Safety -> Child safety for Your Volvo XC40 SUV 2020

Child safety  
Children must always sit secure while travel-  
ling in the car.  
Volvo has child safety equipment (child seats  
and attachment devices) which is designed for  
fitting in this particular car. Using Volvo's child  
safety equipment, you obtain good conditions  
for a child to travel safely in the car. In addi-  
tion, the child safety equipment fits in well and  
is simple to use.  
Child seats  
Suitable child seats should always be used  
when children are travelling in the car.  
Children should sit comfortably and safely.  
Make sure that the child seat is positioned,  
mounted and used correctly.  
When using child safety equipment, it is  
important to read the installation instruc-  
tions included.  
In the event of questions when fitting child  
safety equipment, contact the manufac-  
turer for clearer instructions.  
Look in the installation instructions for the  
child seat for the correct fitting.  
Children of all ages and sizes must always sit  
correctly secured in the car. Never allow a  
child to sit on the knee of a passenger.  
The equipment that should be used is selected  
taking account of the weight and size of the  
When using child safety equipment, it is  
important to read the installation instruc-  
tions included.  
Related information  
Volvo recommends that children travel in a  
rear-facing child seat until as late an age as  
possible, at least until 3-4 years of age, and  
then in a front-facing child seat until the child  
is 140 cm (4 feet 7 inches) tall.  
Safety (p. 42)  
In the event of questions when fitting child  
safety equipment, contact the manufac-  
turer for clearer instructions.  
Activating and deactivating child safety  
locks (p. 252)  
Never leave a child seat loose in the car.  
Always secure it according to the instruc-  
tions for the child seat, even when it is not  
in use.  
Legal provisions about the type of child  
seat that must be used for children of dif-  
ferent ages and heights vary from country  
to country. Check what does apply.  
Long-term installation and use of child  
seats may cause wear and tear on the car's  
fittings. Volvo recommends using the kick  
guard accessory to protect the car's fit-  