Driver support -> Speed limiter for Your Volvo XC40 SUV 2020

Limitations of Road Sign  
Speed limiter  
A speed limiter (SL35) can be likened to a  
reverse cruise control - the driver regulates  
the speed using the accelerator pedal but is  
prevented from accidentally exceeding a pre-  
selected/set maximum speed by the speed  
The RSI function may interpret some types  
of bicycle rack, connected to the electrical  
socket for trailers, as a connected trailer. In  
such cases, the driver display may show  
incorrect speed information.  
The Road Sign Information (RSI32) function  
may have limitations in certain situations.  
Examples of what can reduce the function are  
as follows:  
Faded signs  
Signs positioned on bends  
Rotated or damaged signs  
Signs positioned high above the roadway  
This function uses the car's camera and  
radar units, which have certain general lim-  
Fully/partially obscured or poorly posi-  
tioned signs  
Related information  
Signs completely or partly covered with  
frost, snow and/or dirt  
Digital road maps33 are out-of-date, inac-  
curate or have no speed information34  
Road Sign Information* (p. 287)  
Limitations for camera and radar unit  
(p. 387)  
Buttons and symbols for the function.  
: Activates the speed limiter from  
standby mode and resumes stored maxi-  
mum speed  
In certain markets, the Road Sign Informa-  
tion function* is only available in combina-  
tion with Sensus Navigation*.  
: Increases the stored maximum  
: From standby mode – activates the  
speed limiter and stores current speed  
Road Sign Information  
In cars equipped with Sensus Navigation*.  
Map data with speed information does not exist for all areas.  
Speed Limiter  
* Option/accessory. 293  
Set the stored speed for driver support  
(p. 325)  
: From active mode – deactivates/  
changes the speed limiter to standby  
The function is supplementary driver  
support intended to facilitate driving  
and make it safer – it cannot handle all  
situations in all traffic, weather and  
road conditions.  
: Reduces stored maximum speed  
Marker for stored max speed  
The car's current speed  
Stored maximum speed  
The driver is advised to read all sec-  
tions in the Owner's Manual that relate  
to this function to learn about factors  
such as its limitations and what the  
driver should be aware of before using  
the system.  
Driver support functions are not a sub-  
stitute for the driver's attention and  
judgement. The driver is always  
responsible for ensuring the car is  
driven in a safe manner, at the appro-  
priate speed, with an appropriate dis-  
tance to other vehicles, and in accord-  
ance with current traffic rules and reg-  
Related information  
Driving support systems (p. 266)  
2. When speed limiter is selected – press the  
steering wheel button (2) to activate.  
Selecting and activating speed  
The speed limiter function (SL36) must first  
be selected and activated in order to be able  
to regulate the speed.  
Deactivating the speed limiter  
The speed limiter (SL37) can be deactivated  
and switched off.  
> The symbol is white – the speed limiter  
is started and the current speed is  
stored as maximum speed.  
Related information  
Press the steering wheel button  
> The symbol and indicators turn grey –  
the speed limiter is set in standby mode  
and the driver can exceed the set speed  
The speed limiter cannot be activated until  
after the engine has been started. The lowest  
maximum speed that can be stored is  
30 km/h (20 mph).  
2. Press the steering wheel button (1) or ▶  
1. Press (1) or (3) to scroll to the symbol  
(3) to change to another function.  
> The driver display's symbol and indica-  
tor for speed limiter (4) are switched off  
– which deletes the stored maximum  
for the speed limiter  
> The symbol is grey – the speed limiter  
is in standby mode.  
Speed Limiter  
Speed Limiter  
Related information  
Temporary deactivation of speed  
Limitations for speed limiter  
Speed limiter (SL39) has certain general limi-  
The speed limiter (SL38) can be temporarily  
deactivated and set in standby mode.  
On steep downhill gradients the speed limit-  
er’s braking effect may be inadequate and  
hence the stored maximum speed may be  
exceeded. In this case, the driver is alerted by  
the message Speed limit exceeded in the  
driver display.  
The speed limiter can also be temporarily  
deactivated and overridden with the accelera-  
tor pedal without the speed limiter first having  
to be set in standby mode - e.g. to be able to  
quickly accelerate the car out of a situation.  
In which case, proceed as follows:  
1. Fully depress the accelerator pedal and  
release it to interrupt acceleration when  
the desired speed has been reached.  
A text message that the maximum speed is  
exceeded will be activated if the speed has  
been exceeded by at least 3 km/h  
(approx. 2 mph).  
> In this mode, the speed limiter is still  
activated and the driver display's sym-  
bol is therefore WHITE.  
Related information  
2. Fully release the accelerator pedal when  
the temporary acceleration is finished.  
> The car is then engine-braked automat-  
ically to below the last stored maximum  
Related information  
Speed Limiter  
Speed Limiter  
Automatic speed limiter  
Symbol for automatic speed limiter  
The sign symbol (displayed along-  
side the stored speed, "70", in the  
centre of the speedometer) can be  
shown in three colours with the fol-  
lowing meanings:  
The Automatic Speed Limiter (ASL40) func-  
tion helps the driver to adapt the car's maxi-  
mum speed to the speed shown on the road  
The function is supplementary driver  
support intended to facilitate driving  
and make it safer – it cannot handle all  
situations in all traffic, weather and  
road conditions.  
The Speed Limiter function (SL41) can be  
changed to Automatic Speed Limiter (ASL).  
The driver is advised to read all sec-  
tions in the Owner's Manual that relate  
to this function to learn about factors  
such as its limitations and what the  
driver should be aware of before using  
the system.  
Colour of  
The automatic speed limiter uses speed infor-  
mation from the Road Sign Information*  
(RSI42) function to automatically adapt the  
car's maximum speed.  
sign symbol  
Greenish yel- The automatic speed limiter  
is active.  
The automatic speed limiter  
is set in standby mode.  
Driver support functions are not a sub-  
stitute for the driver's attention and  
judgement. The driver is always  
responsible for ensuring the car is  
driven in a safe manner, at the appro-  
priate speed, with an appropriate dis-  
tance to other vehicles, and in accord-  
ance with current traffic rules and reg-  
Even if the driver clearly sees the speed-  
related road sign, the speed information  
from the Road Sign Information* (RSI)  
function to ASL may be incorrect – in such  
cases the driver must intervene him/herself  
and accelerate or brake to a suitable speed.  
Automatic speed limiter is  
in temporary standby mode  
- e.g. due to a road sign not  
being read.  
Symbol for which speed limiter  
function is active  
The symbol display in the driver display  
changes depending on whether it is cruise  
control or automatic cruise control that is  
Automatic Speed Limiter  
Speed Limiter  
Road Sign Information  
* Option/accessory. 297  
Activating or deactivating the  
automatic speed limiter  
If the automatic speed limiter function  
is activated, road sign information  
(RSI45) is shown in the driver display  
even if the Road Sign Information is  
not activated.  
The automatic speed limiter function (ASL43  
can be activated and deactivated as a supple-  
ment to the speed limiter (SL44).  
Activate or deactivate the  
function using this button in  
the centre display's function  
WHITE symbol: Function active,  
GREY symbol: Standby mode.  
To remove road sign information from  
the driver display, you must deactivate  
both the automatic speed limiter and  
Road Sign Information.  
Sign symbol after "70" = Automatic  
Speed Limiter is activated.  
When the automatic speed limiter  
function is activated but Road Sign  
Information is deactivated, no warn-  
ings are given from Road Sign Infor-  
mation. Road Sign Information must  
also be activated in order to receive  
GREEN button indication – the function is  
activated. Press the steering wheel button  
Related information  
to start the automatic speed limiter  
with the current speed.  
Driving support systems (p. 266)  
GREY button indication – the function is  
deactivated. Normal speed limiter is acti-  
vated instead.  
Road Sign Information* (p. 287)  
Automatic Speed Limiter  
Speed Limiter  
Road Sign Information  
* Option/accessory.  
Deactivating the automatic speed  
To deactivate the automatic speed limiter:  
Changing the tolerance for the  
automatic speed limiter  
Press the steering wheel button  
until 70 km/h (43 mph) in the centre of  
the speedometer (2) changes to 75 km/h  
(47 mph).  
The Automatic Speed Limiter function  
(ASL46) can be set for different tolerance lev-  
els. The tolerance is adjusted in the same way  
as the speed setting is in the speed limiter.  
If, for example, the car follows a signed speed  
limit of 70km/h (43 mph) the driver can  
instead choose to allow the car to maintain  
75 km/h (47 mph).  
Tap on the button in the function view.  
> After which, the car uses the selected  
tolerance 5 km/h (4 mph) as long as  
signs passed are showing 70 km/h  
(43 mph).  
> GREY button indication – ASL is  
switched off and SL is activated  
The tolerance is followed until a road sign with  
a lower or higher speed is passed - then the  
car follows the new signed speed limit instead  
and the tolerance is deleted from the memory.  
After switching from ASL to SL the car will  
no longer follow the signed speed limit but  
only the stored maximum speed.  
Related information  
The maximum selectable tolerance is  
+/- 10 km/h (5 mph).  
Related information  
Road Sign Information* (p. 287)  
Buttons and symbols for the function  
Road Sign Information* (p. 287)  
Automatic Speed Limiter  
* Option/accessory. 299  
Marker for stored speed  
The car's current speed  
Stored speed  
Limitations for automatic speed  
Automatic speed limitation (ASL47) takes  
place using speed information from the Road  
Sign Information function* (RSI48) – not from  
the speed limit road signs that the car  
Cruise control  
The cruise control (CC49) helps the driver  
maintain an even speed, which can result in  
more relaxed driving on motorways and long,  
straight roads in regular traffic flows.  
In cars equipped with adaptive cruise con-  
trol* (ACC50), it is possible to switch  
between cruise control and adaptive cruise  
If road sign information cannot interpret and  
provide speed information to the driver sup-  
port systems, the automatic speed limiter is  
set in standby mode and changes to normal  
speed limiter. In such cases the driver must  
intervene and brake to a suitable speed.  
The automatic speed limiter will be reactivated  
when road sign information can once again  
interpret and provide speed information.  
Buttons and symbols for the function  
Related information  
: Activates cruise control from standby  
mode and resumes stored speed  
Road Sign Information* (p. 287)  
: Increases the stored speed  
: From standby mode – activates  
cruise control and stores current speed  
: From active mode – deactivates/  
changes cruise control to standby mode  
: Reduces stored speed  
Automatic Speed Limiter  
Road Sign Information – RSI  
Cruise Control  
Adaptive Cruise Control  
* Option/accessory.