Sound, media and Internet -> Radio for Your Volvo XC40 SUV 2020

Start radio  
The radio is started from the centre display  
app view.  
1. Open the required frequency band (e.g.  
FM) from the app view.  
It is possible to listen to the AM2 and FM  
radio frequency bands and to digital radio  
(DAB)*. When the car is online, it is also pos-  
sible to listen to Internet radio.  
Internet-connected car* (p. 505)  
Voice control of radio and media (p. 134)  
The radio can be operated  
using voice recognition, the  
steering wheel keypad or the  
centre display.  
Related information  
2. Select a radio station.  
Availability varies depending on model and/or market.  
* Option/accessory.  
Select playback from Stations,  
Favourites, Genres or Ensembles3.  
Related information  
Changing radio band and radio  
There are instructions here for changing the  
radio band, the list in the radio band and the  
radio station in the selected list.  
3. Tap on the desired station from the list.  
Favourites - only plays back selected favour-  
ite channels.  
Changing radio band  
Genres - only plays back channels broadcast-  
ing the selected genre/programme type, e.g.  
pop or classical.  
Swipe to show the app view in the centre dis-  
play and select the preferred radio band (e.g.  
FM), or open the driver display's app menu  
using the right-hand keypad on the steering  
wheel and make your selection from there.  
Voice control of radio and media (p. 134)  
Changing stations within the selected  
Press on  
under the centre dis-  
Changing lists within the frequency  
play or the steering wheel's right-hand  
> The highlight moves up or down one  
place in the selected playlist.  
You can also change radio station in the  
selected list via the centre display.  
Related information  
Voice control of radio and media (p. 134)  
Press Library.  
App menu in the driver display (p. 91)  
Only applies to digital radio (DAB*).  
* Option/accessory. 473  
Searching for radio stations  
Manual tuning  
Related information  
The radio automatically compiles a station list  
of the radio stations within the area that are  
transmitting the strongest signals.  
Voice control of radio and media (p. 134)  
Searching manually makes it possible to find  
and tune to stations that are not on the auto-  
matically compiled list of the strongest sta-  
tions in the area.  
The parameters you can search on depend on  
the frequency band selected:  
On changing over to manual tuning, the radio  
no longer changes frequency automatically  
when reception is poor.  
AM4 - station and frequency.  
FM - station, genre and frequency.  
DAB* - ensembles and stations.  
Press Library.  
Press Manual tuning, pull the control or  
. With a long press, the  
search jumps to the next available station  
in the frequency band. It is also possible to  
use the right keypad on the steering  
> Search view with keyboard is opened.  
3. Enter the search terms.  
> Searching takes place with each input  
of a character and the search results  
are shown by category.  
Availability varies depending on model and/or market.  
* Option/accessory.  
from a manual station search, the radio does  
not automatically change to a stronger fre-  
Save radio channels in the Radio  
Favourites app  
It is possible to add a radio channel to the  
Radio favourites app and the favourites list  
for the radio band (e.g. FM). Instructions on  
how to add and remove radio channels can  
be found below.  
Settings for radio  
There are various radio functions to activate  
and deactivate.  
If a radio channel is removed from the Radio  
Favourite app, the channel will also be  
removed from the favourites list for the rele-  
vant frequency band.  
Cancelling traffic messages  
The broadcast of traffic messages etc. can be  
temporarily interrupted by tapping on  
the right-hand steering wheel keypad or by  
tapping on Cancel in the centre display.  
Radio Favourites  
Related information  
The Radio Favourites app  
shows saved radio channels  
from all frequency bands.  
Activating and deactivating radio  
Drag down the top view and select Settings  
Media and the desired radio band to view  
available functions.  
Voice control of radio and media (p. 134)  
Open the app Radio favourites from the  
app view.  
App menu in the driver display (p. 91)  
2. Tap on the desired station in the list to  
start listening.  
Adding and removing radio favourites  
Tap on  
to add a channel to or from  
frequency band favourites and the Radio  
Favourites app.  
Tap on Library, select Edit and tap on  
to remove a radio channel from the favour-  
When a radio channel is saved from a station  
list, the radio will automatically search for the  
best frequency. But if a radio channel is saved  
AM/FM Radio5  
- Traffic Announcements: interrupts the  
current media playback and broadcasts  
information about traffic disruptions. Play-  
back of previous media source is resumed  
when the message is finished.  
the message. Playback of previous media  
source is resumed when the message is  
Show Broadcast Information: shows  
information on programme content,  
artists, etc.  
- Alarm: interrupts the current media play-  
back and sends alerts about major acci-  
dents and disasters. Playback of previous  
media source is resumed when the mes-  
sage is finished.  
Freeze Program Name: select to stop  
the programme service name from scroll-  
ing continuously. Instead it freezes after  
20 seconds.  
DAB* (digital radio)  
Sort Services: option for how channels  
will be sorted. Either alphabetically or by  
service number.  
- Traffic Flash: receives information about  
traffic disruptions.  
Select Announcements:  
DAB To DAB Handover: starts the func-  
tion for linking within DAB. If reception of  
a radio channel is lost, another channel is  
found automatically in another channel  
group (ensemble).  
- Local Interruptions: interrupts the cur-  
rent media playback and broadcasts infor-  
mation about traffic disruptions in the  
neighbourhood. Playback of previous  
media source is resumed when the mes-  
sage is finished. The Local Interruptions  
function is a geographically restricted ver-  
sion of the Traffic Announcements func-  
tion. The Traffic Announcements func-  
tion must be activated at the same time.  
- News Flash: receives news.  
- Transport Flash: receives information  
about public transport, e.g. ferry and train  
DAB To FM Handover: starts the func-  
tion for linking between DAB and FM. If  
reception of a radio channel is lost, an  
alternative FM frequency is searched for  
- Warning/Services: receives information  
about incidents of lower significance than  
the Alarm function, e.g. power failures.  
Related information  
- News : interrupts the current media  
playback and broadcasts news. Playback  
of previous media source is resumed  
when the news broadcast is finished.  
Show Broadcast Information: select to  
show radio text or selected types of radio  
text, e.g. artist.  
Symbols in the centre display's status bar  
(p. 112)  
Show Program Related Images: select  
whether or not to show images for pro-  
grammes on the screen.  
- Alarm: interrupts the current media play-  
back and sends alerts about major acci-  
dents and disasters. Playback of previous  
media source is resumed when the mes-  
sage is finished.  
Select Announcements: select the types  
of messages to be received while DAB is  
playing. Selected messages will interrupt  
the current media playback to play back  
AM radio availability varies depending on model and/or market.  
* Option/accessory.  
RDS radio  
Related information  
Digital radio*  
Digital radio (DAB6) is a digital broadcasting  
system for radio. The radio supports DAB,  
DAB+ and DMB7.  
RDS (Radio Data System) means that the  
radio automatically changes to the strongest  
transmitter. RDS provides the ability to  
receive e.g. traffic information and to search  
for certain programme types.  
RDS links FM transmitters into a network. An  
FM transmitter in such a network sends infor-  
mation that gives an RDS radio the following  
The radio can be operated  
using voice recognition, the  
steering wheel keypad or the  
centre display.  
Switch automatically to a stronger trans-  
mitter if reception in the area is poor.  
The digital radio app is  
launched from app view in  
the centre display.  
Search for programme category, e.g. pro-  
gramme types or traffic information.  
Receive text information on current radio  
Digital radio is played back in the same way as  
other radio bands, such as FM. Besides the  
option to select playback from Stations,  
Favourites and Genres, there is also the  
option to select playback from subchannels  
and Ensembles. An ensemble is a set of radio  
channels (a channel group) broadcasting on  
the same frequency.  
Some radio stations do not use RDS or  
only selected parts of its functionality.  
When broadcasting news or traffic messages,  
the radio can switch stations, interrupting the  
audio source currently in use. The radio returns  
to the previous audio source and volume when  
the set programme type is no longer broad-  
In the cases where the radio channel transmits  
its logotype, it is downloaded and shown  
beside the station name (download time var-  
cast. To go back earlier, press  
right-hand steering wheel keypad or tap  
on the  
Cancel in the centre display.  
Digital Audio Broadcasting  
* Option/accessory. 477  
DAB subchannel  
Link between FM and digital radio*  
Media player  
Secondary components are usually named  
subchannels. These are temporary and can  
contain e.g. translations of the main pro-  
gramme into other languages. Subchannels  
are indicated with an arrow symbol in the  
channel list.  
The function enables the digital radio (DAB)  
to switch from a channel with poor or no  
reception to the same channel in another  
channel group (ensemble) with better recep-  
tion, within DAB and/or between DAB and  
The media player can play back audio from  
external audio sources connected via the  
USB port or Bluetooth. It can also play back  
video format via the USB port.  
When the car is connected to the internet, it is  
also possible to listen to web radio, audio  
books and music services via apps.  
Related information  
DAB to DAB and DAB to FM linking  
Press Settings in the top view.  
2. Press Media DAB.  
Tick/untick DAB To DAB Handover  
and/or DAB To FM Handover in order to  
activate/deactivate the respective func-  
Related information  
Voice control of radio and media (p. 134)  
The media player is operated  
from the centre display, but  
several functions can be  
operated using the steering  
wheel's right-hand keypad or  
voice control.  
The radio is operated in the media player and  
is described in a separate section.  
Digital Multimedia Broadcasting  
* Option/accessory.