Driver support -> Park Assist Pilot for Your Volvo XC40 SUV 2020

Park Assist Pilot*  
Park Assist Pilot (PAP123) can assist the driver  
to manoeuvre the car while parking. The  
function can also assist with steering when  
driving out from parallel parking.  
The function is supplementary driver  
support intended to facilitate driving  
and make it safer – it cannot handle all  
situations in all traffic, weather and  
road conditions.  
The function first checks if a space is large  
enough and if so then assists the driver to  
steer the car into the space.  
The driver is advised to read all sec-  
tions in the Owner's Manual that relate  
to this function to learn about factors  
such as its limitations and what the  
driver should be aware of before using  
the system.  
The centre display indicates with symbols,  
graphics and text the various operations to be  
carried out and when to do so.  
Driver support functions are not a sub-  
stitute for the driver's attention and  
judgement. The driver is always  
responsible for ensuring the car is  
driven in a safe manner, at the appro-  
priate speed, with an appropriate dis-  
tance to other vehicles, and in accord-  
ance with current traffic rules and reg-  
Related information  
Driving support systems (p. 266)  
Park Assist Pilot  
* Option/accessory. 369  
Perpendicular parking  
Parking variants with Park Assist  
Related information  
Park Assist Pilot (PAP124) can be used for  
both parallel and perpendicular parking.  
Parallel parking  
Principle for perpendicular parking.  
The function parks the car using the following  
1. A parking space is identified and meas-  
The principal of parallel parking.  
The function parks the car using the following  
2. The car is reversed into the space and  
then positioned in the space by means of  
driving forward/backward.  
1. A parking space is identified and meas-  
2. The car is reversed into the space.  
3. The car is positioned in the space by  
means of driving forward/backward.  
When leaving a parking space, the Park  
Out function must only be used for a paral-  
lel-parked car - it does not work for a per-  
pendicular-parked car.  
With the Park Out function, a parallel-parked  
car can also get help from the function with  
leaving the parking space.  
Park Assist Pilot  
* Option/accessory.  
Using Park Assist Pilot*  
Park Assist Pilot (PAP125) helps the driver  
park via three steps. The function can also  
help the driver to leave a parking space.  
This function measures space and steers the  
car – the driver's job is to:  
The distance between the car and parking  
spaces should be 0.51.5 metres  
(1.65.0 ft) while the function is searching  
for a parking space.  
keep an eye on what is happening around  
the car  
Parking with Park Assist Pilot  
The function parks the car using the following  
follow the instructions in the centre dis-  
1. A parking space is identified and meas-  
select a gear (reverse/forward) – an  
acoustic signal indicates when the driver  
should change gear  
Principle for searching before parallel parking.  
2. The car is reversed into the space.  
3. The car is positioned into the space - the  
system may then request that the driver  
changes gear and brakes.  
regulate and maintain a safe speed  
brake and stop.  
Symbols, graphic and/or text appear on the  
centre display when the different steps are to  
be performed.  
Find and measure parking spaces  
The function can be activated  
in the centre display's func-  
tion view.  
The function can be activated if the following  
criteria are met once the engine has been  
It can also be accessed from  
the camera views.  
No trailer is attached to the car  
GREEN button indication – the function is  
Speed is lower than 30 km/h (20 mph).  
Principle for searching before perpendicular parking.  
Drive at a maximum of 30 km/h (20 mph)  
before parking.  
GREY button indication – the function is  
Park Assist Pilot  
* Option/accessory. 371  
|| 1. Tap on the Park In button in the function  
2. Reverse slowly and carefully without  
touching the steering wheel - and no  
faster than 7 km/h (4 mph).  
Reversing in to the parking space  
view or in the camera view.  
> The function searches for a parking  
space and checks whether it is big  
3. Be prepared to stop the car when instruc-  
ted by the graphic and message on the  
centre display.  
2. Be prepared to stop the car when the  
graphic and message on the centre dis-  
play state that a suitable parking space  
has been found.  
Keep your hands away from the steer-  
ing wheel when the function is acti-  
> A pop-up window is shown.  
Select Parallel parking or Perpendicular  
parking and select reverse gear.  
Make sure that the steering wheel is  
not hindered in any way and can rotate  
Principle for reversing into parallel parking.  
To achieve optimum results - wait until  
the steering wheel is fully turned  
before starting to drive backward/  
The function searches the area for parking,  
displays instructions and guides the car in  
on its passenger side. But if required the  
car can also be parked on the driver's side  
of the street:  
Activate the direction indicator to the  
driver's side - then the system  
searches for a parking space on that  
side of the car instead.  
Principle for reversing into perpendicular parking.  
1. Check that the area behind the car is clear,  
then engage reverse gear.  
1. Move the gear selector to the gear posi-  
tion as instructed by the system, wait until  
the steering wheel has been turned and  
drive forward slowly.  
or behind the car during a parking manoeuvre,  
the car is auto-braked to stationary.  
Positioning the car in the parking space  
The driver display then shows a pop-up mes-  
sage where the driver can choose to cancel  
the parking manoeuvre by tapping on Cancel,  
or tap Resume to continue the parking  
2. Be prepared to stop the car when instruc-  
ted by the graphic and message on the  
centre display.  
3. Select reverse gear and drive slowly back-  
Proceed as follows after selecting Resume:  
Check that there is free space around the  
car and follow the instructions in the cen-  
tre display, such as:  
4. Be prepared to brake the car when  
instructed by the graphic and message on  
the centre display.  
To continue Gently accelerate away  
from object.  
Principle for positioning during parallel parking.  
The function is deactivated automatically and  
the graphics and message show that parking  
is complete. It may be necessary for the driver  
to correct the car’s position. Only the driver  
can determine whether the car is properly  
Related information  
The warning distance is shorter when the  
sensors are used by Park Assist Pilot  
(PAP126) compared with when Park Assist  
System uses the sensors.  
Principle for positioning during perpendicular park-  
Auto-brake during parking sequence  
If the parking sensors detect a vehicle or  
pedestrian within the intended route in front of  
Park Assist Pilot  
* Option/accessory. 373  
3. Be prepared to stop the car when instruc-  
ted by the graphic and message on the  
centre display - follow the instructions in  
the same way as for the parking proce-  
Leaving parallel parking with Park  
Limitations of Park Assist Pilot*  
The Park Assist Pilot (PAP127) function cannot  
detect everything in all situations and may  
therefore have limited functionality.  
Assist Pilot*  
The Park Out function can help the driver to  
leave a parking space when the car is parallel  
A driver should be aware about the following  
examples of Park Assist Pilot limitations.  
Note the steering wheel can "spring" back  
when the function is completed - the driver  
may then need to turn the steering wheel back  
to the maximum steering angle in order to  
leave the parking space.  
When leaving a parking space, the Park  
Out function must only be used for a paral-  
lel-parked car - it does not work for a per-  
pendicular-parked car.  
The parking sensors have blind spots  
where obstacles cannot be detected.  
If the function considers that the driver can  
leave the parking space without any extra  
manoeuvring then the function will be stop-  
ped, even if the driver may consider that the  
car is still in the parking space.  
Pay particular attention if there are  
people and animals near the car.  
The Park Out function is acti-  
vated in the centre display's  
function view or in the cam-  
era view.  
Bear in mind that the front of the car  
may swing out towards oncoming traf-  
fic during the parking manoeuvre.  
Related information  
GREEN button indication – the function is  
Objects situated higher than the sensor  
detection area are not included when cal-  
culating the parking manoeuvre, which  
could cause the function to swing into the  
parking space too early – such parking  
spaces should be avoided for this reason.  
GREY button indication – the function is  
Tap on the Park Out button in the func-  
tion view or in the camera view.  
2. Use the direction indicator to select the  
direction in which the car should leave the  
parking space.  
Park Assist Pilot  
* Option/accessory.  
There are also a few details to bear in mind  
while parking, e.g.:  
Parking is discontinued  
A parking sequence will be discontinued:  
Under certain circumstances, the function  
is unable to find parking spaces - one rea-  
son for this may be the fact that there is  
interference with the sensors from external  
sound sources which emit the same ultra-  
sound frequencies as those with which the  
system works.  
The driver is always responsible for deter-  
mining whether the space selected by the  
function is suitable for parking.  
if the driver moves the steering wheel  
if the car is driven too quickly - above  
7 km/h (4 mph)  
Do not use the function if snow chains or  
a spare wheel are fitted.  
if the driver presses Cancel in the centre  
Do not use the function if cargo items are  
protruding from the car.  
when the anti-lock brakes or the Elec-  
tronic stability control are engaged - e.g.  
when a wheel loses grip on a slippery road  
Examples of such sources include horns,  
wet tyres on asphalt, pneumatic brakes  
and exhaust noises from motorcycles etc.  
Heavy rain or snow may cause the system  
to measure the parking space incorrectly.  
as the steering servo for speed-dependent  
steering wheel resistance is working at  
reduced power – e.g. when cooling due to  
During the search and check-measure-  
ment of the parking space, the function  
may miss objects positioned deep in the  
parking space.  
Dirt, ice and snow covering the sensors  
will reduce their function and may prevent  
when the parking sensors detect a vehicle  
or pedestrian within the intended route in  
front of or behind the car during a parking  
manoeuvre, the car is auto-braked to sta-  
Parking spaces on narrow streets are not  
always feasible, since the space required  
for manoeuvring may not be sufficient.  
Driver responsibility  
Use approved tyres128 with the correct  
tyre pressure - this affects the ability of  
the function to park the car.  
The driver should bear in mind that the func-  
tion is an aid – not an infallible, fully-automatic  
function. The driver must therefore be pre-  
pared to interrupt a parking step.  
Where applicable, a message in the centre  
display states the reason for a parking  
sequence being discontinued.  
The function bases itself on the locations  
of vehicles already parked nearby – if they  
are inappropriately parked, your own car's  
tyres and wheel rims may be damaged by  
contact with the kerb.  
Perpendicular parking spaces may be  
missed or offered unnecessarily if one  
"Approved tyres" refers to tyres of the same type and make as those fitted on delivery from the factory.  
parked car is protruding more than other  
parked cars.  
The function is designed for parking on  
straight streets – not sharp curves or  
bends. For this reason, make sure the car  
is parallel to the potential parking spaces  
when the function measures the space.  
Related information  
Speed-dependent steering force (p. 266)  
Limitations for camera and radar unit  
(p. 387)  
* Option/accessory.  
Messages for Park Assist Pilot*  
Messages for Park Assist Pilot (PAP129) can  
be shown in the driver display and/or the  
centre display. Here are some examples.  
One or more of the function's sensors are blocked - check and correct as soon as possible.  
Park Assist System  
Sensors blocked, cleaning needed  
The system does not function as it should. A workshop should be contactedA.  
Park Assist System  
Unavailable Service required  
An authorised Volvo workshop is recommended.  
A text message can be cleared by briefly  
pressing the  
button, located in the centre  
of the steering wheel's right-hand keypad.  
If a message persists, contact a workshopA.  
Related information  
Park Assist Pilot  
* Option/accessory. 377