Driver support -> Cross Traffic Alert for Your Volvo XC40 SUV 2020

Cross Traffic Alert*103  
If CTA senses that something is approaching  
from the side, this is also indicated with:  
Limitations of Driver Alert Control  
The Driver Alert Control (DAC) function may  
have limitations in certain situations.  
In some cases the system may issue a warn-  
ing despite driving ability not deteriorating, for  
Cross Traffic Alert (CTA) is a driver support  
that supplements BLIS104 and is designed to  
help the driver detect traffic crossing behind  
the car when it is reversing.  
an acoustic signal - the sound is heard in  
the left-hand or right-hand speaker  
according to the direction from which the  
object approaches.  
The auto-brake subfunction can help the  
driver to stop the car in the event of a risk of  
collision with an unobserved vehicle.  
in strong side winds  
an illuminated icon in the Park Assist  
System graphic on the screen.  
on rutted road surfaces.  
an icon on the Park assist camera top  
In some cases, driving behaviour is not  
affected despite driver fatigue – e.g. when  
using the Pilot Assist* function – resulting  
in the driver not getting a warning from  
It is therefore important to always stop and  
take a break at the slightest feeling of fati-  
gue, regardless of whether the function has  
given a warning.  
Examples of areas where CTA can assist the driver to  
detect obstacles during reversing.  
This function uses the car's camera and  
radar units, which have certain general lim-  
CTA is primarily designed to detect vehicles. In  
favourable conditions it may also be able to  
detect smaller objects, such as cyclists and  
Illuminated icon for Cross Traffic Alert in the Park  
Assist System graphic on the screen.  
If the driver does not observe the warning  
from CTA and a collision is unavoidable, the  
auto-brake function takes effect to stop the  
car, after which the driver display shows an  
Related information  
The function is only active if the car rolls back-  
wards or if reverse gear has been selected.  
Driver Alert Control (p. 347)  
Limitations for camera and radar unit  
(p. 387)  
Cross traffic alert when the car is reversing.  
* Option/accessory. 349  
|| explanatory text message on why the car was  
BLIS* (p. 343)  
Activating or deactivating Cross  
Traffic Alert*105  
The driver can choose to switch off the Cross  
Traffic Alert (CTA) function.  
Activate or deactivate the  
function using this button in  
the centre display's function  
Park Assist* (p. 353)  
The function is supplementary driver  
support intended to facilitate driving  
and make it safer – it cannot handle all  
situations in all traffic, weather and  
road conditions.  
The driver is advised to read all sec-  
tions in the Owner's Manual that relate  
to this function to learn about factors  
such as its limitations and what the  
driver should be aware of before using  
the system.  
GREEN button indication – the function is  
GREY button indication – the function is  
The function is activated automatically each  
time the engine is started.  
Driver support functions are not a sub-  
stitute for the driver's attention and  
judgement. The driver is always  
responsible for ensuring the car is  
driven in a safe manner, at the appro-  
priate speed, with an appropriate dis-  
tance to other vehicles, and in accord-  
ance with current traffic rules and reg-  
Related information  
Related information  
Driving support systems (p. 266)  
Blind Spot Information  
* Option/accessory.  
However, as your car slowly reverses, the  
Limitations of Cross Traffic  
angle it makes with the obstructing vehicle/  
object changes and the blind sector rapidly  
The Cross Traffic Alert (CTA) function with  
auto-brake may have limited functionality in  
certain situations. Brake intervention is active  
at speeds below 15 km/h.  
Examples of further limitations  
The auto-brake subfunction only detects  
moving vehicles and therefore cannot  
"see" and brake for stationary obstacles, a  
cyclist or a pedestrian, for example.  
The auto-brake subfunction can only  
detect and brake for other vehicles that are  
moving – not for stationary obstacles, a  
cyclist or a pedestrian, for example.  
Dirt, ice and snow covering the sensors  
may reduce the functions and deactivate  
The car is parked deep inside a parking slot.  
CTA has a certain limitation – the CTA sensors  
cannot "see" through other parked vehicles or  
obstructions, for example.  
CTA is automatically deactivated if a  
trailer, bicycle rack or similar is connected  
to the car's electrical system.  
Here are some examples of situations where  
CTA’s "field of vision" may be already limited  
and approaching vehicles cannot therefore be  
detected until they are very close:  
For good performance of CTA, there  
should be no bicycle rack, luggage carrier  
or similar mounted on the car's towbar.  
This function uses the car's radar units,  
which have certain general limitations.  
Related information  
In an angled parking slot CTA may be completely  
“blind” on one side.  
Blind CTA sector.  
Limitations for camera and radar unit  
(p. 387)  
Sector in which CTA can detect/“see”.  
Cross traffic alert when the car is reversing.  
Cross traffic alert when the car is reversing.  
* Option/accessory. 351  
Messages for Cross Traffic  
A number of messages regarding Cross  
Traffic Alert (CTA) can be shown in the driver  
display. Here are some examples.  
The system does not function as it should. A workshop should be contactedA.  
Blind spot sensor  
Service required  
BLISB and CTA have been deactivated as a trailer has been connected to the car's electrical system.  
Blind spot system off  
Trailer attached  
An authorised Volvo workshop is recommended.  
Blind Spot Information System  
A text message can be cleared by briefly  
pressing the button, located in the centre  
of the steering wheel's right-hand keypad.  
If a message persists, contact a workshopA.  
Related information  
BLIS* (p. 343)  
Cross traffic alert when the car is reversing.  
* Option/accessory.