Lane Keeping Aid does not intervene
When the direction indicators/turn signals
are activated, the Lane Keeping Aid does
not provide any warning or intervene with
The function is supplementary driver
support intended to facilitate driving
and help make it safer – it cannot han-
dle all situations in all traffic, weather
and road conditions.
Lane Keeping Aid alerts the driver using vibrations in
the steering wheel.
Lane Keeping Aid does not intervene in sharp inside
The driver is advised to read all sec-
tions in the Owner's Manual about this
function to learn of its limitations,
which the driver must be aware of
before using the function.
Depending on the settings used, Lane Keep-
ing Aid functions in different ways:
In certain cases, such as when a turn signal is
used or when "straightening out" an inside
curve, Lane Keeping Aid will not provide steer-
ing assistance or alerts.
Assist enabled: When the vehicle
approaches a lane marker line, the func-
tion will actively steer the vehicle back into
the lane using light pressure on the steer-
ing wheel.
Driver support functions are not a sub-
stitute for the driver's attention and
judgment. The driver is always respon-
sible for ensuring the vehicle is driven
in a safe manner, at the appropriate
speed, with an appropriate distance to
other vehicles, and in accordance with
current traffic rules and regulations.
Hands on the steering wheel
Steering assistance with Lane Keeping Aid
only functions if the driver's hands are on the
steering wheel, which the system continu-
ously monitors.
Warning enabled: If the vehicle is about
to move over a lane marker line, the driver
will be alerted by vibrations in the steering
If the driver's hands are not
on the steering wheel, an
audible signal will be given
and a message will instruct
the driver to actively steer the
There is also an option for activating steering
assistance and alerts at the same time.
Lane Keeping Aid – Apply steering