.  
Using the controls in the centre  
Scrolling in a list, article or view  
When a scroll indicator is visible in the screen,  
it is possible to scroll downward or upward in  
the view. Swipe downwards/upwards any-  
where in the view.  
Temperature control.  
1. Give a long press on the physical home  
button below the screen.  
Activating and deactivating centre  
Navigating in the centre display's  
> The screen goes dark except for the cli-  
mate row, which continues to be  
shown. All functions connected to the  
screen are still running.  
The centre display can be dimmed and reacti-  
vated using the home button beneath the  
There are five different basic views in the cen-  
tre display: home view, top view, climate  
view, app view and function view. The screen  
is started automatically when the driver's  
door is opened.  
2. Reactivate the screen - briefly tap on the  
home button.  
Home view  
> The view that was displayed before the  
screen was switched off will be shown  
Home view is the view that is shown when the  
screen is started. It consists of four subviews:  
Navigation, Media, Phone and an extra sub-  
An app or car function selected from the app  
or function view starts in the respective sub-  
view of the home view. E.g. FM radio starts in  
the Media tile.  
The screen cannot be deactivated when a  
prompt to perform an action is shown on  
the screen.  
Home button for the centre display.  
The extra tile shows the last used app or car  
function that is not associated with any of the  
other three areas.  
The effect of using the home button that the  
screen dims and the touchscreen no longer  
reacts to touch. The climate row will still be  
shown. All functions connected to the screen  
are still running, such as climate, audio, guid-  
ance* and apps. When the centre display is  
dimmed, it is a good opportunity to clean the  
screen. The dimming function can also be  
used to fade the screen so that it does not dis-  
turb while driving.  
The centre display deactivates automati-  
cally when the engine is off and the driver's  
door is opened.  
The subviews show brief information about  
each different app.  
Related information  
Cleaning the centre display (p. 608)  
When the car is started, the home view's  
various sub-views show information on the  
current status of apps.  
* Option/accessory. 103  
pressing on the tab or by dragging/swiping  
from the top downwards across the screen.  
Climate view  
The climate row is always visible at the bot-  
tom of the screen. The most common climate  
settings can be made directly there, such as  
setting temperature and seat heating*.  
In home view standard mode - briefly press  
the home button. An animation that  
describes access to the different views is  
shown on the screen.  
In the top view, access is always available to:  
Owner's manual  
Press the symbol in the centre of the  
climate row to open the climate view  
and gain access to more climate set-  
Status bar  
The car's saved messages.  
The activities in the car are shown at the top of  
the screen. Network and connection informa-  
tion is shown on the left-hand side of the sta-  
tus bar, while media-related information, the  
clock and indication that background activity  
is in progress are shown on the right.  
In the top view, access is given to the follow-  
ing in some cases:  
Press the symbol to close the cli-  
mate view and return to the previous  
Contextual setting (e.g. Navigation  
Settings). Change settings directly in the  
top view when an app (e.g. navigation) is  
Top view  
Contextual Owner's Manual (e.g.  
Navigation Manual). Gain access directly  
in the top view to articles in the digital  
owner's manual that are related to the  
content displayed on screen.  
Exit the top view - press outside the top view,  
on the home button or at the bottom of the  
top view and drag upward. The underlying  
view is then visible and available for use again.  
Top view dragged down.  
The top view is not available during star-  
ting/shutdown or when a message is  
shown on the screen. It is also not availa-  
ble when climate view is shown.  
A tab is located in the centre of the status bar  
at the top of the screen. Open the top view by  
* Option/accessory.  
view, such as the number of unread text mes-  
sages for Messages.  
App view  
Function view  
Tap on an app to open it. The app then opens  
in the tile to which it belongs, e.g. Media.  
You can scroll down in the app view, depend-  
ing on the number of apps. Do this by swip-  
ing/dragging from the bottom and up.  
Go back to the home view again by swiping  
from left to right7 across the screen, or by  
pressing the home button.  
App view with the car's apps.  
The function view with buttons for different car func-  
Swipe from right to left7 across the screen in  
order to access the app view from the home  
view. Apps that have been downloaded (third-  
party apps) and apps for embedded functions,  
such as FM radio, are found here. Certain  
apps show brief information directly in the app  
Swipe from left to right7 across the screen in  
order to access the function view from the  
home view. From here you can activate or  
deactivate different car functions, e.g. BLIS*,  
Lane Keeping Aid* and Park Assist*.  
Applies to left-hand drive cars. For right-hand drive cars - swipe in the opposite direction.  
* Option/accessory. 105  
|| Depending on the amount of functions, it is  
also possible here to scroll downward in the  
view. Do this by swiping/dragging from the  
bottom and up.  
Unlike in app view, where an app is opened  
with a press, a function is activated or deacti-  
vated by pressing the relevant function button.  
Some functions (trigger functions) open in a  
new window when pressed.  
Go back to the home view again by swiping  
from right to left7 across the screen, or by  
pressing the home button.  
Related information  
Other settings in the centre display's top  
view (p. 120)  
Open contextual setup in the centre dis-  
play (p. 121)  
Owner's manual in centre display (p. 17)  
Driver profiles (p. 124)  
Climate controls (p. 193)  
Apps (p. 469)  
Applies to left-hand drive cars. For right-hand drive cars - swipe in the opposite direction.  
Managing subviews in centre  
Home view consists of four subviews:  
Navigation, Media, Phone and an extra sub-  
view. These views can be expanded.  
Expanding a subview from default mode  
Standard mode and expanded mode of a subview in the centre display.  
Expanding a subview:  
When a new subview is opened in full-screen  
mode, no information from the other subviews  
is shown.  
There is always the option to go back to home  
view by pressing the home button. To go back  
to the home view's standard view from full  
screen mode – press twice on the home but-  
For tiles Navigation, Media and Phone:  
Press anywhere on the subview. When a  
tile is expanded, the extra tile in the home  
view is temporarily forced away. The other  
two tiles are minimised and only certain  
information is shown. When the extra tile  
is tapped, the other three tiles are mini-  
mised and only certain information is dis-  
In expanded mode, open the  
app in full screen - press on  
the symbol.  
Related information  
Press on the symbol to go  
back to the expanded mode,  
or press the home button at  
the bottom of the screen.  
The expanded view provides access to the  
basic functions of the app.  
Closing an expanded subview:  
The subview can be closed in three differ-  
ent ways.  
Tap on the upper part of the expanded  
Tap on another tile (this tile will then  
open in expanded mode instead).  
Briefly press the physical home button  
below the centre display.  
Opening or closing a subview in full  
screen mode  
The extra tile8 and the tile for Navigation can  
be opened out in full screen mode, with even  
more information and more setting options.  
Home button for the centre display.  
Does not apply to all apps or car functions opened via the extra tile.  
from home view by swiping from left to right  
across the screen9.  
Function view in centre display  
Different types of buttons  
There are three different types of buttons for  
car functions; see below:  
All the buttons for car functions are located in  
the function view, one of the centre display's  
basic views. Navigate to the function view  
Type of button  
Affects car function  
Function buttons Have on/off positions.  
Most buttons in function view  
are function buttons.  
When a function is running, an LED indicator illuminates to the left of the icon for the button.  
Press the button to activate/deactivate a function.  
Trigger buttons  
Parking buttons  
Do not have on/off positions.  
Headrest Fold  
When a trigger button is depressed, a window for the function is opened. For example, it may  
be a window to change seat position.  
Have on, off and scan modes.  
Park In  
Park Out  
Similar to the function buttons but with an extra position for parking scanning.  
Applies to left-hand drive cars. For right-hand drive cars - swipe in the opposite direction.  
The buttons' different modes  
The function is deactivated when the LED  
indicator is extinguished.  
When the LED indicator illuminates in green  
on a function or parking button, the function is  
activated. When a function is activated, extra  
text with an explanation for certain functions is  
shown. The text is shown for a few seconds  
and then the button is shown with the LED  
indicator illuminated.  
For Lane Keeping Aid, the text Works only  
at certain speeds is shown, for example,  
when the button is depressed.  
When a warning triangle is shown in the right-  
hand section of the button there is something  
not working as intended.  
Press the button once briefly to activate or  
deactivate the function.  
Related information  
Moving apps and buttons in centre  
Symbols in the centre display's  
status bar  
Overview of the symbols that can be shown  
Hide the apps that you rarely or never use  
by moving them to the bottom, off the visi-  
ble screen. This way it will be easier to find  
the apps you use more often.  
The apps and buttons for car functions in the  
app view and function view respectively can  
be moved and organised as desired.  
1. Swipe from right to left10 to access the  
app view, or swipe from left to right10 to  
access the function view.  
in the centre display's status bar.  
The status bar shows activities in progress  
and, in some cases, their status. Not all sym-  
bols are shown all the time due to the limited  
space in the status bar.  
2. Tap on an app or button and hold it down.  
Apps and car function buttons cannot be  
added to locations that are already occu-  
Symbol Specification  
> The app or button changes size and  
becomes slightly transparent. It is then  
possible to move it.  
Connected to the Internet.  
Roaming activated.  
Related information  
3. Drag the app or button to a vacant space  
in the view.  
Signal strength in mobile phone  
Apps (p. 469)  
The maximum number of rows available for  
use in order to position apps or buttons is 48.  
To move an app or button outside the visible  
view, drag it to the bottom of the view. New  
rows are then added, where the app or button  
can be located.  
Bluetooth device connected.  
Bluetooth activated but no  
device connected.  
An app or button can thus be located further  
down and is then not visible in the normal  
mode for the view.  
Information sent to and from  
Connected to Wi-Fi network.  
Swipe across the screen to scroll up or down  
in the view.  
Tethering activated (Wi-Fi hot-  
spot). The car then shares the  
available connection.  
Applies to left-hand drive cars. For right-hand drive cars - swipe in the opposite direction.  
Internet-connected car* (p. 505)  
Connecting a device via USB port (p. 485)  
Wireless phone charger* (p. 502)  
Phone (p. 494)  
Symbol Specification  
Car modem activated.  
USB sharing active.  
Date and time (p. 82)  
Phone charging wirelessly.  
Process in progress.  
Timer for preconditioning active.  
Audio source being played back.  
Audio source stopped.  
Phone call in progress.  
Audio source muted.  
News is received from the radio  
Traffic information is received.  
Related information  
Message in centre display (p. 128)  
* Option/accessory. 113  
Keyboard in centre display  
The centre display keyboard makes it possi-  
ble make entries using keys. It is also possi-  
ble to "draw in" letters and characters on the  
screen by hand.  
The keyboard can be used to enter characters,  
letters and numbers, e.g. to write text mes-  
sages from the car, enter passwords or search  
for articles in the digital owner's manual.  
The keyboard is only shown when entries can  
be made on the screen.  
The image shows an overview of some of the buttons which may be shown in the keyboard. The appearance varies depending on language settings and the context in  
which the keyboard is being used.  
Row of suggested words or characters11.  
The suggested words are adjusted as new  
letters are being entered. Browse among  
the suggestions by pressing on the right  
and left arrows. Tap on a suggestion to  
select it. Note that this function is not sup-  
ported by all language selections. If not  
available, the row will not be shown on the  
Variants of a letter or character  
addresses, each word automatically starts  
with a capital letter. In text fields for pass-  
word, web address or email address entry,  
all letters are automatically lower case  
unless otherwise set with the button.  
Number entry. The keyboard (2) is then  
shown with numbers. Press  
, which  
in number mode is shown instead of  
, to return to the letter keyboard, or  
The characters available on the keyboard  
depend on which language was selected  
(see point 7). Tap on a character to enter  
to open the keyboard with special  
Changes text input language, e.g. EN. The  
available characters and word suggestions  
(1) vary depending on the selected lan-  
guage. To make it possible to change lan-  
guages for the keyboard, the languages  
must first be added under Settings.  
The button works in different ways,  
depending on the context in which the  
keyboard is used - either to enter @ (when  
an email address is entered) or to create a  
new row (for normal text input).  
Variants of a letter or character, e.g. é or è, can  
be entered by holding down the letter or char-  
acter. A box is displayed showing possible  
variants of letters or characters. Press the  
required variant. If no variant is selected, the  
original letter/character is entered.  
Hides the keyboard. If this is not possible,  
the button is not shown.  
Undoes entered text. Pressing briefly dele-  
tes one character at a time. Hold the but-  
ton depressed to delete characters more  
Related information  
Used to enter capital letters. Press again  
to enter one capital letter and then con-  
tinue with lower-case letters. Another  
press makes all letters capital letters. The  
next press restores the keyboard to lower-  
case letters. In this mode, the first letter  
after a full stop, exclamation mark or ques-  
tion mark is a capital letter. The first letter  
in the text field is also a capital letter. In  
text fields intended for names or  
Changes keyboard mode to write letters  
and characters by hand instead.  
Managing text messages (p. 499)  
Pressing the confirmation button above the  
keypad (not visible in the illustration) confirms  
the entered text. The appearance of the button  
differs depending on context.  
Applies to Asiatic languages.  
Changing keyboard language in  
centre display  
To make it possible to switch between differ-  
ent languages for the keyboard, the lan-  
guages must first be added under Settings.  
Switching between different  
languages in the keyboard  
Enter the characters, letters and  
words manually in the centre  
The centre display keyboard allows you to  
enter characters, letters and words on the  
screen by "drawing" by hand.  
Press the button on the key-  
When a number of languages  
have been selected in  
Settings, the button in the  
keyboard is used to switch  
between the different lan-  
Adding or deleting languages in  
board to change from typing  
The keyboard is automatically set to the same  
languages as the system language. The key-  
board language can be manually adapted  
without affecting the system language.  
with the keys to entering let-  
ters and characters by hand.  
To change keyboard language with list:  
1. Give a long press on the button.  
> A list opens.  
1. Press Settings in the top view.  
2. Select the required language. If more than  
four languages have been selected under  
Settings, it is possible to scroll in the list  
from the keyboard.  
2. Press System System Languages and  
Units Keyboard Layouts.  
3. Select one or more languages from the  
> The keyboard is adapted to the  
selected language and other word sug-  
gestions are given.  
> It is now possible to switch between  
the selected languages directly from  
the keyboard for text input.  
To change the keyboard language without dis-  
playing the list:  
If no languages have been actively selected  
under Settings, the keyboard retains the  
same language as the car's system language.  
One short press of the button.  
> The keyboard is adapted to the next  
language in the list without displaying  
the list.  
Area for writing characters/letters/words/  
parts of word.  
The text field where the characters or  
word suggestions12 appear as they are  
written on screen (1).  
Related information  
Changing system language (p. 120)  
Applies to certain system languages.  
Suggestions for characters/letters/word/  
part of word. It is possible to scroll  
through the list.  
Writing characters/letters/words by hand  
1. Write a character, a letter, a word or parts  
of a word in the area for hand-written let-  
ters (1). Write a word or parts of a word  
above each other or on a line.  
Deleting/changing characters/letters  
written by hand  
Space. A space can also be created by  
entering a dash (-) in the area for hand-  
written letters (1). See the heading "Enter-  
ing a space in the free text field with hand-  
writing recognition" below.  
> A number of suggested characters, let-  
ters or words is shown (3). The most  
likely choice is found at the top of the  
Undo entered text. Press briefly to delete  
one character/one letter at a time. Wait a  
moment before pressing again to delete  
the next character/letter, etc.  
Delete all characters in the text field (2) by swiping  
across the handwriting field (1).  
Do not use sharp objects on the screen as  
they may scratch it.  
Return to the keyboard with regular char-  
acter input.  
There are several options for deleting/  
changing characters/letters:  
Switch off/on sound when entering.  
2. Enter the character/letters/word by wait-  
ing a moment.  
Press the intended letter or word in the  
list (3).  
Hide the keyboard. If this is not possible,  
the button is not shown.  
> The character/letter/word at the top of  
the list is entered. It is also possible to  
select a different character by pressing  
the required character, letter or word in  
the list.  
Press the text undo button (5) to delete  
the letter and begin again.  
Change text input language.  
Swipe horizontally from right to left13  
over the area for handwritten letters (1).  
Delete multiple letters by swiping over  
the area several times.  
Pressing the X in the text field (2) dele-  
tes all of the entered text.  
For Arabic keyboard - swipe in the opposite direction. Swiping from right to left creates a space.  
Changing row in the free text field with  
Changing the appearance in the  
centre display  
The appearance of the screen in the centre  
Switching off and changing the  
volume of the system sound in the  
centre display  
display can be changed by selecting a theme.  
The centre display can be used to change the  
volume of the system sound or switch off the  
system sound altogether.  
Press Settings in the top view.  
2. Press My Car Displays Display  
Press Settings in the top view in the cen-  
tre display.  
Then select a theme, e.g. Minimalistic or  
Chrome Rings.  
2. Press Sound System Volumes.  
Under Touch Sounds, drag the control to  
change the volume/switch off screen  
touch sounds. Drag the control to the  
desired volume.  
As a supplement to these appearances, it is  
possible to choose between Normal and  
Bright. With Normal, the screen background  
is dark and the text is light. This alternative is  
the default for all themes. A light variant can  
also be selected, in which the background is  
light and the text is dark. This alternative can  
be useful in e.g. strong daylight.  
Change row by hand by drawing the above character  
in the handwriting field14  
Entering a space in the free text field with  
handwriting recognition  
Related information  
Other settings in the centre display's top  
view (p. 120)  
This alternative is always available for the user  
and is not affected by the surrounding lighting.  
Audio settings (p. 468)  
Related information  
Other settings in the centre display's top  
view (p. 120)  
Enter a space by drawing a dash from left to right15  
Related information  
Cleaning the centre display (p. 608)  
For Arabic keyboards - draw the same character, but reversed.  
For Arabic keyboard - draw the dash from right to left.  