Wheels and tyres -> Checking tyre pressure for Your Volvo XC40 SUV 2020

Tread wear indicators on the tyres  
Checking tyre pressure  
Cold tyres  
The tyre pressure must be checked when the  
tyres are cold. Tyres are considered cold when  
they have the same temperature as the sur-  
rounding air. This temperature is normally  
reached when the car has been parked for at  
least three hours.  
Tread wear indicators show the status of the  
tyre's tread depth.  
Correct tyre pressure helps to improve driv-  
ing stability, save fuel and extend the service  
life of the tyres.  
Tyre pressure decreases over time, this is a  
natural phenomenon. Tyre pressure also varies  
depending on ambient temperature. Driving  
on tyres with tyre pressure that is too low  
could result in the tyres overheating and being  
damaged. Tyre pressure affects travelling  
comfort, road noise and driving characteris-  
After having driven approximately 1.6 km  
(1 mile) these tyres are considered as warm. If  
you have to drive further than this to inflate the  
tyres, first check and record the tyre pressure  
and inflate to a suitable tyre pressure when  
you arrive at the pump.  
Check the tyre pressures monthly. Use the  
recommended tyre pressure for cold tyres in  
order to maintain good tyre performance. Tyre  
pressure that is too low or too high may cause  
uneven wear on the tyres.  
When the outside temperature changes, the  
tyre pressure also changes. A decrease in tem-  
perature of 10 degrees causes the tyre pres-  
sure to decrease 1 psi (7 kPa). Check the tyre  
pressure regularly and adjust to the correct  
pressure, which is specified on the car's tyre  
information decal or certification label.  
A tread wear indicator is a narrow elevation  
across the longitudinal grooves of the tyre's  
tread pattern. On the side of the tyre are the  
letters TWI (Tread Wear Indicator). When the  
tyre's tread depth is down to 1.6 mm (1/16  
inch), the tread will be level in height with the  
tread wear indicators. Change to new tyres as  
soon as possible. Remember that tyres with  
little tread depth provide very poor grip in rain  
and snow.  
Tyre pressure that is too low is the  
most common cause of tyre failure and  
may result in serious cracks in the tyre,  
the tread loosening or the tyre explod-  
ing, with unexpected loss of control of  
the car and increased risk of personal  
If you check the tyre pressure when the tyres  
are warm then you must never release any air.  
The tyres are warm due to driving and it is nor-  
mal for the pressure to increase above the rec-  
ommended pressure for cold tyres. A warm  
tyre with tyre pressure equal to or below the  
recommendation for cold tyres may have a  
pressure that is far too low.  
Related information  
Tyres with pressure that is too low  
reduce the load capacity of the car.  
Tyres (p. 526)  
3. Refit the dust cap.  
Related information  
Adjusting tyre pressure  
Tyre pressure decreases over time, this is a  
natural phenomenon. The tyre pressure must  
therefore sometimes be adjusted in order to  
maintain the recommended tyre pressure.  
Use the recommended tyre pressure for cold  
tyres in order to maintain good tyre perform-  
ance and even tread wear.  
After a tyre has been inflated, always  
refit the dust cap in order to avoid dam-  
age to the valve from gravel, dirt, etc.  
Tyres (p. 526)  
Only use plastic dust caps. Metal dust  
caps can rust and become difficult to  
To avoid incorrect tyre pressure, the pres-  
sure should be checked on cold tyres.  
"Cold tyres" means the tyres are the same  
temperature as the ambient temperature  
(approx. 3 hours after the car has been  
driven). After a few kilometres of driving,  
the tyres warm up and the pressure increa-  
4. Check the tyres visually for any implanted  
nails or other objects that could puncture  
the tyre and cause leakage.  
5. Check the sidewalls for any cavities, cuts,  
bumps or other irregularities.  
6. Repeat this for all tyres, including the  
spare tyre*.  
1. Remove the cap from the valve on one  
tyre and then press the tyre pressure  
gauge firmly down onto the valve.  
If you have over-inflated, release air by  
pressing in the metal pin in the centre of  
the valve. Then check the pressure again  
using the tyre pressure gauge.  
2. Inflate the tyres to the correct pressure,  
see the decal on the door pillar on the driv-  
er's side showing the recommended pres-  
sure for factory fitted tyres.  
Some spare tyres require a higher tyre  
pressure than other tyres. Check in the tyre  
pressure table or on the tyre pressure label.  
* Option/accessory. 531  
Improved fuel economy with ECO pressure  
For a light load (max. 3 people) and a speed of  
up to 160 km/h (100 mph), the ECO pres-  
sures can be chosen for good fuel economy.  
However, the lower comfort pressures are rec-  
ommended instead if improved noise and trav-  
elling comfort are desired.  
Related information  
Recommended tyre pressure  
The tyre pressure label on the driver's side  
door pillar (between frame and rear door)  
shows which pressures the tyres should have  
at different loads and speed conditions.  
Inflating tyres with the compressor from  
the puncture repair kit (p. 549)  
Approved tyre pressures (p. 652)  
Related information  
Approved tyre pressures (p. 652)  
Tyre pressure label location  
The decal displays the designation for the fac-  
tory-fitted tyres on the car, as well as load lim-  
its and tyre pressure.  
It is not intended that the decals illustrated  
in the owner's manual should be exact rep-  
licas of those in the car. They are included  
to show their approximate appearance and  
locations in the car. The information that  
applies to your particular car can be found  
on the decal on the car.  
Each tyre, including the spare tyre*, should be  
checked once a month. When checking, the  
tyre should be cold and have the air pressure  
recommended by the car manufacturer speci-  
fied on the tyre pressure label or in the tyre  
pressure table. If the car has tyres of a differ-  
ent size than that recommended by the manu-  
facturer, find out what the correct air pressure  
level is for these.  
system fault indicator is combined with the  
indicator symbol for low tyre pressure. When  
the system detects a fault, the symbol in the  
driver display will flash for about one minute  
and then remain illuminated. This procedure  
will be repeated when the car is started until  
the fault has been rectified. When the symbol  
is illuminated, the system's ability to detect or  
warn of low tyre pressure may be affected.  
Tyre pressure monitoring system*  
The tyre pressure monitoring system3 gives a  
warning with an indicator symbol in the driver  
display when the pressure in one or more of  
the car's tyres is too low.  
This symbol illuminates to indicate  
low tyre pressure. Check the tyre  
pressure in the Car Status app in  
the centre display.  
As an extra safety feature, the car is equipped  
with a tyre pressure monitoring system  
(TPMS), which shows when the air pressure in  
one or more tyres is too low. When the indica-  
tor symbol for low air pressure is lit, stop and  
check the tyres as soon as possible and inflate  
to the correct air pressure.  
A TPMS system fault can occur for several  
reasons, such as after changing to a spare  
tyre, or changing tyres or wheels that prevent  
TPMS from functioning correctly.  
If there is a fault in the system the tyre pres-  
sure warning symbol flashes for approximately  
one minute and then remains illuminated.  
System description  
Always check the indicator symbol for TPMS  
after changing one or more tyres in order to  
ensure the new tyre or wheel is working cor-  
rectly with TPMS.  
The tyre pressure monitoring system meas-  
ures differences in rotation speed between the  
different wheels via the ABS system in order  
to be able to determine whether they have the  
correct tyre pressure. If the tyre pressure is too  
low, the tyre's diameter is changed and, as a  
result, so is its rotation speed. By comparing  
the tyres with each other the system can  
determine whether one or more tyres have  
pressure that is too low.  
Driving with tyres that have tyre pressure that  
is too low may cause the tyre to overheat,  
which can cause a tyre failure. Low tyre pres-  
sure also reduces fuel efficiency as well as tyre  
service life, and can affect car handling and  
stopping ability. Note that TPMS does not  
replace regular tyre maintenance. It is the driv-  
er's responsibility to maintain correct tyre  
pressure, even if the limit for low tyre pressure  
has not been reached so that the indicator  
symbol illuminates.  
To bear in mind  
Always save a new tyre pressure in the  
system after changing a wheel or adjust-  
ing tyre pressure.  
If you change to tyres of a different size to  
the ones fitted at the factory, the system  
must be reset by storing a new tyre pres-  
sure for these tyres to avoid false warn-  
General information on the tyre monitoring  
In the information below, the tyre monitoring  
system is referred to generically as TPMS.  
If a spare wheel* is used, it is possible that  
The car is also equipped with a TPMS system  
fault indicator, which indicates when the sys-  
tem is not functioning correctly. The TPMS  
the tyre pressure monitoring system does  
Indirect Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (ITPMS)  
* Option/accessory. 533  
not work correctly due to the differences  
between the wheels.  
Saving a new tyre pressure in the  
monitoring system*  
The car must be stationary for the Store  
Pressure button to be selectable.  
In order for the system for tyre pressure  
monitoring4 to work correctly, a reference  
value for the tyre pressure must be saved.  
This must take place every time the tyres are  
changed or the tyre pressure is changed so  
that the system can warn about low pressure  
For example, when driving with a heavy load  
or at high speed above 160 km/h (100 mph),  
the tyre pressure should be adjusted in  
accordance with Volvo's recommended tyre  
pressure values. The system is then reset by  
saving a new tyre pressure.  
The system does not replace the need for  
regular tyre inspection and maintenance.  
It is not possible to switch off the tyre  
pressure monitoring system.  
Press Store Pressure.  
Tap on OK to confirm that the tyre pres-  
sure in all four tyres has been checked and  
Incorrect tyre pressure may lead to tyre  
failure, which could result in the driver  
losing control of the car.  
8. Drive the car until the new tyre pressure  
has been saved. The new tyre pressure is  
stored when the car is driven at a speed  
above 35 km/h (22 mph).  
The system cannot indicate sudden  
tyre damage in advance.  
> When sufficient data has been collec-  
ted for the system to be able to detect  
low tyre pressure, the animation show-  
ing storage progress disappears from  
the centre display. The system does not  
provide additional confirmation that a  
new tyre pressure has been saved.  
Perform the following procedure to store a  
new tyre pressure as a reference value in the  
Related information  
1. Switch off the car.  
2. Inflate the tyres to the correct pressure,  
see the decal on the door pillar on the driv-  
er's side showing the recommended pres-  
sure for factory fitted tyres.  
If storing fails, a message is shown: Storing  
pressure unsuccessful. Try again.  
3. Start the car.  
Open the Car Status app in the app view.  
Press TPMS.  
Indirect Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (ITPMS)  
* Option/accessory.  
See tyre pressure status in the  
Related information  
centre display*  
The exhaust gases contain carbon monox-  
ide, which is invisible and odourless, but  
highly toxic. The procedure to save a new  
tyre pressure must therefore always be  
performed outdoors or in a workshop with  
exhaust extraction.  
With the system for tyre pressure monitor-  
ing5, tyre pressure status can be viewed in  
the centre display.  
Checking status  
Car status (p. 572)  
Several minutes driving above 35 km/h  
(22 mph) are required for the system to  
become active.  
Related information  
Open the Car Status app in the app view.  
Tap on TPMS to show the status of the  
The figure is schematic. Layout may vary depending  
on car model or updated software.  
Indirect Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (ITPMS)  
* Option/accessory. 535  
Action in the event of warning for  
low tyre pressure  
Related information  
To avoid incorrect tyre pressure, the pres-  
sure should be checked on cold tyres.  
"Cold tyres" means the tyres are the same  
temperature as the ambient temperature  
(approx. 3 hours after the car has been  
driven). After a few kilometres of driving,  
the tyres warm up and the pressure increa-  
When the system for tyre pressure6 warns  
that tyre pressure is too low, action is  
Check and rectify the tyre pressure  
when the indicator symbol for the  
system is illuminated and the Tyre  
pressure low message is shown.  
Inflating tyres with the compressor from  
the puncture repair kit (p. 549)  
1. Switch off the car.  
2. Check the tyre pressure in all four tyres  
with a tyre pressure gauge.  
After a tyre has been inflated, always  
refit the dust cap in order to avoid  
damage to the valve from gravel, dirt,  
3. Inflate the tyres to the correct pressure,  
see the decal on the door pillar on the driv-  
er's side showing the recommended pres-  
sure for factory fitted tyres.  
Only use plastic dust caps. Metal dust  
caps can rust and become difficult to  
4. Always save a new tyre pressure in the  
system via the centre display after the tyre  
pressure has been adjusted.  
Note that the indicator symbol does not  
extinguish until the low tyre pressure has  
been rectified and storing a new tyre pres-  
sure has been started.  
Incorrect tyre pressure may lead to tyre  
failure, which could result in the driver  
losing control of the car.  
The system cannot indicate sudden  
tyre damage in advance.  
Indirect Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (ITPMS)  
* Option/accessory.  
Messages for tyre pressure  
Related information  
Changing wheel  
Wheel changes must always be performed  
correctly. Instructions on how a wheel is  
removed and mounted and what is important  
to remember are provided below. Check that  
the tyre dimension is approved for use on the  
A number of messages for the tyre pressure  
monitoring system7 can be shown. Here are  
some examples.  
Driver display:  
Tyre pressure  
low Check Car  
Status app in  
center display  
The indicator symbol  
switches on to indicate  
that there is low tyre  
pressure in one or more  
tyres. See the Car Sta-  
tus app in the centre dis-  
play for more informa-  
Car status (p. 572)  
Volvo Cars support site (p. 21)  
If a wheel must be changed in a traf-  
ficked environment, passengers must  
stand in a safe place.  
Use a jack designed for the car when  
changing tyres. Use supports to secure  
the car for all other work.  
Driver display:  
Tyre pressure  
system Tem-  
The indicator symbol  
flashes and changes to  
constant glow after  
approx. 1 minute. The  
system is currently  
unavailable, activated  
Never crawl under the car or reach  
under with a part of your body when it  
is raised on a jack.  
Passengers must leave the car when it  
is raised on the jack.  
Driver display:  
Tyre pressure  
system Serv-  
ice required  
The indicator symbol  
flashes and changes to  
constant glow after  
approx. 1 minute. The  
system is not working  
correctly, contact a  
An authorised Volvo workshop is recommended.  
Indirect Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (ITPMS)  
* Option/accessory. 537  
2. Screw together the towing eye with the  
wheel wrench to the stop position.  
2. Put on the wheel. Tighten the wheel bolts  
When the jack* is not in use it must be  
stored in its storage space under the  
cargo area floor.  
Do not use lubricant on the threads of the  
wheel bolts.  
3. Lower the car so that the wheels cannot  
The jack included with the car is only  
designed for occasional, short-term  
use, such as when changing a wheel  
after a puncture. Only the jack belong-  
ing to the specific model is to be used  
to jack up the car. If the car is to be  
jacked up more often, or for a longer  
time than is required just to change a  
wheel, use of a garage jack is recom-  
mended. In this instance, follow the  
instructions for use that come with the  
4. Tighten the wheel bolts crosswise. It is  
important that the wheel bolts are tight-  
ened properly. Tighten to 140 Nm  
(103 foot-pound). Check the tightening  
torque with a torque wrench.  
3. Remove the plastic caps from the wheel  
bolts with the intended tool.  
4. With the car still on the ground, use the  
wheel bolt wrench/towing eye to undo the  
wheel bolts ½-1 turn by pressing down-  
wards (anticlockwise). Always start with  
the lockable wheel bolts*.  
Removing a wheel  
Read through all instructions before begin-  
ning. Take out the tools needed before jacking  
up the car.  
5. Follow the instructions for how to safely  
raise the car with the jack.  
6. Raise the car high enough to allow the  
wheel to be removed to move freely.  
Remove the wheel bolts and lift off the  
1. Set up the warning triangle and activate  
the hazard warning lights if a tyre is being  
changed in a trafficked location.  
5. Refit the plastic caps on the wheel bolts.  
6. Check the tyre pressure and save the new  
tyre pressure in the system for tyre pres-  
sure monitoring*.  
Mounting a wheel  
1. Clean the surfaces between wheel and  
* Option/accessory.  
Emergency puncture repair kit (p. 544)  
Tool kit  
Tools that can be useful during towing, wheel  
changes or similar are found in the car's  
cargo area.  
Fitting and removing the towing eye  
(p. 459)  
The wheel bolts may need to be re-tight-  
ened several days after the wheel change.  
Temperature differences and vibration may  
mean that they are not attached equally as  
After a tyre has been inflated, always  
refit the dust cap in order to avoid  
damage to the valve from gravel, dirt,  
Only use plastic dust caps. Metal dust  
caps can rust and become difficult to  
All tools are located in the foam block under the  
cargo area floor.  
Related information  
Warning triangle (p. 567)  
Raise the car (p. 575)  
Tool for removing the plastic caps from  
the wheel bolts  
Funnel for filling fluids  
Wheel wrench* and towing eye  
If the car is fitted with a spare wheel*, there is  
a jack and a wheel bolt wrench.  
Related information  
Folding up the cargo area floor (p. 561)  
* Option/accessory. 539  
Wheel bolts  
Wheel bolts are used to attach the wheels to  
the hubs.  
Only use rims that are tested and approved by  
Volvo and which are Volvo genuine accesso-  
The jack can be used to raise the car, for  
example, to change to a wheel.  
When the jack* is not in use it must be  
stored in its storage space under the  
cargo area floor.  
The jack included with the car is only  
designed for occasional, short-term  
use, such as when changing a wheel  
after a puncture. Only the jack belong-  
ing to the specific model is to be used  
to jack up the car. If the car is to be  
jacked up more often, or for a longer  
time than is required just to change a  
wheel, use of a garage jack is recom-  
mended. In this instance, follow the  
instructions for use that come with the  
Check the tightening torque of the wheel bolts  
with a torque wrench.  
Do not use lubricant on the threads of the  
wheel bolts.  
The wheel bolts may need to be re-tight-  
ened several days after the wheel change.  
Temperature differences and vibration may  
mean that they are not attached equally as  
The jack needs to be cranked together to the  
correct position in order to have space.  
Related information  
The wheel bolts must be tightened to  
140 Nm. (103 foot-pound). Overtightening  
or loose tightening may damage the nuts  
and the bolts.  
Folding up the cargo area floor (p. 561)  
Raise the car (p. 575)  
Lockable wheel bolt kit*  
To loosen or tighten the lockable wheel bolts  
– turn the wrench in the lock bolt until it fully  
engages in the code grooves. Always start  
with the lockable wheel bolts if the wheel shall  
* Option/accessory.  
be removed. When fitting the wheel, finish  
with the lock screw.  
Spare wheel*  
The spare wheel, the Temporary Spare type,  
can be used to temporarily replace a punc-  
tured normal wheel.  
The spare wheel is only designed for tempo-  
rary use. Replace it with a normal wheel as  
soon as possible.  
Never drive faster than 80 km/h  
(50 mph) with a spare wheel fitted on  
the car.  
Remember not to use bending force when  
you loosen/tighten the wheel bolts. This  
could damage the code groove in the lock  
bolt and the wheel wrench and so make it  
impossible to fit/remove the wheel.  
The car must never be driven fitted  
with more than one "Temporary Spare"  
The car's driving characteristics can be  
changed when the spare wheel is used and  
the ground clearance is reduced. Do not wash  
the car in an automatic car wash if the  
Temporary Spare is being used.  
The car may have different driving cha-  
racteristics while driving with the spare  
wheel. The spare wheel must be  
replaced with a normal wheel as soon  
as possible.  
When the wheel wrench is not in use it must  
be stored in its place in the foam block under  
the cargo area floor. It is important to remem-  
ber this if the car is due to visit a workshop in  
order to have the tool available. If you lose the  
wrench, contact your Volvo dealer.  
Recommended tyre pressure must be main-  
tained regardless of the position of the tempo-  
rary spare wheel on the car.  
The spare wheel is smaller than the  
normal wheel, which affects the car's  
ground clearance. Look out for high  
kerbs and do not machine-wash the  
If the spare wheel is damaged, a new one can  
be purchased from a Volvo dealer.  
Related information  
Follow the manufacturer's recom-  
mended tyre pressure for the spare  
On all-wheel drive cars, the drive on  
the rear axle can be disengaged.  
If the spare wheel is fitted to the front  
axle then it is not possible to use snow  
chains at the same time.  
The spare wheel must not be repaired.  
* Option/accessory. 541  
Handling the spare wheel*  
Follow these instructions for handling the  
spare wheel.  
Storing the punctured tyre  
1. Screw back the mounting screw that held  
the spare wheel in place.  
The car must not be driven with tyres of  
different sizes or with a spare wheel other  
than the one supplied with the car. Using  
different-sized wheels can cause serious  
damage to the car's transmission.  
Do not attempt to unscrew the lower part  
of the mounting screw if it is secured in the  
body. There is a risk it may break.  
Related information  
If the lower attachment of the mounting  
screw does loosen from the body under-  
neath the spare wheel, refit it in the hole  
and turn clockwise to reattach it.  
2. Put the tools back in their right place in  
the foam block.  
The spare wheel is located under the cargo  
area floor in the spare wheel well with the out-  
side down. The foam block contains all the  
tools for changing a wheel.  
3. Then fold down the cargo area floor and  
place the punctured tyre in the cargo area.  
Related information  
1. Fold up the cargo area floor.  
2. Lift out the foam block with its tools.  
3. Undo the retaining screw.  
4. Lift out the spare wheel.  
Folding up the cargo area floor (p. 561)  
* Option/accessory.