Maintenance and service -> Engine oil for Your Volvo XC40 SUV 2020

If the engine oil cannot be checked on a regu-  
lar basis and the level falls too low, there is a  
risk that this will cause serious damage to the  
Engine oil  
An approved engine oil must be used in order  
that the recommended service intervals and  
warranty can be applied.  
In order to fulfil the requirements for the  
engine's service intervals all engines are  
filled with a specially adapted synthetic  
engine oil at the factory. The choice of oil  
has been made very carefully with regard  
to service life, starting characteristics, fuel  
consumption and environmental impact.  
It is not intended that the decals illustrated  
in the owner's manual should be exact rep-  
licas of those in the car. They are included  
to show their approximate appearance and  
locations in the car. The information that  
applies to your particular car can be found  
on the decal on the car.  
An approved engine oil must be used in  
order that the recommended service inter-  
vals can be applied. Only use a prescribed  
grade of oil for both filling and oil change,  
otherwise there is a risk of the service life,  
starting characteristics, fuel consumption  
and environmental impact of the car being  
Volvo recommends:  
If engine oil of the prescribed grade and  
viscosity is not used, engine related com-  
ponents may become damaged. Volvo dis-  
claims any liability for any such damage.  
Volvo recommends that oil changes are  
carried out at an authorised Volvo work-  
Symbols for low oil level  
Volvo uses different systems to warn about  
the oil level if it is too low/high, or in the event  
of low oil pressure. The driver display's warn-  
ing symbol for low oil pressure is used for the  
oil pressure sensor  
. For oil level sensor,  
|| the driver is informed via the driver display's  
Checking and filling with engine oil  
The oil level is detected with the electronic oil  
warning symbol  
and display texts. Cer-  
The system cannot directly detect changes  
when the oil is filled or drained. The car  
must have been driven approx. 30 km  
(approx. 20 miles) and have been station-  
ary for 5 minutes with the engine switched  
off and on level ground before the oil level  
indication is correct.  
tain variants have both systems. Contact a  
Volvo dealer for more information.  
level sensor.  
See oil level in the centre display  
Change the engine oil and oil filter in accord-  
ance with the intervals specified in the Service  
and Warranty Booklet. Using oil of a higher  
than specified grade is permitted. If the car is  
driven in adverse conditions, Volvo recom-  
mends using an oil of a higher grade than the  
one specified.  
If the right conditions for measuring the oil  
level (time after engine shutdown, the car's  
inclination, outside temperature, etc.) are  
not met, then the message No value  
available will be shown in the centre dis-  
play. This does not mean that there is  
something wrong in the car's systems.  
Related information  
Engine oil – specifications (p. 637)  
Adverse driving conditions for engine oil  
(p. 639)  
Example of graphic for oil level in the centre display  
The oil level is visualised using the electronic  
oil level gauge in the centre display when the  
car has been started. The oil level should be  
checked regularly.  
Volvo Cars support site (p. 21)  
If this symbol is shown then the  
oil pressure may be too low. Stop  
the car as quickly as possible and  
have the car recovered to a work-  
shop – an authorised Volvo workshop is  
Open the Car Status app from the app  
view in the centre display.  
Press Status to show the oil level.  
Fill the engine oil  
Topping up coolant  
The coolant cools the internal combustion  
engine to the correct operating temperature.  
The heat that is transferred from the engine  
to the coolant can be used to heat the pas-  
senger compartment.  
If the Engine oil level low Refill 1 litre  
message is shown, fill only with the speci-  
fied volume, e.g. 1 litre (1 quart).  
Related information  
When topping up the coolant, follow the  
instructions on the packaging. Never top up  
with water only. The risk of freezing increases  
with both too little and too much coolant con-  
Adverse driving conditions for engine oil  
(p. 639)  
Engine oil – specifications (p. 637)  
Ignition positions (p. 398)  
Car status (p. 572)  
If there is coolant under the car, if there is  
coolant smoke, or if more than 2 litres (approx.  
2 quarts) have been filled, always call for  
recovery to avoid the risk of engine damage  
due to a defective cooling system when  
attempting to start the car.  
Filler pipe12 13  
In some cases, oil may need to be topped up  
between service intervals. No action with  
regard to engine oil level needs to be taken  
until a message is shown in the driver display.  
The coolant may be very hot. Never open  
the cap when the coolant is hot. If a top-up  
is required, unscrew the expansion tank  
cap slowly to allow any overpressure to  
If the Engine oil level Service required  
message is shown, visit a workshop – an  
authorised Volvo workshop is recom-  
mended. The oil level may be too high.  
Do not spill oil onto the hot exhaust mani-  
fold due to the risk of fire.  
Engines with electronic oil level sensor do not have a dipstick.  
The appearance of the engine compartment may differ depending on model and engine variant.  
Harmful if ingested. May cause organ  
(kidney) damage.  
Use ready-mixed coolant as recom-  
mended by Volvo. If concentrated liq-  
uid is used, make sure that the ratio is  
50 % coolant to 50 % water of an  
approved quality.  
Do not mix different coolants.  
Only new coolant should be used  
when replacing major cooling system  
components to ensure the system has  
sufficient corrosion protection.  
Coolant expansion tank  
Screw off the cap and top up with coolant  
if necessary. The coolant level must not  
exceed the MAX mark outside the expan-  
sion tank.  
The engine must only be run with a  
well-filled cooling system. Otherwise,  
temperatures that are too high may  
occur resulting in the risk of damage  
(cracks) in the cylinder head.  
A high content of chlorine, chlorides  
and other salts may cause corrosion in  
the cooling system.  
Related information  
Engine compartment overview (p. 580)  
Coolant – specifications (p. 640)  
battery is discharged a large number of times,  
it will negatively affect the service life.  
Starter battery  
The starter battery is used to start up the  
electrical system and drive the starter motor  
as well as other electrical equipment in the  
The electrical system is single-pole and uses  
the chassis and engine casing as a conductor.  
The battery can generate oxyhydrogen  
gas, which is highly explosive. A spark  
can be formed if a jump lead is con-  
nected incorrectly, and this can be  
enough for the battery to explode.  
In order to maintain the starter battery in good  
condition, it is recommended that there is at  
least 15 minutes driving/week or that the bat-  
tery is connected to a battery charger with  
automatic trickle charging. A starter battery  
that is kept fully charged has a maximum serv-  
ice life.  
Do not connect the jump leads to any  
fuel system component or any moving  
part. Be careful of hot engine parts.  
The car has a voltage-regulated AC alternator.  
The starter battery is a 12 V battery, designed  
for the carbon dioxide reducing functions  
Start/stop and regenerative charging, and to  
support the functionality of the car's different  
The battery contains sulphuric acid,  
which can cause serious burns.  
If sulphuric acid comes into contact  
with eyes, skin or clothing, flush with  
large quantities of water. If acid  
splashes into the eyes - seek medical  
attention immediately.  
The service life and function of the starter bat-  
tery is influenced by factors such as the num-  
ber of starts, discharging, driving style, driving  
conditions, climatic conditions etc.  
Never smoke near the battery.  
Never disconnect the starter battery when  
the engine is running.  
The service life and capacity of the  
starter battery  
Check that the cables to the starter bat-  
tery are correctly connected and properly  
The service life of the battery is affected by  
several factors, including factors such as the  
number of starts, discharging, driving style,  
driving conditions, climatic conditions, etc.  
Battery starting capacity decreases gradually  
with time and therefore needs to be recharged  
if the car is not used for a long time or when it  
is only driven short distances. Extreme cold  
further limits starting capacity. If the starter  
The starter battery is located in the engine compart-  
If the starter battery is disconnected, the  
automatic opening and closing function  
must be reset to work properly. A reset  
must take place for pinch protection to  
On certain models, the battery is attached  
with a retaining strap. Make sure the  
retaining strap is properly tightened.  
Specifications for starter battery  
Battery type  
H6 AGM  
Voltage (V)  
Cold start capacityA - CCAB (A)  
Size, L×B×H  
278×175×190 mm (10.9×6.9×7.5 inches)  
Capacity (Ah)  
According to EN standard.  
Cold Cranking Amperes.  
Volvo recommends entrusting battery replace-  
ment to an authorised Volvo workshop.  
Using jump starting with another battery  
(p. 447)  
Reset sequence for pinch protection  
(p. 155)  
Battery recycle (p. 589)  
If the battery is replaced, make sure you  
replace it with a battery with the same  
size, cold starting capacity and type as the  
original battery (see the decal on the bat-  
Related information  
Temporarily reduced Start/stop function due  
to high current take-off means:  
Support battery  
Cars with the start/stop function are equip-  
ped with two batteries - one more powerful  
12 V starter battery for starting and one sup-  
port battery that helps during the function's  
starting sequence.  
If the starter battery has been discharged  
so much that the car has no normal electri-  
cal functions and the engine is then jump-  
started with an external battery or a battery  
charger, the Start/stop function may con-  
tinue to be activated. If the Start/stop  
function then auto-stops the engine shortly  
afterwards, there is a great risk that engine  
auto-start will fail due to insufficient bat-  
tery capacity, because the battery has not  
had the time to recharge.  
The engine auto-starts without the driver  
lifting his/her foot from the foot brake  
The support battery normally requires no more  
service than the normal starter battery. A  
workshop should be contacted in the event of  
questions or problems - an authorised Volvo  
workshop is recommended.  
If the car has been jump-started, or if there  
is insufficient time to charge the battery  
with a battery charger, the Start/stop func-  
tion is temporarily deactivated until the  
battery has been recharged by the car. In  
an outside temperature of approx. +15 °C  
(approx. 60 °F), the battery needs to be  
charged for at least 1 hour by the car. In a  
lower outside temperature, the charging  
time may increase to 34 hours. The rec-  
ommendation is to charge the battery  
using an external battery charger.  
If the following instruction is not observed  
then the Start/stop function may temporar-  
ily cease to work after the connection of an  
external battery or battery charger:  
The negative battery terminal on the  
car's starter battery must never be  
used for connecting an external starter  
battery or battery charger – only the  
car's negative charging point may be  
used as the grounding point.  
The 12 V support battery is located down in the  
engine compartment. The starter battery is also  
shown here (top).  
The higher the current take-off in the  
car, the more the alternator must be  
working and the batteries charging =  
Increased fuel consumption.  
Specifications for support battery  
When the capacity of the battery has  
fallen below the lowest permissible  
level then the Start/stop function is  
Voltage (V)  
Symbols on the batteries  
There are information and warning symbols  
on the batteries.  
Cold start capacityA -  
CCAB (A)  
Avoid sparks and naked  
150×90×130 mm  
Size, L×B×H  
Use protective goggles.  
Capacity (Ah)  
According to EN standard.  
Cold Cranking Amperes.  
Risk of explosion.  
Further information in the  
owner's manual for the  
If the battery is replaced, make sure you  
replace it with a battery with the same  
size, cold starting capacity and type as the  
original battery (see the decal on the bat-  
Must be taken for recy-  
Store the battery out of  
the reach of children.  
Related information  
Related information  
Battery recycle (p. 589)  
Start/stop function (p. 422)  
Battery recycle (p. 589)  
The battery contains cor-  
rosive acid.