limits and passing restrictions. Within
the system limits, the system also
displays an additional sign to indicate
special restrictions. The system may
also continue to display the valid speed
limit on roads without signs.
The traffic signs recorded by the Dynamic Road Sign Display are shown in the display of the Volkswagen Digital Cockpit. Depending on the Infotainment system
installed in the vehicle, the road signs may also be displayed there.
Dynamic Road Sign Display is always active when the ignition is started.
Road sign display
Fig. 27 In the instrument cluster display: Example of detected speed limits.
After checking and evaluating the information from the camera, the Infotainment system, and the current vehicle data, the Dynamic Road Sign Display function
displays up to two valid traffic signs and a generic additional sign fig. 27:
1st position: The traffic sign that currently applies is shown on the left side of the display, for example a speed limit of 20 mph (35 km/h).
2nd position: Another road sign can be displayed in the second position, such as a passing restriction.
Additional signs: A recognized additional sign is displayed above the applicable traffic sign. Depending on the system, a generic additional sign is displayed
instead of the actually recognized additional sign. The applicable traffic sign in the display of the instrument cluster is supplemented by the generic
additional sign.
The Dynamic Road Sign Display is not a replacement for the driver's attention and works only within the system limitations. Consequently, the Dynamic Road
Sign Display cannot detect all road signs and may not react, or may react with a delay, or may react in a way that is not desired. Driving recommendations and
road signs displayed in the Dynamic Road Sign Display may differ from the actual traffic situation.
Always stay attentive and do not rely solely on the system. The driver is always responsible for control of the vehicle.
Traffic signs on the roads and traffic regulations must always take precedence over driving recommendations and displays from the Dynamic Road Sign
Display function.
Always adapt your speed and driving style to the visibility, weather, road and traffic conditions.
Limits of the Dynamic Road Sign Display
Please read the introductory information and heed the Warnings and Notice ⇒
Error messages
No road signs available. The system is in the initialization phase.
Or: the vehicle has not detected any road signs.
Error: Dynamic Road Sign Display. System malfunction. If the malfunction persists, contact a suitably qualified professional. Volkswagen recommends
contacting an authorized Volkswagen dealer or authorized Volkswagen Service Facility.
Speed Alert currently not available. The speed alert from the Dynamic Road Sign Display is malfunctioning. If the malfunction persists, contact a suitably
qualified professional. Volkswagen recommends contacting an authorized Volkswagen dealer or authorized Volkswagen Service Facility.
Dynamic Road Sign Display: Clean windshield! The windshield is dirty in the area around the camera or weather conditions are interfering with the camera
view. Clean the windshield.
Dynamic Road Sign Display is currently limited. Data is not being transmitted by the Infotainment system. Check that valid map data is loaded in the
Infotainment system.
Or: the vehicle is located in an area that is not detected on the map stored in the Infotainment system.
No data available. The Dynamic Road Sign Display function is not supported in the country where the vehicle is currently being operated.