Driver support -> Road Sign Information for Your Volvo XC40 SUV 2020

Road Sign Information*  
Related information  
The Road Sign Information function (RSI21  
Driving support systems (p. 266)  
In certain markets, the Road Sign Informa-  
tion function* is only available in combina-  
tion with Sensus Navigation*.  
can help the driver to observe speed-related  
road signs and certain prohibition signs.  
The function is supplementary driver  
support intended to facilitate driving  
and make it safer – it cannot handle all  
situations in all traffic, weather and  
road conditions.  
The driver is advised to read all sec-  
tions in the Owner's Manual that relate  
to this function to learn about factors  
such as its limitations and what the  
driver should be aware of before using  
the system.  
Examples of readable signs22  
RSI can provide information about such things  
as current speed, when a motorway or road is  
starting/ending, when overtaking is prohibited  
or when the direction of travel is one-way.  
Driver support functions are not a sub-  
stitute for the driver's attention and  
judgement. The driver is always  
responsible for ensuring the car is  
driven in a safe manner, at the appro-  
priate speed, with an appropriate dis-  
tance to other vehicles, and in accord-  
ance with current traffic rules and reg-  
If the car passes a speed limit sign, it will be  
shown on the driver display.  
Road sign information (RSI23) also includes  
subfunctions that can warn the driver if a  
speed limit has been exceeded or in connec-  
tion with speed cameras.  
Road Sign Information  
Road signs are market-dependent - illustrations in these instructions only show a few examples.  
Road Sign Information  
* Option/accessory. 287  
Activating or deactivating road  
Display mode for road sign  
sign information*  
If the automatic speed limiter function  
is activated, road sign information is  
shown in the driver display even if the  
Road Sign Information function is not  
The Road Sign Information function (RSI24) is  
optional – the driver can choose to activate or  
deactivate this function.  
The Road Sign Information function (RSI25  
shows road signs in different ways depend-  
ing on the sign and the situation.  
Activate or deactivate the  
function using this button in  
the centre display's function  
To remove road sign information from  
the driver display, you must deactivate  
both the automatic speed limiter and  
Road Sign Information.  
When the automatic speed limiter  
function is activated but Road Sign  
Information is deactivated, no warn-  
ings are given from Road Sign Infor-  
mation. Road Sign Information must  
also be activated in order to receive  
GREEN button indication – the function is  
GREY button indication – the function is  
Road Sign Information is activated automati-  
cally each time the engine is started.  
Example26 of detected speed information.  
When the function detects a road sign with an  
imposed speed limit, the driver display shows  
the sign as a symbol combined with a col-  
oured indication on the speedometer.  
Related information  
Automatic speed limiter (p. 297)  
If the car is fitted with Sensus Navigation*,  
speed-related information is also obtained  
from map data, which means that the driver  
display can show or change information on  
the speed limit without having passed a  
speed-related sign.  
RSI: Road Sign Information.  
Road Sign Information  
Road signs are market-dependent - the illustrations in these instructions only show examples.  
* Option/accessory.  
An additional sign, such as  
"no overtaking", may be  
shown together with the  
speed limit symbol.  
if map data has no information on the speed  
limit for the road section in question.  
The driver display symbol extinguishes after  
about 5 minutes until the next speed-related  
sign is passed.  
Example of indirect speed limit sign:  
End of all restrictions.  
If the car is fitted with Sensus Navigation*,  
speed limit signs are shown in the driver dis-  
play when map data contains information on  
the speed limit for the road section in ques-  
tion, even if no direct sign has been passed. If  
there is no information in map data, the sign is  
extinguished approx. 3 minutes after the last  
passing of a speed limit sign.  
If the driver enters a road  
marked with a no-entry sign  
at the roadside, the symbol  
for this sign flashes on and  
off on the driver display as a  
End of motorway.  
Additional signs  
If the car is equipped with Sensus Navigation*,  
information from map data is used to deter-  
mine whether the car is being driven in the  
wrong direction.  
The driver display symbol extinguishes after  
10-30 seconds and remains so until the next  
speed related sign is passed.  
The driver can also get an acoustic warning  
when driving towards a road marked with a  
no-entry sign if the Road Sign Audio  
Warning function is activated.  
Changed speed limit  
When passing a direct speed limit sign when a  
speed limit changes, a symbol with the corres-  
ponding road sign appears in the driver's dis-  
Speed limit or end of motorway  
When the function detects an "indirect speed  
limit sign" stating the end of the current speed  
limit – e.g. at the end of a motorway – a sym-  
bol appears with the corresponding road sign  
in the driver's display.  
Examples of additional signs.  
Example of direct speed limit  
Sometimes different speed limits are signed  
for the same road - an additional sign then  
indicates the circumstances under which the  
different speeds apply. The road section may  
be particularly susceptible to accidents in rain  
and/or fog, for example.  
If the car is equipped with Sensus Navigation*,  
direct speed limit signs are normally displayed  
– indirect speed limit signs are only displayed  
* Option/accessory. 289  
|| An additional sign relating to rain is displayed  
Sign for "School" and "Children at  
Road Sign Information and Sensus  
only if the windscreen wipers are in use.  
If a warning sign for "School"  
or "Children at play" is  
included in the satellite navi-  
gator's map data27, the driver  
display shows a sign of this  
If the car is equipped with Sensus Navigation*,  
speed information is read from the navigation  
unit in the following cases:  
If a trailer is connected to the car's electrical  
system and you pass a speed sign with the  
additional sign "trailer", the indicated speed  
will appear on the driver display.  
On detection of signs that indirectly indi-  
cate a speed limit, such as motorway, dual  
carriageway and city limit signs.  
Some speed limits only apply  
after a certain distance or at a  
certain time of day. The driv-  
er's attention is drawn to this  
fact by means of a symbol for  
an additional sign below the  
If a previously detected speed sign is  
assumed not to apply any longer, but no  
new sign has been detected.  
Related information  
speed symbol. The additional  
symbol in the driver display will show either  
“DIST” or “TIME”.  
In certain markets, the Road Sign Informa-  
tion function* is only available in combina-  
tion with Sensus Navigation*.  
A symbol for additional sign  
in the form of an empty frame  
under the driver display's  
speed symbol26 means that  
the function has detected an  
additional sign with supple-  
mentary information for the  
current speed limit.  
If a downloaded third-party app is used for  
navigation then there is no support for  
speed-related information.  
Related information  
Road signs are market-dependent - the illustrations in these instructions only show examples.  
Only in cars with Sensus Navigation*.  
* Option/accessory.  
A speed warning is always given if the speed  
limit is exceeded in connection with speed  
camera information.  
Warning for speed limitation and  
speed camera from road sign  
Road sign information (RSI28) includes sub-  
functions that can warn the driver if a speed  
limit has been exceeded or in connection with  
speed cameras.  
Warning for speed camera  
A car equipped with road  
sign information and Sensus  
Navigation can provide infor-  
mation on an upcoming  
speed camera in the driver  
Speed Limit Warning warns the driver when  
the applicable speed limit or stored maximum  
speed is exceeded – this warning is repeated  
once after approx. 30 seconds within the  
same speed limit area unless the driver  
reduces the speed.  
If the car exceeds a detected speed limit with  
the Speed Limit Warning function activated,  
a speed warning is given when the car  
approaches a speed camera, provided that the  
navigation map for the area in question con-  
tains information on speed cameras.  
Another warning is available only when the  
driver has reduced the speed by at least  
5 km/h (3 mph) and then exceeds the speed  
limit again, or when the car reaches a new/  
different speed limit area.  
An option is available to receive an acous-  
tic warning for speed cameras independ-  
ently of the car's speed and exceeded  
speed limit, and even if the Road Sign  
Audio Warning function is deactivated.  
To get an acoustic warning if you exceed  
the required speed, the Speed Limit  
Warning function must be activated and  
the Road Sign Audio Warning subfunc-  
tion must be set to On. An acoustic warn-  
ing is then given if the car's speed exceeds  
the speed indicated by the Road Sign  
Information function in the driver display.  
Examples of information on speed camera and speed  
limit in the driver display  
Warning for speed limit  
The speed warning is given  
by the driver display symbol29  
showing the applicable maxi-  
mum permitted speed tem-  
porarily flashing when this  
speed is exceeded.  
Related information  
Road Sign Information  
Road signs are customised for each market – the one shown here is just an example.  
Information on speed cameras on the navigation map is not available for all markets/areas.  
* Option/accessory. 291  
Note that the function does  
not give any consideration to  
selected limit adjustment  
when the driver display  
shows the speed camera  
Select/deselect Speed Camera Audio  
Warning to activate/switch off the audi-  
ble speed camera warning.  
Activating or deactivating  
warnings from road sign  
The subfunction Speed Limit Warning for  
Road Sign Information (RSI31) is optional –  
the driver can choose to activate or deacti-  
vate this subfunction.  
Related information  
Activating acoustic warning in  
connection with speed warning  
Activating speed warning  
1. Select Settings My Car IntelliSafe  
1. Select Settings My Car IntelliSafe  
Road Sign Information in the centre  
display's top view.  
Road Sign Information in the centre  
display's top view.  
Select Speed Limit Warning.  
Select/deselect Road Sign Audio  
Warning to activate/switch off the acous-  
tic warning.  
> The function is activated and a speed  
limit selector appears.  
With the Road Sign Audio Warning function  
activated, the driver is also warned when driv-  
ing towards one-way traffic/no-entry entrance.  
Adjust the limit for Speed Warning  
The driver can select to receive a warning at a  
higher speed than the signed speed.  
Activate speed camera warning  
1. Select Settings My Car IntelliSafe  
If the car is fitted with Sensus Navigation* and  
map data contains information on speed cam-  
eras, the driver can opt to receive an audible  
warning when approaching a speed camera.  
Road Sign Information in the centre  
display's top view.  
Select Speed Limit Warning.  
> The function is activated and a speed  
limit selector appears.  
1. Select Settings My Car IntelliSafe  
Road Sign Information in the centre  
display's top view.  
3. Adjust the limit for Speed Warning by  
pressing the up/down arrows on the  
Road Sign Information  
* Option/accessory.  
Limitations of Road Sign  
Speed limiter  
A speed limiter (SL35) can be likened to a  
reverse cruise control - the driver regulates  
the speed using the accelerator pedal but is  
prevented from accidentally exceeding a pre-  
selected/set maximum speed by the speed  
The RSI function may interpret some types  
of bicycle rack, connected to the electrical  
socket for trailers, as a connected trailer. In  
such cases, the driver display may show  
incorrect speed information.  
The Road Sign Information (RSI32) function  
may have limitations in certain situations.  
Examples of what can reduce the function are  
as follows:  
Faded signs  
Signs positioned on bends  
Rotated or damaged signs  
Signs positioned high above the roadway  
This function uses the car's camera and  
radar units, which have certain general lim-  
Fully/partially obscured or poorly posi-  
tioned signs  
Related information  
Signs completely or partly covered with  
frost, snow and/or dirt  
Digital road maps33 are out-of-date, inac-  
curate or have no speed information34  
Limitations for camera and radar unit  
(p. 387)  
Buttons and symbols for the function.  
: Activates the speed limiter from  
standby mode and resumes stored maxi-  
mum speed  
In certain markets, the Road Sign Informa-  
tion function* is only available in combina-  
tion with Sensus Navigation*.  
: Increases the stored maximum  
: From standby mode – activates the  
speed limiter and stores current speed  
Road Sign Information  
In cars equipped with Sensus Navigation*.  
Map data with speed information does not exist for all areas.  
Speed Limiter  
* Option/accessory. 293