camera and radar sensor, braking may occur
unexpectedly or not at all.
Pilot Assist strives to keep the vehicle
in the center of the lane
The function is supplementary driver
When Pilot Assist provides steering assis-
tance, it strives to position the vehicle in the
center of the lane between the lane markings.
To make the driving experience as smooth as
possible, the driver should permit the vehicle
to find good positioning. The driver should
check that the vehicle is positioned safely in
the lane and can always adjust the vehicle's
position by applying more force to the steering
Pilot Assist attempts to follow a vehicle ahead
in the same lane and maintain a time interval
to that vehicle set by the driver. If the radar
sensor does not detect a vehicle ahead, it will
instead maintain the speed set by the driver.
This will also happen if the speed of the vehi-
cle ahead exceeds the set speed for your vehi-
support intended to facilitate driving
and help make it safer – it cannot han-
dle all situations in all traffic, weather
and road conditions.
The driver is advised to read all sec-
tions in the Owner's Manual about this
function to learn of its limitations,
which the driver must be aware of
before using the function.
Driver support functions are not a sub-
stitute for the driver's attention and
judgment. The driver is always respon-
sible for ensuring the vehicle is driven
in a safe manner, at the appropriate
speed, with an appropriate distance to
other vehicles, and in accordance with
current traffic rules and regulations.
If Pilot Assist does not position the vehicle
appropriately in the lane, the driver should
turn off Pilot Assist or switch to Adaptive
Cruise Control*.
Only a workshop may perform mainte-
nance on driver support components – an
authorized Volvo workshop is recom-
Hands on the steering wheel
Pilot Assist only functions if the driver's hands
are on the steering wheel.
In curves and forks in the road
Pilot Assist is designed to interact with the
driver. The driver should never wait for steer-
ing assistance from Pilot Assist, but instead
should always be ready to increase his or her
own steering efforts, particularly in curves.
If Pilot Assist detects that the
driver's hands are not on the
steering wheel, a symbol and
text message will appear to
instruct the driver to actively
steer the vehicle.
Pilot Assist regulates speed by accelerating
and braking. It is normal for the brakes to emit
a slight sound when they are being used to
adjust speed.
When the vehicle is approaching an off-
ramp or a fork in the road, the driver
should steer toward the desired lane to
indicate to Pilot Assist the desired direc-
tion of travel.
Pilot Assist attempts to smoothly regulate
speed. The driver must apply the brakes in sit-
uations requiring immediate braking. For
example, when there are great differences in
speed between vehicles or if the vehicle ahead
brakes suddenly. Due to limitations in the
If the driver's hands are still not detected on
the steering wheel after a few seconds have
passed, the instructions to actively steer the
vehicle will be repeated, accompanied by an
audible signal.
* Option/accessory.