Starting and driving -> Drive modes for Your Volvo XC40 SUV 2020

With automatic gearbox  
All-wheel drive*  
Drive modes*  
All-wheel drive (AWD7) means that the car is  
driving all four wheels at the same time,  
which improves traction.  
Selection of drive mode affects the car's driv-  
ing characteristics in order to enhance the  
driving experience and facilitate driving in  
special situations.  
Using the drive modes it is possible to quickly  
have access to the car's numerous functions  
and settings for different driving needs. The  
following systems are adapted to maintain  
driving characteristics that are as good as pos-  
sible in each drive mode:  
To achieve the best possible traction, the  
motive force is distributed automatically to the  
wheels with the best grip. The system contin-  
uously calculates the need for torque to the  
rear wheels, and can immediately redistribute  
up to half of the motor's torque to the rear  
Engine/gearbox8/all-wheel drive*  
All-wheel drive also has a stabilising effect at  
higher speeds. Under normal driving condi-  
tions, the majority of power is transmitted to  
the front wheels. When stationary, the all-  
wheel drive is always engaged in preparation  
for maximum traction during acceleration.  
The gear shift indicator shows the current gear  
in the driver display and indicates recom-  
mended shifting to a higher gear by a flashing  
plus sign.  
Shock absorption  
Driver display  
All-wheel drive characteristics vary depending  
on the selected drive mode.  
Start/stop function  
Climate settings  
Related information  
Automatic gearbox (p. 410)  
Manual gearbox (p. 410)  
Related information  
Select the drive mode adapted for the current  
driving conditions. Remember that not all  
drive modes are available in all situations.  
Low speed control* (p. 427)  
Gearbox (p. 409)  
Selectable drive modes  
When the car starts, it is in Comfort mode  
and the start/stop function is activated. The  
drive mode can be changed when the car has  
been started, e.g. to the Individual mode.  
All Wheel Drive  
Applies to automatic gearbox.  
* Option/accessory.  
control (HDC9) are activated. Start/Stop func-  
tion is deactivated.  
When the Individual mode is selected, it is  
possible to make adjustments for specific  
preferences, e.g. to show the tachometer.  
The Dynamic mode is also available in the  
Polestar Engineered version*.  
The drive mode can only be activated at low  
speeds and the speedometer shows the range  
for speed limitation. If this speed is exceeded,  
Off Road mode is suspended and another  
drive mode is activated.  
The Comfort mode is the car's normal mode.  
These settings mean that the car feels com-  
fortable, the steering is light, the shock  
absorption is soft and body's movement is  
In the Off Road mode the driver display has a  
compass between the speedometer and tach-  
This drive mode is the certification mode for  
carbon dioxide emissions.  
Adapt the car for more energy-efficient  
and environmentally-conscious driving  
with the Eco mode.  
The driving mode is not designed to be  
used on public roads.  
The drive mode means, for example, that the  
Start/Stop function is activated and the output  
of certain climate settings is reduced.  
Dynamic mode means that the car has  
sportier characteristics and faster  
response to accelerating.  
When driving in Eco mode, the driver display  
shows an eco-meter that indicates in real time  
how economical your driving is.  
The gear changes become faster and more  
distinct, and the gearbox prioritises a gear  
with greater traction.  
Off Road  
Steering response is faster and shock absorp-  
tion is harder10 which means that the body fol-  
lows the roadway in order to reduce roll during  
Maximise the car's traction when driving  
in difficult terrain and on poor roads.  
The steering is light, the all-wheel drive* oper-  
ation and low speed function with hill descent  
Start/Stop function is deactivated.  
Hill Descent Control  
Applies to Four-C.  
* Option/accessory. 417  
3. In Presets, select a drive mode to start  
from: Eco, Comfort, Dynamic or  
Polestar Engineered*.  
Adapting a drive mode according to indi-  
vidual preferences.  
Select a drive mode to start from, and then  
adjust the settings according to the desired  
driving characteristics. These settings are  
saved in the active driver profile and are availa-  
ble each time the car is unlocked with the  
same remote control key.  
Possible adjustments apply to settings for:  
Driver Display  
Steering Force  
Powertrain Characteristics  
Brake Characteristics  
Suspension Control  
ECO Climate  
An individual drive mode is only available if it is  
first activated in the centre display.  
Related information  
Economical driving (p. 430)  
Start/stop function (p. 422)  
Low speed control* (p. 427)  
Hill descent control* (p. 428)  
Settings view11 for individual drive mode.  
Press Settings in the top view.  
2. Press My Car Individual Drive Mode  
and select Individual Drive Mode.  
Driver profiles (p. 124)  
Regenerative braking* (p. 409)  
The figure is schematic - parts may vary depending on car model.  
* Option/accessory.  
2. Select the drive mode in one of two ways:  
Changing drive mode*  
Drive mode Eco  
Select the drive mode adapted for the current  
driving conditions.  
Drive mode Eco can help you with more eco-  
friendly driving, with greater fuel economy.  
Use this drive mode to save fuel and the envi-  
Tap the desired drive mode directly on  
the touchscreen to select and activate  
the drive mode.  
Change the drive mode using the button in  
the centre console.  
Remember that not all drive modes are availa-  
ble in all situations.  
Press the DRIVE MODE button again  
to move the cursor to the desired drive  
mode. The selected drive mode is acti-  
vated after a short delay.  
The following properties are adapted for Eco  
Gearbox gearshift points12  
To change drive mode:  
Related information  
Engine management and response from  
the accelerator pedal.  
The Eco Coast12 freewheel function is acti-  
vated and engine braking is deactivated  
when the accelerator pedal is released at  
speeds between 65 and 140 km/h  
(40 and 87 mph).  
Activating and deactivating low-speed  
driving* using a function button (p. 427)  
Activating and deactivating hill descent  
control* with the function button (p. 429)  
Some of the climate control system's set-  
tings work at reduced power or are deacti-  
The driver display shows information in an  
ECO gauge which facilitates environmen-  
tally-conscious and fuel-efficient driving.  
1. Press the DRIVE MODE button.  
> A pop-up menu is opened in the centre  
display with the active drive mode high-  
Free-wheel function Eco Coast12  
The freewheel function Eco Coast means in  
practice that engine braking ceases, meaning  
in turn that the car's kinetic energy is used to  
freewheel for longer distances. When the  
driver releases the accelerator pedal the gear-  
box is automatically disengaged from the  
Only cars with automatic gearbox.  
* Option/accessory. 419  
|| engine whose speed is reduced to idling  
the road's downhill gradient is steeper  
than approx. 6%  
Cruise control Eco Cruise  
speed with reduced consumption.  
When using the cruise control in the Eco drive  
mode, the car's acceleration and deceleration  
will be lower compared to other drive modes,  
which enables further fuel savings. This means  
that the car's speed can be slightly above or  
below the set speed.  
Manual gear changing is performed with  
the steering wheel paddles*.  
The function is best used where it is possible  
to freewheel a long way e.g. roads with a  
slight downhill gradient or when there is a pre-  
dictable speed reduction to freewheel into a  
zone with a lower speed limit.  
Deactivating and switching off the  
freewheel function  
In certain situations it may be desirable to  
deactivate or switch off the function in order  
to use engine braking. Examples of such situa-  
tions may be on steep downhill gradients or  
before an imminent overtaking manoeuvre - in  
order to be able to do it in the safest way pos-  
On a smooth road, the car's speed can  
deviate from the set speed when the  
cruise control is active and the car free-  
Activating the freewheel function  
The function is activated when the accelerator  
pedal is fully released, in combination with the  
following parameters:  
On a steep uphill slope, the car's speed  
drops until a downshift is made12, then  
reduced acceleration starts in order to  
achieve the set speed.  
Drive mode Eco is activated.  
The gear selector is in D position.  
Deactivate the freewheel function as follows  
Speed within the range of  
actuate the accelerator or brake pedal  
approx. 65-140 km/h (40-87 mph).  
On a downhill slope where the car free-  
rolls, the car's speed can be slightly above  
or below the set speed. The function uses  
normal engine braking to maintain the set  
speed. The foot brake is also used if nec-  
move the gear selector to manual position  
The road's downhill gradient is not steeper  
than approx. 6%.  
changing gear with steering wheel pad-  
The driver display shows COASTING when  
the freewheel function is being used.  
Switch off the freewheel function as follows  
The freewheel function is not available if  
change drive mode*  
switch off drive mode Eco in the function  
engine and/or gearbox are not at normal  
operating temperature  
Even without the freewheel function, it is pos-  
sible to freewheel for short distances. This, in  
turn, reduces consumption. However, for the  
best fuel economy it is better to have the free-  
wheel function activated and be able to free-  
wheel for longer distances.  
the gear selector is moved from the D  
position to manual position  
the speed is outside the range of  
approx. 65-140 km/h (40-87 mph)  
Only cars with automatic gearbox.  
* Option/accessory.  
Eco gauge in the driver display  
Activating and deactivating drive  
mode Eco with the function button  
There is a function button for Eco drive mode  
in the centre display's function view unless  
the car was equipped with a drive mode but-  
ton in the centre console.  
The Eco mode is deactivated when the engine  
is switched off, and it must therefore be acti-  
vated after each time the engine is started.  
The driver display shows ECO when the func-  
tion is activated.  
When the Eco drive mode is activated,  
several parameters in the climate control  
system's settings are changed, and several  
electricity consumer functions are reduced.  
Certain settings can be reset manually, but  
full functionality is only regained by switch-  
ing off Eco drive mode or adapting  
Individual* drive mode with full climate  
Selecting Eco drive mode in the centre  
display function view  
In the event of difficulties due to misting,  
press the button for max. defroster which has  
normal functionality.  
The ECO gauge indicates how fuel-efficient  
the driving is:  
Press the Driving Mode ECO button to  
activate or deactivate the function.  
Related information  
With fuel-efficient driving, the gauge  
shows a low value with the pointer in the  
green zone.  
With non-fuel-efficient driving, e.g. during  
heavy braking or heavy acceleration, the  
gauge shows a high value.  
Economical driving (p. 430)  
Start/stop function (p. 422)  
The ECO gauge also has an indicator to show  
how a reference driver would drive the car  
under the same driving conditions. This is indi-  
cated with the short pointer on the gauge.  
> An indicator in the button illuminates  
when the function is activated.  
Related information  
ECO climate control  
In the Eco drive mode, eco climate control is  
activated automatically in the passenger com-  
partment in order to reduce energy consump-  
* Option/accessory. 421