Curve Speed Assist (CSA)*48
Related information
Driver support systems (p. 270)
Adaptive Cruise Control* (p. 280)
Pilot Assist* (p. 289)
Curve Speed Assist can help the driver
reduce speed before sharp turns if the preset
speed for the driver support function Adap-
tive Cruise Control* or Pilot Assist* is deter-
mined to be too high.
This assessment is performed using informa-
tion from map data in the vehicle's navigation
system, Sensus Navigation*. After the turn,
the vehicle will resume the previously set
The function is supplementary driver
support intended to facilitate driving
and help make it safer – it cannot han-
dle all situations in all traffic, weather
and road conditions.
Drive modes* (p. 403)
The driver is advised to read all sec-
tions in the Owner's Manual about this
function to learn of its limitations,
which the driver must be aware of
before using the function.
As the function reduces the
vehicle's speed, this symbol
will be displayed in the instru-
ment panel.
Driver support functions are not a sub-
stitute for the driver's attention and
judgment. The driver is always respon-
sible for ensuring the vehicle is driven
in a safe manner, at the appropriate
speed, with an appropriate distance to
other vehicles, and in accordance with
current traffic rules and regulations.
The driver can cancel the function at any time
by braking or using the accelerator pedal.
Drive modes
Cornering assistance varies depending on the
selected drive mode. If drive mode cannot be
selected, the function will use the Comfort
option. In Dynamic mode, cornering will be
sporty, with slightly more powerful accelera-
tion coming out of curves.
This function is only available on some markets.
* Option/accessory.