Safety -> Airbags for Your Volvo XC40 SUV 2020

Rear seat  
Related information  
The seatbelt reminder in the rear seat has two  
Seatbelts (p. 44)  
The car is equipped with airbags and inflat-  
able curtains for driver and passengers.  
Putting on and taking off seatbelts (p. 45)  
Provides information on which seatbelts  
are being used in the rear seat. The driver  
display's graphics are shown when the  
seatbelts are in use.  
The detectors react differently depending  
on the nature of the collision and whether  
or not the seatbelts are fastened. Applies  
to all belt positions.  
Reminding that a seatbelt in the rear seat  
is unfastened during a journey by means  
of a visual and acoustic reminder. The  
reminder will cease once the seatbelt has  
been put on again.  
It is therefore possible that only one (or  
none) of the airbags may inflate in a colli-  
sion. The detectors sense the force of the  
collision on the vehicle and the action is  
adapted accordingly so that none, one or  
more airbags are deployed.  
Reminder for doors, bonnet, tailgate  
and fuel filler flap  
If the bonnet, tailgate, fuel filler flap or a door  
is not closed properly, the driver display's  
graphics show what is open. Stop the car in a  
safe place as soon as possible and close the  
source of the warning.  
The airbag system's control module is  
located in the centre console. If the centre  
console is drenched with water or other liq-  
uid, disconnect the cables to the starter  
battery. Do not attempt to start the car  
since the airbags may deploy. Recovering  
the car. Volvo recommends that it is trans-  
ported to an authorised Volvo workshop.  
If the car is driven at a speed lower  
than approx. 10 km/h (6 mph) then  
the driver display's information sym-  
bol illuminates.  
If the car is driven at a speed higher  
than approx. 10 km/h (6 mph) then  
the driver display's warning symbol  
Deployed airbags  
If any of the airbags have deployed, the follow-  
ing is recommended:  
Recovering the car. Volvo recommends  
that it is transported to an authorised  
Volvo workshop. Do not drive with  
deployed airbags.  
and deflation of the airbag, occurs within  
tenths of a second.  
Driver airbags  
As a supplement to the seatbelts, the car is  
equipped with steering wheel airbag and  
knee airbag1 on the driver's side.  
Volvo recommends engaging an author-  
ised Volvo workshop to handle the  
replacement of components in the car's  
safety systems.  
The seatbelts and airbags interact. If the  
belt is not used or is used incorrectly, this  
may diminish the protection provided by  
the airbag in the event of a collision.  
Always contact a doctor.  
To minimise the risk of injury if the airbag  
deploys, passengers must sit as upright as  
possible with their feet on the floor and  
backs against the backrest.  
Never drive with deployed airbags. They  
can make steering difficult. Other safety  
systems may also be damaged. The smoke  
and dust created when the airbags are  
deployed can cause skin and eye irritation/  
injury after intensive exposure. In case of  
irritation, wash with cold water. The rapid  
deployment sequence and airbag fabric  
may cause friction and skin burns.  
Volvo recommends that an authorised  
Volvo workshop should be contacted for  
repair. Defective work in the airbag system  
could cause malfunction and result in seri-  
ous personal injury.  
Steering wheel airbag and knee airbag1 on the driv-  
er's side in the front seat.  
In the event of a frontal collision, the airbags  
help to protect the head, neck, face and chest  
of the driver as well as the knees and legs.  
Related information  
Safety (p. 42)  
Steering wheel airbag location  
This airbag is fitted into the centre of the  
steering wheel. The steering wheel is marked  
A sufficiently violent collision trips the sensors  
and the airbag/airbags is inflated. The airbag  
cushions the initial collision impact for the  
occupant. The airbag deflates when com-  
pressed by the collision. When this occurs,  
smoke escapes into the car. This is completely  
normal. The entire process, including inflation  
Knee airbag1 location  
The airbag is folded up in the lower part of the  
instrument panel on the driver's side. Its cover  
panel is marked AIRBAG.  
The car is only equipped with knee airbag in certain markets.  
Passenger airbag  
As a supplement to the seatbelts, the vehicle  
is equipped with an airbag on the passenger  
side in the front seat.  
Do not place or attach any object on the  
top or front of the panel where the knee  
airbag is stowed.  
The seatbelts and airbags interact. If the  
belt is not used or is used incorrectly, this  
may diminish the protection provided by  
the airbag in the event of a collision.  
To minimise the risk of injury if the airbag  
deploys, passengers must sit as upright as  
possible with their feet on the floor and  
backs against the backrest.  
Related information  
Volvo recommends that an authorised  
Volvo workshop should be contacted for  
repair. Defective work in the airbag system  
could cause malfunction and result in seri-  
ous personal injury.  
Passenger side front airbag.  
In the event of a frontal collision, the airbag  
helps to protect the head, neck, face and  
chest of the passenger as well as the knees  
and legs.  
Passenger airbag location  
The airbag is folded up into a compartment  
above the glovebox. Its cover panel is marked  
A sufficiently violent collision trips the sensors  
and the airbag is inflated. The airbag cushions  
the initial collision impact for the occupant.  
The airbag deflates when compressed by the  
collision. When this occurs, smoke escapes  
into the car. This is completely normal. The  
entire process, including inflation and deflation  
of the airbag, occurs within tenths of a sec-  
Do not put objects in front of or above the  
dashboard where the passenger airbag is  
Label for passenger airbag  
Activating and deactivating  
passenger airbag*  
Never allow anybody to stand or sit in front  
of the front passenger seat.  
The passenger airbag can be deactivated if  
the car is equipped with a switch, Passenger  
Airbag Cut Off Switch (PACOS).  
The switch for the passenger airbag is located  
on the passenger end of the instrument panel  
and is accessible when the passenger door is  
Never use a rear-facing child seat on the  
front passenger seat if the airbag is acti-  
Front-facing passengers (children and  
adults) must never sit on the front passen-  
ger seat if the passenger airbag is deacti-  
Check that the switch is in the required posi-  
Failure to follow the advice given above  
can endanger life or lead to serious per-  
sonal injury.  
Label on the passenger side's sun visor.  
The warning label for the passenger airbag is  
positioned as shown above.  
Related information  
If the car is not equipped with a switch to  
activate/deactivate the passenger airbag,  
the airbag will always be activated.  
ON - The airbag is activated and all front-  
facing passengers (children and adults)  
can sit safely on the passenger seat.  
OFF - The airbag is deactivated and chil-  
dren in rear-facing child seats can sit  
safely on the passenger seat.  
* Option/accessory.  
2. Confirm the message by pressing the  
Activating passenger airbag  
right-hand steering wheel keypad's O but-  
If the car is not equipped with a switch to  
activate/deactivate the passenger airbag,  
the airbag will always be activated.  
Pull the switch outward and turn from  
OFF to ON.  
> The driver display shows the message  
Passenger airbag on Please  
> A text message and a warning symbol  
in the roof console indicate that the air-  
bag for the front passenger seat is acti-  
If the passenger airbag has been activated/  
deactivated with the car in ignition position  
I or lower, a message is shown in the driver  
display and the following indicator in the  
roof console approx. 6 seconds after the  
car's electrical system has been set in igni-  
tion position II.  
Never use a rear-facing child seat on the  
front passenger seat when the airbag is  
The passenger airbag must always be acti-  
vated when front-facing passengers (chil-  
dren and adults) are sitting in the front pas-  
senger seat.  
Failure to follow the advice given above  
can endanger life or lead to serious per-  
sonal injury.  
2. Confirm the message by pressing the  
right-hand steering wheel keypad's O but-  
Deactivating passenger airbag  
If the passenger airbag is deactivated, the  
electric seatbelt tensioner on the passen-  
ger side will also be deactivated.  
Related information  
Seatbelt tensioner (p. 47)  
Child seats (p. 58)  
Pull the switch outward and turn from ON  
to OFF.  
> The driver display shows the message  
Passenger airbag off Please  
> A text message and a symbol in the roof  
console indicate that the airbag for the  
front passenger seat is deactivated.  
If the passenger airbag has been activated/  
deactivated with the car in ignition position  
I or lower, a message is shown in the driver  
display and the following indicator in the  
roof console approx. 6 seconds after the  
car's electrical system has been set in igni-  
tion position II.  
Front-facing passengers (children and  
adults) must never sit on the passenger  
seat when the airbag is deactivated.  
Failure to follow the advice given above  
can endanger life or lead to serious per-  
sonal injury.  
Side airbags  
Inflatable curtains  
The side airbags on the driver's and passen-  
ger seats act to protect the chest and hips in  
the event of a collision.  
The inflatable curtain, Inflatable Curtain (IC),  
helps to prevent the driver and passengers  
from striking their heads on the inside of the  
car during a collision.  
Volvo recommends that an authorised  
Volvo workshop should be contacted for  
repair. Defective work in the side airbag  
system could cause malfunction and result  
in serious personal injury.  
Do not put objects in the area between the  
outside of the seat and the door panel,  
since this area is required by the side air-  
Volvo recommends the use only of car seat  
covers approved by Volvo. Other seat cov-  
ers may impede the operation of the side  
The side airbags are fitted in the outer back-  
rest frames of the front seats and help to pro-  
tect the driver and passengers in the front  
The inflatable curtain is mounted along both  
sides of the headlining and helps protect the  
driver and outer seat passengers of the car.  
The panels are labelled with IC AIRBAG.  
Side airbags are a supplement the seat-  
belts. Always use a seatbelt.  
A sufficiently violent collision trips the sensors  
and the side airbags are inflated. The airbag  
inflates between the occupant and the door  
panel and thereby cushions the initial impact.  
The airbag deflates when compressed by the  
collision. The side airbag is normally only  
deployed on the side of the collision.  
A sufficiently violent collision trips the sensors  
and the inflatable curtain is inflated.  
Side airbags and child seats  
The protection provided by the car to children  
seated in a child seat or on a booster cushion  
is not diminished by the side airbag.  
Volvo recommends that an authorised  
Volvo workshop should be contacted for  
repair. Defective work in the inflatable cur-  
tain system can cause malfunction and  
result in serious personal injury.  
Related information  
Safety mode  
Safety mode is a protective state that is trig-  
gered when a collision may have damaged  
any of the car's vital functions, such as the  
fuel lines, sensors for any of the safety sys-  
tems, or the brake system.  
If the car has been in a collision, the message  
Safety mode See Owner's manual may be  
shown on the driver display with a warning  
symbol as long as the display is not damaged  
and the car's electrical system is still in work-  
ing order. This message means that the car  
has reduced functionality.  
Never hang or attach heavy items onto the  
handles in the roof. The hooks are only  
designed for light coats and jackets (not for  
solid objects such as umbrellas).  
Never attempt to repair your car or reset  
the electronics yourself if the car has been  
in safety mode. This could result in per-  
sonal injury or the car not functioning as  
normal. Volvo recommends engaging an  
authorised Volvo workshop to check and  
restore the car to normal status after  
Safety mode See Owner's manual has  
been shown.  
Do not screw or install anything onto the  
car's headlining, door pillars or side panels.  
This could compromise the intended pro-  
tection. Volvo recommends only using  
Volvo genuine parts that are approved for  
fitting within these areas.  
If the car is in safety mode it must not be  
towed. It must be transported from its  
location. Volvo recommends that it is  
transported to an authorised Volvo work-  
Leave 10 cm (4 inches) space between the  
load and the side windows if the car is loa-  
ded to above the top edge of the door win-  
dows. Otherwise, the intended protection  
of the inflatable curtain, which is concealed  
in the headlining, may be compromised.  
Never, under any circumstances, attempt  
to restart the car if it smells of fuel when  
the Safety mode See Owner's manual  
message is shown in the driver display.  
Leave the car at once.  
Related information  
Safety (p. 42)  
Starting and moving the car after safety  
mode (p. 57)  
If the car is in safety mode, it is possible to  
attempt to reset the system in order to start  
and move the car for a short distance, if in a  
dangerous traffic situation for example.  
The inflatable curtain is a supplement to  
the seatbelts. Always use a seatbelt.  
Recovery (p. 460)  
Related information