Driver support -> Pilot Assist for Your Volvo XC40 SUV 2020

Pilot Assist*75  
about all of the function's applications and lim-  
itations in order to safely use all of the advan-  
braking may come unexpectedly or not at  
Pilot Assist can help the driver to drive the  
car between the lane's side markings as well  
as to maintain an even speed, combined with  
a preselected time interval to the vehicle  
follow the vehicle ahead in the same lane  
at a time interval set by the driver. If the  
radar unit cannot see any vehicle in front  
then the car will instead maintain the  
speed set and stored by the driver. This  
also takes place if the speed of the vehicle  
ahead increases and exceeds the stored  
The Pilot Assist function is primarily intended  
for use on motorways and similar major roads  
where it can contribute to more comfortable  
driving and a more relaxed driving experience.  
Get to know Pilot Assist  
The driver selects the desired speed and a  
time interval to the vehicle ahead. Pilot Assist  
scans the distance to the vehicle ahead and  
the lane's side markings on the road surface  
using the camera unit. The preset time interval  
is maintained with automatic speed adjust-  
ment whilst the steering assistance helps to  
position the car in the lane.  
Position of the car in the lane  
When Pilot Assist helps to steer, it attempts to  
place the car halfway between the visible lane  
markings. For a smoother drive, it is a good  
idea to allow the car to find a good position.  
The driver can always adjust the position him/  
herself by increasing the steering input. It is  
important that the driver checks to make sure  
the car is positioned safely in the lane.  
Pilot Assist regulates the speed with accelera-  
tion and braking. It is normal for the brakes to  
emit a low sound when they are being used to  
adjust the speed.  
The camera and radar unit measures the distance to  
the vehicle ahead and detects side markings.  
If Pilot Assist does not position the car in an  
appropriate way in the lane, it is recom-  
mended to turn Pilot Assist off or switch to  
adaptive cruise control*.  
Pilot Assist strives to:  
regulate the speed smoothly. In situations  
that demand sudden braking the driver  
must brake himself/herself. This applies in  
cases of large speed differences or if the  
car in front brakes suddenly. Due to the  
limitations of the camera and radar unit,  
Camera and radar unit  
Distance readers  
Readers, side markings  
Pilot Assist helps to control your car and you  
may need to drive a few kilometres with Pilot  
Assist before you feel completely at home  
with the function. It is important to know  
This function can be either standard or optional, depending on market.  
* Option/accessory.  
If Pilot Assist detects that the  
driver does not keep his/her  
hands on the steering wheel,  
the system gives a warning  
with a symbol and text mes-  
sage in the driver display in  
order to prompt the driver to  
Steering assistance  
The current status of steering  
Pilot Assist steering assistance is automati-  
cally deactivated and is resumed without  
prior warning.  
assistance is indicated by the  
colour of the steering wheel's  
• GREEN steering wheel indi-  
cates active steering assis-  
Round bends and when the road splits  
Pilot Assist interacts with the driver, who  
should therefore not wait for the steering  
assistance from Pilot Assist but should always  
be prepared to increase his/her own steering  
input, especially in bends.  
actively steer the car.  
If the driver's hands still cannot be detected  
on the steering wheel after a few seconds, the  
prompt to actively steer the car is repeated,  
supplemented by an acoustic signal.  
• GREY steering wheel (as in illustration) indi-  
cates deactivated steering assistance.  
Pilot Assist steering assistance takes into  
account the speed of the preceding car and  
the lane markings. The driver can at any time  
ignore the Pilot Assist steering recommenda-  
tion and steer in another direction, e.g. to  
change lane or avoid an obstruction on the  
When the car approaches an exit or if the lane  
splits, the driver should steer towards the  
desired lane so that Pilot Assist can detect the  
desired direction.  
If Pilot Assist cannot detect the driver's hands  
on the steering wheel after a further few sec-  
onds, the warning signal becomes intensive  
and the steering function is deactivated. Pilot  
Assist must then be restarted using the steer-  
Hands on the steering wheel  
In order for Pilot Assist to function, the driver’s  
hands must be on the steering wheel. It is also  
important for the driver always to carry on  
being active and alert when driving as Pilot  
Assist is unable to read all situations and the  
function may toggle between off and on with-  
out prior warning.  
ing wheel button  
If Pilot Assist cannot interpret the lane unam-  
biguously, e.g. if the camera and radar unit  
does not see the lane's side markings, Pilot  
Assist temporarily deactivates steering assis-  
tance, but resumes it if the lane can be inter-  
preted again - although the speed and dis-  
tance control functions remain active. The  
steering wheel vibrates slightly when deacti-  
vated temporarily in order to alert the driver to  
the change.  
Controls for Pilot Assist*76  
Related information  
Driving support systems (p. 266)  
A summary of how Pilot Assist is controlled  
using the left-hand keypad on the steering  
wheel and how the function is shown in the  
The function is supplementary driver  
support intended to facilitate driving  
and make it safer – it cannot handle all  
situations in all traffic, weather and  
road conditions.  
The driver is advised to read all sec-  
tions in the Owner's Manual that relate  
to this function to learn about factors  
such as its limitations and what the  
driver should be aware of before using  
the system.  
Warning from driver support in the event  
of a collision risk (p. 324)  
Change of target with driver support  
(p. 325)  
Driver support functions are not a sub-  
stitute for the driver's attention and  
judgement. The driver is always  
responsible for ensuring the car is  
driven in a safe manner, at the appro-  
priate speed, with an appropriate dis-  
tance to other vehicles, and in accord-  
ance with current traffic rules and reg-  
Set time interval to vehicle ahead (p. 326)  
Set the stored speed for driver support  
(p. 325)  
Buttons and symbols for the function.  
: Switches from adaptive cruise control*  
to Pilot Assist  
Automatic braking with driver support  
(p. 328)  
: From standby mode - activates Pilot  
Assist and stores the current speed  
Overtaking Assistance* (p. 323)  
: From active mode - deactivates/  
changes Pilot Assist to standby mode  
Maintenance of driver support components  
must only be performed at a workshop –  
an authorised Volvo workshop is recom-  
: Activates Pilot Assist from standby  
mode and resumes the stored speed and  
time interval  
: Increases the stored speed  
This function can be either standard or optional, depending on market.  
* Option/accessory.  
Time interval  
: Reduces stored speed  
Display mode for Pilot Assist*77  
The following image example shows how  
Pilot Assist can be shown in the display in dif-  
ferent contexts.  
Pilot Assist only regulates the  
time interval to the vehicle  
ahead when the distance  
symbol shows a vehicle (1)  
above the steering wheel  
Increases the time interval to vehicles  
Reduces the time interval to vehicles  
: Switches from Pilot Assist to adaptive  
cruise control  
Pilot Assist steering assistance is only active  
when the steering wheel symbol (2) has  
changed from GREY to GREEN.  
Function symbol  
Symbols for target car  
When driving  
Symbol for time interval to vehicles ahead  
In the following illustrative example, the road  
sign information (RSI78) function informs the  
driver that the maximum permitted speed is  
130 km/h (80 mph).  
Symbol for activated/deactivated steering  
Related information  
Indication of speeds.  
Stored speed  
Speed of vehicle ahead  
Current speed of your car  
This function can come as either standard or an option depending on the market.  
Road Sign Information  
* Option/accessory. 315  
|| The previous illustration shows that Pilot  
Assist is set to maintain 110 km/h (68 mph)  
and that there is no vehicle ahead to follow.  
The previous illustration shows that Pilot  
Assist is set to maintain 110 km/h (68 mph)  
and that there is no vehicle ahead to follow.  
Pilot Assist provides no steering assistance  
since the lane's side markings cannot be  
Pilot Assist provides steering assistance as the  
lane markings can be detected.  
Related information  
The previous illustration shows that Pilot  
Assist is set to maintain 110 km/h (68 mph)  
and at the same time is following a vehicle  
ahead which is keeping the same speed.  
Here, Pilot Assist also provides steering assis-  
tance since the lane's side markings can be  
The previous illustration shows that Pilot  
Assist is set to maintain 110 km/h (68 mph)  
and at the same time is following a vehicle  
ahead which is keeping the same speed.  
Pilot Assist provides no steering assistance  
since the lane's side markings cannot be  
* Option/accessory.  
The speed must not exceed 140 km/h (87  
Selecting and activating Pilot  
Reactivating Pilot Assist to last stored  
When Pilot Assist is selected – press the  
The driver must keep his/her hands on the  
steering wheel.  
Pilot Assist must first be selected and then  
activated to be able to control speed and dis-  
tance and to give steering assistance.  
steering wheel button to activate.  
There must be a vehicle (the "target vehi-  
cle") within reasonable distance in front of  
the car, or the current speed must be at  
least 15 km/h (9 mph).  
> The cruise control markings and sym-  
bols in the driver display change colour  
from GREY to WHITE — the car will  
now follow the most recently stored  
speed again.  
For cars with manual gearbox. Speed  
must be at the lowest 30 km/h (20 mph).  
1. Press (1) or (3) to scroll to the symbol  
for Pilot Assist (4).  
A significant increase in speed may follow  
when the speed is resumed with the  
steering wheel button.  
> The symbol is grey – Pilot Assist is in  
standby mode.  
2. When Pilot Assist is selected – press the  
Related information  
steering wheel button  
(2) to activate.  
Green steering wheel indicates that Pilot Assist is  
providing steering assistance.  
> The symbol is white – Pilot Assist is  
started and the current speed is stored  
as maximum speed.  
In order to start the Pilot Assist it is required  
The driver's seatbelt must be buckled and  
the driver's door must be closed.  
The lane's edge markings must be clear  
and must be detected by the car.  
There must be a vehicle (the "target vehi-  
cle") within reasonable distance in front of  
the car, or the current speed must be at  
least 15 km/h (9 mph).  
This function can be either standard or optional, depending on market.  
* Option/accessory. 317  
Deactivate Pilot Assist*80  
Pilot Assist can be deactivated and switched  
Standby mode for Pilot Assist*81  
Pilot Assist can be deactivated and set in  
standby mode. This can take place due to  
driver intervention or automatically.  
Standby mode means that the function is  
selected in the driver display but not activated.  
In this case, Pilot Assist does not regulate the  
speed or distance to the vehicle in front, or  
provide steering assistance.  
With Pilot Assist in standby mode, the  
driver must intervene and steer, regu-  
lating both speed and distance to the  
vehicle ahead.  
When Pilot Assist is in standby mode  
and the car comes too close to a vehi-  
cle ahead, the driver is warned of the  
short distance by the distance warn-  
ing* function instead.  
Standby mode on driver intervention  
Pilot Assist is deactivated and set in standby  
mode if any of the following occurs:  
Related information  
Adaptive cruise control* (p. 303)  
The foot brake is used.  
Selecting and activating adaptive cruise  
control* (p. 306)  
The gear selector is moved to N position.  
The direction indicators are used for  
longer than 1 minute.  
Press the steering wheel button  
Change between cruise control and adap-  
tive cruise control* in the centre display  
(p. 310)  
> The symbol and indicators turn grey –  
Pilot Assist is set in standby mode. The  
indicator for time interval and symbol  
for target vehicle, if activated, are also  
switched off.  
The driver maintains a speed higher than  
the stored speed for longer than 1 minute.  
Limitations for adaptive cruise control*  
(p. 309)  
The clutch pedal is depressed for  
approx. 1 minute - applies to cars with  
manual gearbox.  
2. Press the steering wheel button (1) or ▶  
(3) to change to another function.  
> The driver display's symbol and indica-  
tor for Pilot Assist (4) are switched off  
– which deletes the stored maximum  
This function can be either standard or optional, depending on market.  
This function can be either standard or optional, depending on market.  
* Option/accessory.  
The speed is below 5 km/h (3 mph) and  
Pilot Assist is uncertain whether the vehi-  
cle ahead is a stationary vehicle or an  
object, such as a speed bump.  
Automatic standby mode  
Temporary disabling of steering  
assistance with Pilot Assist*83  
Pilot Assist steering assistance can be tem-  
porarily disabled and resumed without prior  
When the direction indicators are used, Pilot  
Assist steering assistance is temporarily dis-  
engaged. When the direction indicator is  
switched off, steering assistance is reactivated  
automatically if the lane's edge markings can  
still be detected.  
With automatic standby mode, the driver is  
warned via an acoustic signal and a mes-  
sage on the driver display.  
The speed is below 5 km/h (3 mph) and  
the vehicle ahead turns off so that Pilot  
Assist no longer has a vehicle to follow.  
The driver must then regulate the car's  
speed, apply the brakes as needed and  
maintain a safe distance to other vehi-  
Speed is reduced to below 30 km/h  
(20 mph) - only applies to cars with man-  
ual gearbox.  
Related information  
If Pilot Assist is unable to interpret the lane  
clearly, e.g. if the camera or radar unit is  
unable to see the side markings for the lane,  
Pilot Assist temporarily disables steering  
assistance – speed and distance regulation  
functions remain active. Steering assistance is  
resumed when the lane can be interpreted  
again. In these situations, slight vibration in  
the steering wheel may alert the driver to the  
fact that steering assistance has been deacti-  
vated temporarily.  
Automatic standby mode may be engaged in  
the event of one of the following.  
One of the systems that Pilot Assist is  
dependent on stops working, e.g. stability  
control / anti-skid 82  
Hands not holding the steering wheel.  
The driver opens the door.  
The driver takes off the seatbelt.  
The engine speed is too low/high.  
One or more wheels lose traction.  
The brake temperature is high.  
The parking brake is applied.  
Related information  
The camera and radar unit is covered by  
e.g. snow or heavy rainfall (camera lens/  
radio waves are blocked).  
Electronic Stability Control  
This function can be either standard or optional, depending on market.  
* Option/accessory. 319  
Limitations of Pilot Assist*84  
The Pilot Assist function may have limitations  
with poor light conditions, back-light-  
ing, wet road surface etc.  
In certain situations, Pilot Assist steering  
assistance may have difficulty helping the  
driver in the right way or it may be auto-  
matically deactivated - in which case, the  
use of Pilot Assist is not recommended.  
Examples of such situations may be that:  
The driver should also note that Pilot Assist  
has the following limitations:  
in certain situations.  
The Pilot Assist function is an aid which can  
help the driver in many situations. But the  
driver is at all times responsible for maintain-  
ing a safe distance to surrounding objects and  
a correct position in the lane.  
High kerbs, roadside barriers, tempo-  
rary obstacles (traffic cones, safety bar-  
riers, etc.) are not detected. Alterna-  
tively, they may be detected incorrectly  
as lane markings, with a subsequent  
risk of contact between the car and  
such obstacles. The driver must ensure  
him/herself that the car is at a suitable  
distance from such obstacles.  
the lane markings are unclear, worn,  
missing, or they cross each other, or if  
there are several sets of lane markings.  
the lane division is changed, e.g. when  
the lanes split or merge, as well as on  
slip roads.  
The camera and radar sensor does not  
have the capacity to detect all oncom-  
ing objects and obstacles in traffic  
environments, e.g. potholes, stationary  
obstacles or objects which completely  
or partially block the route.  
at roadworks and sudden changes in  
the roadway, e.g. when the lines may  
stop marking the correct route.  
edges or other lines than lane markings  
are present on or near the road, e.g.  
kerbs, joints or repairs to the road sur-  
face, edges of barriers, roadside edges  
or strong shadows.  
Pilot Assist does not "see" pedestrians,  
animals, etc.  
The recommended steering input is  
force limited, which means that Pilot  
Assist cannot always help the driver to  
steer and keep the car within the lane.  
the lane is narrow or winding.  
the lane contains ridges or holes.  
weather conditions are poor, e.g. rain,  
snow or fog or slush or impaired view  
In cars equipped with Sensus  
Navigation*, the function has the  
option of using information from map  
This function can be either standard or optional, depending on market.  
* Option/accessory.  
data, which may result in varied per-  
Do not use Pilot Assist if the car has a heavy  
load or a trailer is connected to the car.  
This is not a collision avoidance sys-  
tem. The driver is always responsible  
and must intervene if the system does  
not detect a vehicle ahead.  
Pilot Assist is switched off if the power  
steering for speed related steering  
force is working with reduced power –  
e.g. during cooling due to overheating.  
Pilot Assist cannot be activated if a trailer,  
bicycle rack or similar is connected to the  
car's electrical system.  
The function does not brake for  
humans or animals, and not for small  
vehicles such as bicycles and motorcy-  
cles. Nor for low trailers, oncoming,  
slow or stationary vehicles and objects.  
Drive mode unavailable  
Off Road drive mode cannot be selected  
when Pilot Assist is activated.  
Pilot Assist must only be used if there are  
clear lane lines painted on each side of the  
lane. All other use involves increased risk of  
contact with surrounding obstacles that  
cannot be detected by the function.  
Do not use the function in demanding  
situations, such as in city traffic, at  
junctions, on slippery surfaces, with a  
lot of water or slush on the road, in  
heavy rain/snow, in poor visibility, on  
winding roads or on slip roads.  
This function uses the car's camera and  
radar units, which have certain general lim-  
The driver always has the possibility of cor-  
recting or adjusting a steering intervention  
imposed by Pilot Assist and can turn the steer-  
ing wheel to the desired position.  
Related information  
Limitations for camera and radar unit  
(p. 387)  
Steep roads and/or heavy load  
Bear in mind that Pilot Assist is primarily  
intended for use when driving on level road  
surfaces. The function may have difficulty in  
keeping the correct distance from the vehicle  
ahead when driving on steep downhill slopes -  
in which case, be extra attentive and ready to  
Speed-dependent steering force (p. 266)  
Drive modes* (p. 416)  
* Option/accessory. 321  
Symbols and messages for  
Pilot Assist*85  
A number of symbols and messages regar-  
ding Pilot Assist can be shown via the driver  
Grey steering wheel symbol  
Indicates deactivated steering assistance. When Pilot Assist provides steering assis-  
tance, the steering wheel is green.  
Symbol for hands on the steering wheel The system cannot detect whether the driver has his/her hands on the steering wheel.  
Place your hands on the steering wheel and actively steer the car.  
Clean the windscreen in front of the camera and radar unit's detectors.  
Windscreen sensor  
Sensor blocked, see Owner's man-  
A text message can be cleared by briefly  
pressing the button, located in the centre  
of the steering wheel's right-hand keypad.  
If a message remains: Contact a workshop –  
an authorised Volvo workshop is recom-  
Related information  
This function can be either standard or optional, depending on market.  
* Option/accessory.